Kristen Stuart on Healing, Awakening, and Leading Through Love
In this powerful episode, we’re joined by Kristen Stuart, a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and guide for high-performing leaders. Kristen shares her journey from running a yoga studio to navigating a life-changing Kundalini awakening and ultimately creating a soul-led business that empowers others to align with their highest selves. She and Amber discuss how to trust spirit, overcome the fear of growth, and recognize the profound importance of self-love. We dive into the mystical aspects of spiritual awakening, the healing energy of sacred lands, and the journey to reclaim our divinity in alignment with a rapidly evolving consciousness. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on the transformative power of mentorship, spiritual discipline, and the sacred feminine.
Kristen is an Empowerment Guide, Quantum Healer, and Spiritual + Ascension Mentor with over 20 years of experience guiding women on their spiritual journeys. After a profound spiritual awakening in 2012, where she encountered the Divine Mother, she embraced her role as an activator of divine feminine power, integrating various modalities such as Yogic Technology, Kundalini, Andean Shamanism, Indigenous Wisdom, and the Akashic Records into her work.
- 00:02:27 — Kristen’s Journey
- 00:09:47 — Transformative self-love and divine feminine guidance
- 00:13:38 — Listening to spirit's call to shift, trusting in mentorship, and traveling to healing lands
- 00:25:27 – Power of Meditation: Slowing down, breathing, and reconnecting to cultivate self-trust.
- 00:27:10 – Recognizing past oppressions and the rise of consciousness in the present.
- 00:28:25 – Tapping into our divine gifts and the empowerment of the feminine.
- 00:33:05 – The impact of self-love on healing generational wounds.
- 00:40:48 – The unique purpose each individual carries and the collective power of alignment.
Amplified impact for multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets.
::This is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
::I'm here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and your business.
::One who stands out and thrives.
::This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the inside out.
::I'm so excited to be back today.
::I have a very special special guest that I met at as she Rises this year in Canada which was just amazing because all of you listening know that one of my big missions is retreats, in person, events, collaborations, and just the beautiful people that we get to meet along the way.
::So Kristen Stewart is a spiritual mentor for high performing leaders, an energy healer and a speaker.
::And what really landed for me was when she was on stage and she was talking about having a yoga studio, the yoga studio studio closing and then going on to become really successful after that.
::And very similar to me, for those of you that have been listening to my story for a while, know that I was the yoga teacher.
::Six teaching 16 yoga classes a week, like making $6,000 a year, like driving hours in my car because I wanted to change the world and I was really broke.
::And so Kristen, I think is just going to be a really good example of like following spirit, following soul and like trusting the evolution of the impact that you're here to have.
::So Kristen, thank you for being here.
::Thank you so much.
::It's an honor to be here and it's great to reconnect after as she rises and you know, to be opening these conversations and showing women what's possible.
::Yeah, I got chills when you said that, like showing women what's possible.
::Why don't you just give us a kind of backdrop of like your story, how you got here, where you started and the evolution of your like what is frickin possible?
::I mean I've always had quite the, the desire to live on a different path.
::I remember being in university and thinking there's got to be more than graduate, get a job, do the things, get married, have kids.
::I was like, that seems too, not that seems too organized, too structured in a way.
::And so, I mean, from the time I was in university, I, you know, dove into spiritual teachings literally.
::So at 18 years old, I was studying Buddhism and Hinduism and just really starting to explore that path.
::I was studying women's develop Women's studies, development studies.
::Like everything that piqued my interest, I was able to pursue in the degree that I had at the time, which was in.
::Which was in tourism.
::And it's what propelled me onto the path of travel.
::And that's all I knew, is that I wanted to travel.
::I wanted to move and, you know, explore the world.
::I grew up in a very small town in northern Alberta in Canada called cold lake.
::Like 3,000 people, community.
::And I knew there was this huge world out there.
::And so it was like the ignition of my spiritual path, the ignition of the curiosity, curiosity, the explorer, the adventure in me.
::All, you know, started to become satisfied and put me on a path of, you know, I mean, I was in Bali in 1995 and that was the last time I was there.
::So I know it's changed quite a bit.
::And, you know, exploring Costa Rica in 1999 in the year 2000.
::And so, you know, going to these lands which, reflecting back were these.
