Episode 164

Published on:

5th Mar 2024

3 simple shifts to make more sales, this week!

In this solo episode, Amber shares how to make more sales on Instagram with 3 simple shifts. She gives client and personal examples to be vision holders for you and your business and show you how to apply them with ease.


Want to learn how to create low-ticket offers, launch with ease, and sell passively to reach your income goals (and surpass them!)?

In my new program, Rich, I'm showing you the exact process I use to add thousands of dollars to my monthly revenue with low ticket offers.

Learn more here


Time stamps:

02:50 -Tip 1: How my client went from not making sales to having a $3k week

06:00 -Abundance mindset in coaching and sharing your expertise

07:40 -Tip 2: Clarity Analysis 

08:50 -Holding the vision of transformation

10:57 -Tip 3: Keep showing up

12:30 -Daily content




Stay connected with Amber on IG

Amplified Impact Facebook Group


Amplified impact.




Multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets.


This is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn.


How to tune?


Into your mission and connect with your.


Clients, The ones.


Who you dream to serve and create.


Massive impact.


In their lives, I'm here to inspire you to take time for yourself so

you can be the leader in your life and.


Your business.


One who?


Stands out and thrives.


This is the place.


Where women, just like you, create wealth from the inside out.


All right.


Today I'm going to share with.


You a live.


Stream that I did on Instagram.


Three simple shifts to make more sales in your business.




This week.


This month Enjoy.


All right.


Good morning from.


Costa Rica.


Just a few deep breasts, really.


Let yourself.


Land here I want to.


Share with you a.


Few simple shifts that you can make in your.


Sales strategy today.


To increase.


Your overall.


Monthly revenue coming from someone.


Who used to dread sales?


Coming from someone who?


Used to fear.


The conversation around sales to someone who?


Shows up every single week day.


Even though she has a son.


Even though she has a husband.


Even though she has a life.


Tons of friends, passion, projects and sells every single day.


And the simple shift that I made in my mind.


Was sales.


As a form of service, it's the way in which.


I have the impact.


That my heart.


Deeply desires if you're.


Someone ambitious, driven desire to change the world.


Put it in the comments.


Let's make more sales.


Tell me everything.


This is something that has I've grown into and what we really want.


To to look at is what are you selling.


This is day three of 365 days.


Behind the scenes of how I'm selling my business, if it's working, if

it's not, and how you can take this and implement it into your



Strategy overall so that you can.


Help more.




The first thing.


That we did.


With my client who recently had a three.


K week after.


Struggling to make sales.


The first thing was not trying to go in for the marriage.


Right away.


And what I mean by.


This is instead.


Of trying to.


Sell your retreat high ticket.


Offer one-on-one coaching mastermind.


Have a low entryway like hey.


Do you want to go to the movies?


Hey, do you want to go grab a bite to eat rather than?


Saying like, hey, do you want to get married and have kids this?


Is what has.


Really worked for me.


It's creating a transformational journey for your clients.


That is really.


Easing them in where?


They get to feel your.




They get to.


Experience the transformation.


Of what it's like to work with you.


And then?


If it's the right fit, eventually.


They're going to ascend.


Creating free content online isn't.


Necessarily about 5 steps to do this.


Three steps to do this.


However, I do teach that and I.


Do implement that.


That's not the only.




So what?


We want to do is weave in.


Different types.


Of content in the free content.


And then?


Creating a freebie and then creating a.


Low ticket offer the low ticket.


Offer most people.


Are like give it a bite sized piece, give them just a taste.


Give them just a sample and I'm like, let's give them a buffet.


Let them Really.




It's like going on a first.


Date Third date 4th date.


And only showing parts and.


Pieces of yourself.


And then you guys move in together and they're like.


Who are you?


I don't know this person.


It's important that we really.




Ourselves up and know that you're.


Always going to have more to give and the reason I say that is the.


Fear of like well, if I.


Teach this in my mini course or in my freebie or my low.


Ticket offer what's left?


It's like there's.


Always more.


Because you're always growing.


And when my client Amanda implemented.


The freebie.


From Instagram, she has an incredible following, lots of engagement.


She added the freebie.


And the freebie upsold them.




Her one-on-one.




She had a 3K week with five.


$100 now on reoccurring revenue and reoccurring revenue for your



Gives you the ability.


To not necessarily.


Always need.


To be selling but the.


Desire to be.


Selling many different things.


