Episode 150

Published on:

5th Dec 2023

From 3k months to 3k days, behind the scenes of what it takes to scale

Ready for more? More clients? More impact? More income? Behind the scenes of what I did to go from $0 and 0 clients to 3500 students and $20k months for the last 4 month.

Invitation if you know now is the time to grow your business —

Your ambitious

Your work is changing lives

You have a deep desire to make a big difference

>>>>> Join the 3 Day FREE Experience: Think like a CEO <<<<<


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I’m coming to you today with a very special mini-training from my Instagram account @amberhagberg sharing with you behind the scenes of how I went from really struggling to get anyone into my courses and just deciding that I was going to stop jumping from one course to the next. How I went all in on my retreat business and how that really exploded and how I had to make the same decision with my online business, going all in on one offer and not changing the niche, not changing the program.

Inside this training, you will learn what it took to go from $3k a month to sales, which means I was definitely not making $3k a month because I had to pay the bills and all the things that come with running an online business. And now at sometimes $3k+ a day. Averaging $20k a month in revenue for the last 4 months and before that it was $10k-$12k.


This was my goal last year, and even though it didn’t happen the first half of the year. It did happen because I had one thing in mind. My goal to focus on embodiment and strategy.

Enjoy and if you’re ready to put your CEO hat on, and have more time, freedom, and impact than ever before you can go to the show notes and click the link or comment ceo in any of my social media channels. The link will also be in the show notes.


I’m so so excited! This is retreat week, there is so much bubbling up here. If you’re someone who is starting your business, pivoting your business, or just ready to scale your business, this training is going to be super helpful to you because I’m going to be peeling back the layers on how I went from 0 people in some of my programs to thousands and it’s been a 6-month journey, so comment below say hi if you’re here. Let me know where you're coming in from.

e. I’ve been here now since:

This is like how can I make a big difference? I got here because I had one mantra - I am making a massive difference in the world. And that came from the struggle of not even wanting to be alive. Like when I think about that concept, at one point in my life, I didn’t want to be here. I just understand now that every single thing I’ve gone through has allowed me to become who I am today. And this is how we get to lead business by our own inner growth. Looking at the story that we once lived by and seeing what we chose to do with that story is so different from any other human being and that’s why it doesn’t matter if you’re a yoga teacher, business coach, reiki specials, retreat host. It’s your history, your past, who you become because of all that you have been through.


I was just reflecting on how on Friday I had $3,333 a day. In one day! Last year, at the end of the year, I was thinking to myself, what am I doing? Maybe I should get a job. I grabbed my phone, I was in my car my son was sleeping, I had the AC on and I was looking up online VA jobs. Because that is how my business was going last year.

And then I decided, this isn’t a 3 step process from how I went from making no money a month to making $3,333 a day. It’s not a quick fix and it’s not a bandaid, it’s not a secret. I created an Instagram reel walking you through what I did. But I wanted to give a training because our captions are small and I wanted you to understand that it’s not an easy journey being an entrepreneur because you grow first. You get initiated first. And everything that you go through is a stepping stone for you to help other people. Comment ‘that’s me’ or ‘I get’. That you get initiated again and again. Whether you’re pivoting in your business or you’re just getting started.


What I did last year while I was looking for a job on the internet, I decided I was going to create this program and I’m going to make sure that it works. I’m going to sell it no matter what. I sold this program, for 3 months and got 0 people. I talked about it on Instagram every single day, no matter what. What I did instead of giving up or canceling, I continued to refine my messaging and marketing. I kept tweaking the sales page and the IG post, and I kept creating and updating content for the course itself. I kept myself excited and inspired by the course. I needed this course to work. I wanted this course to work, so what was I doing? Making sure that when it did work it was the best freaking course it possibly could be. And I sold it every single day no matter what.


How many of you have created a course and have given up before it turned out? How many of you have sold a program, talked about it once or twice, sold a retreat, and talked about it once or twice but like didn’t actually refine and master the one thing that you decided? You just jumped from this course to the next course or this niche to the next niche?


Hey, that’s me! I just kept jumping around and then. This is why having a coach and having a mentor is vital. Because my coach asked me - Amber, do you want this course to work? Do you want this course to sell? Then stop jumping to other things-


We did a lot of mindset work together. We did a lot of energy work together. We did a lot of refining on the sales page. I went from $3k a month in January to making $3k a day (I don’t make $3k every single day but have $3k days because I decided I was going to make sure this course works).

It’s the same exact thing I did with retreats. I didn’t know how to choose a location, how to budget, market, or create a schedule. I launched a retreat and I sold it up until the retreat started. And I eventually got 6 people in!


I did end up paying $:


I created this course last year and it was not selling. But because I have been leading retreats now for 8 years, I really wanted to help other retreat leaders not have the same struggles that I had. So whether you have a product, service, or retreat. You have to decide that you are going to do this no matter what.


Yesterday, I’ll tell you, my husband and I were out surfing. And I had started surfing 1 hour before he arrived because he dropped our son off at grandma’s house. When he wasn’t there, I kept thinking to myself - oh, the waves suck, it’s so small, I should be with my son, why am I here?- I was finding all of these excuses in my mind of why I couldn’t surf.


He arrived and he kept getting wave after wave. I couldn’t believe it. But then it hit me. He doesn’t look for excuses he looks for solutions. He looks for solutions. His brain goes to -when it’s smaller you have to enter the wave like this, and when it’s smaller riding the wave like that is better-. He’s adaptable. And I thought oh this adaptability that my husband has in the water, I have my business.


et a goal at the beginning of:


t the end of the year. It’s:

lf where do you want to be in:


And then when you zoom way out like 3 years from now. Because if you’re anything like me, Ambitious, driven by impact, and ready to do this no matter what. I know that the more I grow the more impact I get to have.


I’m inviting you to join me for the Think Like A CEO masterclass. This is going to be a free 3-day experience. If you’re doing insane work in the world, if you’re ready to change more lives, if you're ambitious and driven, ready to be the wave. Together we will create ripples. Comment CEO below or DM me CEO. We’re going to Zoom out and get really clear about what your vision is for next year so that we can create the goal and strategy to get there. Every successful business owner has a plan and a strategy. And now listen, I don’t love doing this stuff. I want to be teaching, coaching, and surfing, hanging with my son. But the bigger vision is really what allows us to get to where we want to go. It’s the inner growth that allows us to attract wealth, success, clients, and students into our lives - but you go first.


Inside the Think Like A CEO masterclass, I’m going to show you exactly the 6 qualities that a CEO needs to have, and how you can embody your work so that you are a magnet for your dream soulmate clients and strategy. There are so many different strategies out there. You can have a monthly membership, courses, programs, masterminds, retreats, or products. What is the right business model for you? What lights you up? We’re going to talk about the different styles of your product suite and how to launch them so that you can not only sell them out but also make the impact and the income that you desire with time freedom.


Because of something that I did when I first started my business, I was trading my time for money. I was working harder in my business than I was in my 7-hour/day job. If I’m going to work this hard, why not just go get a 9-5 job? We want to have free time so that we can be with our babies, go surfing, and be with our friends. And we need to have the money to invest in growth. Coaching mentorship, therapy, acupuncture, massage, or whatever you’re medicine is. There are so many ways that we can heal and because of that, we need money. There are so many different ways to learn and because of that, we need money.


make ripples in the world in:

Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out