::It was the energy, it was the grids, it was the light of these lands that were calling me.
::And they carry very significant energy.
::There's vortices, there's the ley lines of the earth, the chakras of the earth.
::Like all of this, I now know, was why, you know, at a very young age, I was called to go to certain parts of the world and explore.
::And I eventually landed in the Canadian Rockies in 2002, or 2001, actually, and began.
::I had a, you know, a brief stint working in an office doing administration and marketing for a adventure travel or an adventure climbing company, basically.
::And this was also when I began climbing.
::I met my now husband in 2002, and our life for a long time was basically rooted in adrenaline pursuits.
::Ice climbing, rock climbing, alpine climbing, mountain biking, you know, very mountain lifestyle.
::My job in the office was very brief.
::That just did not satisfy my soul.
::So I became an international hiking guide, personal trainer, yoga teacher, and everything just started to move.
::You know, there's a lot of passion, passion for experiencing life to its fullest.
::And that's actually all I really ever focused on.
::I didn't focus on business.
::I didn't focus on making money.
::I didn't even take those things into consideration.
::My focus in my life was so long as I'm feeling lit and expanded and I'm.
::I'm living in a way that my heart and my soul are on fire, then I feel like I'm succeeding.
::However, there comes a time when it's like, okay, where are we at?
::You know, so When I was 37, the year 2012, I opened Sacred Roots Yoga Studio.
::And just prior to that, I went to Peru on my first journey to Peru, specifically for the year.
::The dates 1111 11, November 11, 2011.
::Experienced a massive awakening.
::Went into a state of merging with oneness was in that high.
::Came back, opened the studio January the 20th.
::And by my birthday, July 31st, I was on the floor in the hospital on suicide watch, basically.
::And so it was a very accelerated awakening.
::I also didn't have full comprehension of what was going on as far as the height of a true Kundalini awakening, what that can be and what that can mean.
::And so, you know, it was like a perfect storm because I trained my body to live on high states of adrenaline.
::It was my drug, I would say.
::And through my lifestyle choices, underneath that was a, was a program of trauma that I had not addressed that was propelling my lifestyle.
::That's another piece of the story coming out of 2012.
::So it was, you know, it was quite like traumatic and it had a huge impact on my life.
::I was, you know, on the verge of bankruptcy.
::My marriage was on the verge of ending and I had no, like, I had no health within me.
::All I could do was lay in bed, I couldn't move, I couldn't function, I couldn't think.
::I all.
::I, you know, I was trying to save the studio and then I let it go and then I went in really deep and it was, you know, some would call the dark night of the soul journey.
::It was the, the awakening to my light.
::And initially the initial stages of that were the recognition that I was operating on a program that did not have really much self love involved.
::And so that was the beginning.
::I call that the first stage of awakening is coming home to the self love.
::I had annihilated my nervous system.
::And so, you know, what precedes suicidal psychosis is, you know, anxiety, depression, you know, panic attacks.
::Like all of this was happening prior to the full breakdown, meltdown, breakthrough, so to speak.
::The interesting piece was still through that.
::When I share this piece about self love, which I feel so important to bring through, is because there was still this program in my mind, a voice saying, what is wrong with you?
::Like, get up off the floor.
::You've spent like, you've had 18 hour climbs in the mountains.
::You're stronger than this.
::And that was the, the voice.
::And it was fierce and it was judgmental and it was the recognition that I'd been operating on these programs of not Enoughness.
::And so it was just like proving and pushing and forcing my way.
::And so that, that was so, you know, that was the turning point for me.
::I'd already been immersed in teaching and practicing yoga and meditation and all these beautiful practices, though not really dedicated to meditation because it was easier for me to move.
::And so, you know, it was a forced slowdown, the universal smackdown to go in and bring myself into alignment and ultimately bring myself home, home to love, bring myself home to the divinity within.
::And it's what propelled and activated a path of studying and, well, first meeting the Divine Mother literally, and then immersing myself in the path of the divine feminine to come home to that embodiment within and create a new program of operation and one that was founded in the deepest rooted love, where what I saw was my, my divinity.
::What I saw was my power.
::What I saw was, you know, was grace.
::And, you know, the, the human side of me.
::I mean, it was quite.
::It was a lot to navigate and, you know, the, the journey back mentally and in my endocrine system hormonally, all of that was.
::It was powerful and it, it did show me what I was made of and what I could do.
::And then from there I, you know, I wound up returning to teaching yoga a little bit.
::But around 2018, 19, I could feel things want to shift, and my coaching practice fell in my lap.
::So out of 2012, I literally had women coming to me saying when they saw me return, really, they're like, can you.
::I want to work with you.
::You know, they're navigating burnout, they're navigating that, still living out of alignment with their soul ultimately.
::And so I began conscious coaching.
::I called it conscious coaching for the CEO.
::And within that there was this, you know, my, my gifts began opening more and more.
::So suddenly, you know, I was in the Akashic record starting in 2012, started to understand what was actually going on there.
::And by 2019, I heard the messages.
::You're going to pivot.
::2020, of course, happened on a global level.
::We know what happened then.
::And I knew that was the time to go fully online.
::And I knew that I was going to be opening a new trajectory within my work, mentorship wise.
::And it was also, it was like, I felt, I'll never forget this.
::It was like I felt like I got kicked out on stage.
::And, you know, the Divine Mother was like, you've got to bring this work in the higher dimensions to more women so they can understand the programming.
::They've been Operating on and reclaim, reclaim their divinity, reclaim their sovereignty and reclaim that state of embodied truth from within.
::And I remember one of the first, the first woman I ever read the Akashic records for publicly.
::She's quite famous in some realms.
::And I remember thinking, God universe, are you kidding?
::Like could you not have given me someone less famous to begin this work with because it was such a big step and I could feel the fear, I could feel the fear that was still old layers of fear of persecution for having this level of access to consciousness.
::And you know, as an oracle, which all women are, oracles, channels, we are, you know, we carry within us the power of the mystery as the creatrix plugged into the womb of Source.
::And so there's all these layers started to open and you know, I, I knew I was leading a movement for the sacred feminine and the sacred femme woman, reconnecting women with this and supporting the return of this on the planet to come into a harmonic consciousness with the masculine unity consciousness.
::And I basically my coaching, I, when I decided I was going next level, I incorporated a sacred femme and within a year, you know, I'd hit half a million dollars going from those yoga teacher type incomes right where you know, initially 30,000 a year was huge and I had built a six figure business as a yoga teacher.
::I ran international retreats, I still do, they carry a different frequency now and a bit of a different context yet.
::I saw, I had, I invested in mentorship for the first time, early 2021, end of 2020, and saw what programming was playing that was, you know, the broke healer type paradigm and being properly compensated for my gifts.
::And I knew I was like what I have cultivated and what I've developed here and who I am, you know, I want to, I want to take a stand for the era of the mystic multi millionaires and that we're bringing this through.
::You know, the, the awakening and the, the mastery that is required to master our channels, to master our gifts as multi dimensional women.
::It's like there is a whole, there's a whole huge percentage of the world that is about to turn around and look for this sort of support to understand what's going on as we are in this epic time of planetary ascension.
::You know, we're in the greatest shift in consciousness humanity has ever known.
::It's so powerful just to like hear your story and all the different pieces that I could pull and all the similarities that come in and just like the thread that I just kept, see weaving is the initiation, the life, death, rebirth, and the spiritual guidance that, like, you've had all along in.
::In all of those moments and to see, like, what happens on the other side and how quickly things can change when we do listen to the voice that's being spoken to us, because I think so many of us have been taught how to ignore that voice and the rule breakers, right?
::It's like, this is the way it's supposed to be.
::But spirit's telling you, like, no, there's another way.
::And there is no example.
::It's like, you get to be the leader in that and the evolution of that.
::And just to hear your story of, like, getting in the room and mentorship and knowing, like, something's coming, but, like, not knowing what's coming, it's like leaning in and getting in the room, I think is such a powerful, like, movement that we are on.
::And, like, just how you literally came into my mind, like, the kundalini.
::I had a kundalini session.
::You came into my mind.
::And then I checked my email, and you had literally booked a session.
::It was like we were connected.
::And I know you were saying, like, right now, like, there is this global awakening.
::And what you were saying about the chakras of the world, it's like being called to all the places that you mentioned.
::Bali, India, Peru.
::Like, I've been to all of them.
::Costa Rica, I say, is like the healing vortex of the heart.
::The heart chakra, because you come here and the medicine that you receive is, like, not anything that you would imagine.
::And some people aren't ready for it.
::And so many people are called because that's what they're craving.
::We don't even realize.
::Some don't even realize that it's actually the energy that's calling us there, the land that's calling us there.
::And I love how you said that you found this place and, like, you anchored in and you found your home, but from there, you're still constantly growing and evolving.
::And aside from mentorship, like, what do you think has been really helpful for you to trust that voice of, like, no, there's something more.
::Even if it was like, okay, like, six figures is great.
::Like, I have a really profound career and I'm having impact.
::But that desire for more, and how do you lean into that without, like, more being lack, but more being, like, expansion into the possibility?
::Yeah, I think it's, you know, dropping.
::And meditation is the practice that I will forever speak to.
::The potency and the power of it.
::It is what brought me back, really, when I.
::When I reflect on that journey, I, you know, I remember and I popping this piece in, I remember that, I mean I had a mental health team at the time.
::It was, you know, it was crisis.
::And I remember the psychiatrist, I mean she just had a clipboard, 37 year old female, suicidal.
::And, and so I had to go see her a couple times.
::I didn't, we didn't resonate very well.
::However, I remember going back into her office within the year and she looked at me and she said, tell me everything, because most people who were where you were don't come back.
::And I said meditation.
::And then all of the, you know, the physical supports and all the these pieces.
::I mean I was, I was very deeply immersed in the holistic path already.
::But I said it was learning how to bring that coherent state within, between heart and brain.
::So I did heart math work, but it was, it was dropping deeper and deeper into my truth and cultivating the stillness and cultivating that, that still seat which is where, you know, all power lies within, is in our own presence.
::And so diving into that, receiving these messages and understanding these messages are for me, I'm not going crazy.
::These are my gifts coming online even more and more.
::And as we attune to higher frequency, we're attuning to higher frequency messages, like where there's more that will come through, right?
::And this is where we recognize the multidimensionality of this existence and the infinite potential.
::And so knowing that we are, we are a speck of the infinite potential that is here.
::Our universe is a speck of the infinite universes that are here.
::And knowing that I am here as a lightworker, you know, that, that really always resonated for me to support the elevation of consciousness, to bring us back to a place of, of union, to be a pillar of light on the planet so that we can be anchoring in and activating the like the truth of our soul.
::The truth that we are here is light.
::We are here.
::We come from oneness, we return to oneness.
::And in between, we're here live as lit, expansive, enjoy in our light, in harmony as possible.
::Like that's what this life is for.
::The programming was to suffer the freedom, the sovereignty comes from the recognition that we're here to remember the truth of who we are on a soul level and then be expressed as this through our human.
::And this is what is bringing us, we come into a, you know, a coherent state and resonant state.
::And then we start to find one another again.
::Just like the land plans call us back to pick up remembrance, remembrance of these frequencies, remembrance of these codes where our soul, like, our soul remembers this.
::And you know, the other, other destinations for me where I run retreats and have journeyed is Greece and Egypt.
::And Egypt was a really powerful one for me in 2022.
::And what I experienced and saw there opened up a whole other level which speaks to, you know, this question around, like, what brings me into this, this like non unstoppable commitment to expansion and higher consciousness, Being a vessel of it up, leveling myself to the highest state that I can possibly attain in this lifetime is the knowing that this is what is birthing the future.
::And so on one of the paths that I've studied, Andean shamanism, I began immersing in that starting in 2011, the teachings that came through and some of the experiences I had when I was in Peru, which, you know, as we know, vibrates at such an epically high frequency.
::And I remember receiving messages from the land around the evolution of the next human, literally.
::So where are we going from Homo sapien?
::I was like, whoa, this is big.
::Like, this is big consciousness that we're speaking to here.
::And the answer was homo luminous.
::And I remember saying that, homo luminous and seeing the expression of what that would look like.
::And it meant that we were transitioning from this third dimensional, carbon dense consciousness to be the living embodiment of light, of a crystalline fifth dimensional consciousness anchored in unconditional love, anchored in the limitless and the infinite, which is the truth of the universe and who we are.
::But what it means is dismantling all the overlays, all the illusion and thus contraction and fear that we've been living in, so that we can liberate, liberate the soul, liberate our light fully, which is being supported by all the spirit guide teams, we could call them, all the gorgeous babies that have been born on this planet, especially within the last 10 years.
::I mean, every child, every soul coming in is bringing more light, is supporting the elevation of frequency and consciousness.
::And so the highly sensitive, the empath, the, all of this is really our gifts.
::We're attuning to ever higher frequencies.
::And as we do so, what we're, what we're extracting is ever higher truth.
::And so I think, you know, the greatest gift, our greatest offering to the world is our trust in our own power and the expression, liberated expression of our truth.
::And so our intuition is the superpower.
::It's subtle, you know, I'm just thinking.
::Like, as you say, that it's like Tying together where you started.
::Meditation, it's like trusting our own voice, trusting our power, trusting the messages that we receive.
::And that doesn't happen in the doingness.
::And so, like, as the world got busier and busier and busier and busier, we're more disconnected from ourself and our truth.
::And like all of the noise, the marketing and the messaging and the fear and the news and all the things that are keeping us separate from what is inside and the power that we hold and the freedom that comes because most people think, you know, I can't meditate, I can't slow down my mind, I can't sit still, I don't have time.
::And it's like, I'm not sure how many of those people that don't realize it's a practice that it's like, actually that's the fear keeping us in the fear base of where we.
::They want.
::They want us to be people in power.
::But it's like, it is like people more and more are stepping into meditation and consciousness is awakened and people do desire to connect their light.
::And I think we've been so disconnected from our sacred gifts that it is like, go nine to five, go to college, basically become a machine.
::Don't think for yourself.
::And yet there's this huge movement of like, there's another way.
::But I think this is what it used to be, but now it's just coming at a more rapid speed of like, if I sit and I breathe and I connect to my vessel, it's like the messages that come through, it's like, that brings us back.
::I got chills when I said that.
::It brings us back to, like, where we came from and where we go.
::And that's always a question I sit with, is like, if I was brought into this world from where and I leave and I go where.
::Like, this experience we have as a human is so small to the bigger spectrum of that.
::So I just loved how you wove those two in of like.
::Now my question for you is, like, how do I trust in my sacred gifts?
::How do I unlock those gifts?
::Because it's an evolution.
::Like, there are things that, like, you just know, are naturally your gifts.
::And then as you continue to grow and evolve, your gifts get stronger and clearer and more brighter.
::And how do you keep leaning into unlocking, like, your soul's purpose of being here?
::Yeah, you know, it's cultivating the richest sense of connection within.
::You know, it's the cultivation of union within, union with our.
::Our God self, our divine self.
::Our soul and it's, it's cutting out the noise, the outside noise.
::There's been a really, you know, there's been a really powerful movement over the last few years of recognizing where we've been giving our power away to someone else, else's authority, someone else's opinion where people have given their power away to money even, right?
::And it's this claiming back of we are the ones in full power.
::And I mean, ultimately we're afraid of how powerful we are.
::That's what I truly believe.
::Like that.
::And, and for women, there's a lot of the, the history, the reality of history.
::We've got to pay attention has created a, you know, strong, strong consciousness in the field that has had women, you know, disconnect from their power, disconnect from their voice, disconnect from their sacred gifts because of the fear of persecution for that, that still lives in the field.
::That wasn't so long ago we had the witch hunts, you know, and so we look at our lineage and everything that came forth.
::You know, we're living in the greatest time of opportunity ever.
::And our, the generations before us did not have the opportunity we of.
::And so what we're here to do is to remember who we are, right?
::Like it literally is.
::Remember who we are, connect on the deepest level, and to trust our power before anyone else's.
::Like, we've got to trust our knowing.
::And cultivating the trust within is, I mean, the foundation.
::You've got to have a regulated nervous system.
::So there's, there's, you know, the very tangible pieces of regulating the nervous system.
::So the information you're receiving is coming from like a place of regulation and connection versus dysregulation and fear, right?
::And the more we cultivate spaciousness for self, the more we cultivate opportunities to drop in, to connect, to be with, you know, others who speak the same language, right, who share similar philosophy, similar beliefs.
::We don't all have to believe the same things yet there's.
::The frequency is different, right?
::When, when we are in connection with one another, when we're in groups, in conscious spaces having powerful conversations that are focused on solutions, that are focused on bringing forth new realities, that are focused on the power we are as creators versus getting lost in the noise and the distraction of consumption of information, of, you name it out there, there's a lot of things to distract us, but it's.
::Can you return to center again and again, no matter what's going on?
::This is powerful leadership.
::And this is what we're being Summoned forth to, to do and to remember and be in that space of such harmony and union and trust within self that we can walk with what we believe, no matter what, no matter what is going on around us, no matter how many people don't agree, no matter what other people have to say, we're no longer pulled by any force because we're living in this unified force with our soul, with our, you know, relationship to God, source, the universe, whatever language really resonates here.
::That's an unstoppable force.
::That's a self sourced, well resourced woman.
::And there's a couple of things that you said that was like, just landed deeply for me in a conversation I've been having lately is like it wasn't that long ago we needed a man to open a bank account.
::It wasn't that long ago that like we couldn't even vote.
::Like women and what has happened and women creating wealth and generational wealth.
::It was like giving me chills as you were speaking because I'm pregnant with a daughter and I'm like that, that's in her conversation right now.
::Like this is in her.
::But like for my grandmother, right.
::Like my grandmother lived off of her husband.
::Like that isn't that long ago.
::She like actually I lived in her womb.
::And so it's like this conversation of like what's happening right now and what's moving forward is so big.
::But the way that you weave this in through like spaciousness for spell, it came back to your story of self love and that is literally where mine was birthed is like when I left a relations after four and a half years and a relationship I was in, I knew I shouldn't be in from the moment I literally, after I left him three years later was like, oh, I did something neither of my parents could do.
::I broke ancestral patterning.
::And so it just came into this like frequency of like self love is the baseline.
::But like for so many women, we lost that for so many years where it was just like we bow down to the husband and we're just home to take care of the kids.
::And now that we're coming back to like how powerful women are, that we can continue bringing humanity into this world in existence through like holding babies.
::Like if we can create humans when we're powerful, like it gave me chills when you were talking about the witch hunt.
::Like that's not, that wasn't that long ago and like that's how powerful we are as women when we get still if you think about the sacredness of, like, the red tent and like, the harmony of, like, our bleed and our menstrual cycle.
::And it was just like so much juice that you were sharing.
::I feel like it's just like this thread in the conversation.
::And I was curious for you, like, what do you wish more women knew, like, after you've had this, like, huge journey?
::Just your story from like 30 to now is like, wow, you've lived lifetimes.
::And through that activation of like, self mastery and really honing your gifts and like, working with lots of women, like, what do you wish they knew more?
::It would come back to trust self, trust the messages within.
::Trust your.
::Your inner voice, you know, for me.
::So I'll be 50 in 20, 25, so I'll be 50 in July.
::And, you know, it's an interesting place to be.
::So I'm in.
::You know, I'm.
::I went into menopause at 44.
::Like, boom.
::And that was a big, you know, rite of passage time, and one that often comes with a negative lens in society around, like, well, you're no longer fertile, you know, aging all of the things you know, and everyone's fighting the aging.
::And it's like, embody and embrace this.
::This next level of.
::Of power in this phase.
::I mean, this is my greatest phase of life ever right now.
::And I wish more women one did not fear the.
::The process of.
::Of gaining wisdom, which is, you know, evolution, and had that foundation of self love so that who they see in the mirror is coming with this.
::This self acceptance and this, like, adoration.
::I mean, I have never felt more powerful, more beautiful, more liberated and more me than now in my life.
::And I'm just getting started in many ways.
::And a lot of the work I do with women, it comes back to self worth.
::It comes back to using their voice and that the like.
::And I said this to a group of women I'm working with in this reclamation program right now.
::It's like, the older you are, the closer you are to the density of the consciousness that created the, you know, this fear of your voice, the forcing consciousness.
::Because the clo.
::The older you are, the closer you are to the density of the patriarchal consciousness that has been running for thousands upon thousands of years.
::And what we're doing right now, the feminine is.
::Well, everyone is reclaiming the feminine, and the liberation is here.
::But the tighter those programs have been, the stronger they hold root.
::Because I.
::I do work with a lot of women in their late 30s through 60s, and when I We start talking about, you know, where they feel there's something holding them back.
::It's in these old beliefs that were rooted in patriarchal thinking.
::And so I.
::My greatest desire is for all women to know the.
::The beauty they are, the divinity they are, and the power of their truth and how necessary it is for this to be expressed and to be spoken.
::I think one of the, you know, the feminist movement was amazing on some levels for certain equalities it brought, but it was also very damaging because it was rooted in patriarchal consciousness.
::So not only were women, you know, the.
::The primary householders and caretakers of the children and whatnot, now you needed to be a badass businesswoman.
::And, you know, and, and, and, and, and what women wound up doing was, you know, moving into this very masculine way of operating and not honoring the sanctity and the sacredness of the feminine within.
::And this is a lot of work I do with women, is bringing them into the divine feminine embodiment.
::And so can we return to the heart?
::Can we return to love?
::Can we return to the remembrance of the power we are, the beauty, the love, and, you know, ultimately the infinite we are.
::When we remember this, then we start living through a lens that feels so expansive.
::Like, as you're speaking, it's like if you could just remember who you are and where you came from and where you're going.
::It's like the freedom that you would feel to be a woman and all of the iterations of becoming a woman, because, yeah, the older that you get, the wiser that you become.
::And as you shared your story in the beginning, I was just like, you are full of so much wisdom from those stories of, like, the example of what happens when you die and you're reborn and you die and you're reborn, and it's just like, how can we come back to that truth?
::And it's like sitting in silence and really owning who you are and your gifts and.
::Thank you so much for this conversation.
::My heart is activated.
::I'm alive.
::Know, anyone listening is probably like, oh, my gosh, this is so good.
::I'm curious for you.
::Like, with all that you've done and all that you've achieved and where you are now, why are you here for so much more?
::Like, you've made ripples of change in your life and impact in the world, and I know that you desire.
::You desire more of that.
::And what does that mean to you?
::You know, I.
::I remember hearing these words literally.
::It's time to walk.
::My daughter's home.
::And it was from the Divine Mother.
::And then the messages started to expand and it was, you are here to activate 144, 000 light workers into their divine mission, into the truth of their.
::Their soul mission on the highest levels.
::And it's like, I know that one.
::We're clearing, you know, we used to say through the shamanic lens, we're clearing seven generations back through our own healing.
::Seven generations back, seven generations forward.
::What we know now in the quantum realm is that we're clearing.
::We're clearing history and we're creating the new.
::The new template, the new paradigm through us.
::And it's one that gets to be rooted in the dreams we see, the heaven on earth that we're here to bring home through us.
::You know, that's literally when we come home, we're bringing through that heaven on mother Earth is home and what I see in the future.
::So I didn't bring children in this lifetime.
::And I've got a very special connection to a young girl in Peru that I've watched and supported grow up essentially.
::And you know, I think a lot about her and I think a lot about the future that I want her to live.
::And of course, course, my nieces and many of my clients, they call me their midwife, you know, their midwife of awakening so that they can be better mothers and, you know, clear these, these generational patterns and whatnot.
::So what we're birthing because we're creating the future in this now moment, with every thought, with every action, with everything we're doing, we're creating what's coming.
::Can we anchor the highest vision and be the embodiment of that, which means going in and doing that deep inner work, the uncomfortable work, the, you know, to integrate the shadow aspects of self and recognize it was simply where we separated and we're here to come into our wholeness, to bring through a whole new paradigm of truth that is rooted in, you know, in union and in the knowing that there really are no limits to what's possible.
::And so for every woman that reclaims her voice, her wealth, her power, her wisdom, her.
::Her force, you know, of creation on the planet and brings it through in whatever expression it is meant to be shared in is opening, like opening more and more light, because what is streaming is our unique light and.
::And soul codes to the world.
::And everyone is here with a unique coding and offering and expression.
::And I know that I'm here to be a vessel, a vessel of source wisdom and to be supporting those that are here Fully committed to birthing a new reality on this planet and one that is anchored in sustainability and harmony and reverence and deep like just the reverence of the sacred, the sacred of this planet, the sacred of Pachamama, Mother Earth, Gaia, the sacredness of the divine feminine and the sacred masculine within.
::And you know, in dynamics and relationship as we are all an expression of this and finding our way home to this balance within.
::And this is what is creating the shifts in relationships.
::There's a lot of that going on right now.
::And you know, I, I know that I, I get to bring forth so much from what my experience has been as a woman, as a leader, you know, breaking the, you know, the generational piece around women, holding and circulating large amounts of wealth and in a conscious way, you know, I'm, my husband and I just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary and to go through, you know, a lot of what we've gone through and what I've shared with you is like a just a little snippet of the stories and the experiences, of course, and to be able to bring forth our, you know, our wisdom and support more unions, more true, deep, divine union relationships on the planet.
::I know that's also part of what I'm here to do because the more harmony, doesn't that feel good in the body?
::Like the more harmony that is here, the more harmony that is here.
::And what we will see is the shifts and the changes that, you know, we dream of, that we, we desire for all the future generations.
::So let that be the legacy.
::Let me leave a legacy of light in all expressions.
::So beautiful.
::And I was just hearing, you know, harmony throughout all that you are sharing and all that you are speaking in that when you know, you see yourself, you see divine consciousness, you see the oneness.
::And then to merge that into a 20 year marriage, which congratulations, especially when divorce rate is so high, like what is union and the amount of growth that you've got to go on together because you're not the same people that you were when you got married.
::And like, I'm sure like a whole wealth of wisdom in that and like what it really means to, you know, I always say marriage is forever until forever, you know, as long as forever lasts.
::It's like forever doesn't exist unless you create it.
::And I think that's the uniting.
::And so I'm just so grateful for this time that we got to share.
::And I know anyone listening is proud, probably like beaming, glowing, like rating it and more light, like I feel lighter after this conversation.
::I Just want to thank you for bringing that here and sharing your wealth of wisdom and being on this podcast so that anyone that's listening now, like, where can they go to find you?
::Where do you love to hang out?
::How can they binge more of you?
::Yeah, absolutely.
::Thank you.
::You know, my.
::The best place is.
::Is Instagram.
::That is where I hang out at, at Underscore, Kristen Stewart.
::That's where you'll find me.
::You know, lots of different transmissions and codes that I'm streaming through my audio transmissions and whatnot.
::And, you know, my.
::My business model is, is.
::Is based on mastermind and membership and an opportunity for women to walk with me.
::If you want to journey to sacred sites around the world and gather in beautiful community and activation, then, you know, these are.
::These are some of the ways that we can hang out.
::So Instagram or Facebook, and I am in the middle of a website revamp, but you can still go to and there's some information on there if you want to dive in deeper and say hello.
::Like, I'm.
::I'm actively the one in my, in my DMS communicating and sharing.
::I love to hear, you know, what is landing, what you're excited about, what you want to hear more about, you know, these conversations and just, you know, definitely you've not yet done.
::So go give this podcast a whole lot of love and celebration because it's these sorts of conversations that are bringing through so much expansion, where we're allowing these conversations to ripple into the collective and, you know, have impact and activate people into their next levels.
::And this is what burrs through new paradigms and new artistry and permission.
::If anyone needed permission to make a pivot in their life, to realize that, you know, no matter where you are at right now, because I recognize that we are navigating a very interesting time on the planet.
::All of it is guiding you home to your truth, to your soul, to your power, to your light, so that you can bring this through and be part of the light that is birthing for the next generation.
::Yeah, and I'll be sure to easily go to the show notes and click her Instagram, her Facebook run and give Kristen a follow.
::Say hi.
::And, you know, my favorite thing here is like, screenshot this.
::Tell us your biggest takeaway.
::Tag us.
::Say hi.
::I always say, like, I created the podcast Instagram my business, because I live in the jungle and I want true, deep connection where it's like we're actually having inner conversations.
::So I really love what you shared about like the consciousness that we're shifting.
::The more people that find Kristin, the more people that find this podcast, the more people that are here in developing and investing into this work, the faster the consciousness will shift.
::And we are in a huge awakening.
::And I know anyone listening can literally feel that.
::But thank you so much, Kristin, and I'll talk to you guys on the next episode.