And when you can sell many different things, you're.


Going to be able to help.


Many different people upon their journey just as.


You have.


Your life journey and who you help now.


Excuse me?


Who you help now is going to.


Be so.


Different than who you help.


In five years.


Three years.


From now and I remember when this happened to me in my business, and

it was.


Like I was a yoga.


Self Love coach and I had finally just got my groove and teaching

people how to like fall in love with themselves and fall in love.


With their life.


And then so I was like, Oh my gosh, like you don't have to sell your

time for money.


You don't need to be a hustling teacher.


Become a business coach and in the beginning, as a business coach.


I was teaching very simple What is your offer?


Who do you serve?


How do you sell it?


That was a year ago.


And now what I'm selling is like, hey, I just got.


5000 people into a low ticket offer.


And that has.




Sold out my mastermind, my retreats and my one-on-one coaching.


What I'm teaching now is so much different than when I was teaching in



You will always.


Have more to teach?


You can never.




Too much.


And this is one of the contradictory things that people tell you

online is like don't give away too much.


And while I do believe.


That we don't want to create an Instagram.


Feed of just like teaching.


And we want to.


Create different types.


Of content.


So, so that people aren't just coming for the free stuff, but they're

actually getting to know you.


Your heart, your values, What it is you love, what it is you do, what

it is you're.


Doing with the impact that you.




That's how we grow deeper in.




Type of relationship.


Not just like.


If your future.


Partner was like showing you everything they knew and everything they

did and you know.


Their authority and why they deserve the part to be your.


Lifelong partner It's.


All different parts and pieces of you all.


Right, 2 is marketing and messaging.


And I know this one is like, oh gosh, Amber, don't tell me this.


I know what this means.


It's the foundation, the foundation of any building.


The foundation of any.


Relationship is clarity.




Who it is you serve, how it is you help and if they can see.


Themselves in your content?


When is the last time?


That you did.


An analysis.


A contemplation on your Instagram feed in your last launch In your



Where you.


Read your marketing and your messaging and you felt something.


You saw yourself like you're.


Like my Soulmate client would have read this and been like, Oh my







I need to jump.


Into this right away.


Where's the link?


How do I sign up?


When we can go back and just two, three.


Weeks at a time and read our content and just be sure that it's not.


Vague, It's.


Not fluffy.


And when I did this with my client agency last month, she's like, hey,

I wonder why I'm not signing any clients?


Why am I not getting more leads?


We looked at her Instagram.


Bio, We looked.


At her content and I was like, there's no clear transformation.


Like, I know this is what you do, but like who am I going to be after

we work together?


And she's like Amber I.


Just had this realization.


Before you even.


Said that what?


We want to do.


Is go and.


Read our content, make sure that we.


Feel something like you're.


Activating a feeling and emotion.


Go make sure that you're clear.


On who?


Who it is you're.


Speaking to.


So that when they read it, they're like that's.


Me, I want the link.


Where do I?


Sign up.


This is really good for your.


I just.


Got a notification and.


It took me somewhere else.


This is.


Really good for knowing your hooks and your.


Call to actions and what's in.


Each and every module.


Where your.


Person is now.


Where they'll be after they work with you and.


Here's the thing.


I know so many.


People ask me what if it's?


Different for everyone.


It is going to be different for everyone.


We're different humans.


When clients come into my world, what we?


Work on together can be either.


A Starting and scaling their business.


Or B refining what they're already.


Doing and adding reoccurring revenue into their business or adding on

retreats or something else.


But my overall arching strategy is.




Embodiment and mindset Hi, thanks.


Say hi in the comments below if you're listening to this on the

podcast and you're not already following me on Instagram at Amber



Be sure to.


Come hang out online on the gram I just.


Started a series.


This is day three of 360.


Five, where I'm going to be giving you behind the scenes of how to

make more.


Sales in.


Your business, marketing and messaging.


Now for the next one, I got my notes.


Here this is.


Numeral trays number.


Three you're not.


Marketing, I know.


This is a huge one.


Oftentimes it's like.


Hey I posted about.


This for a month and I didn't get any leads yet.


Well, I'll just be the.


Evidence that I am for my clients all of the time.


When I transitioned from a self love coach to a business coach, I

launched Amplified Impact.


For a year and a half before it started to sell out.


When I started my retreat.




It took me 3 years before I started to sell out.


We need.


Brand awareness.


We need people to see our content many, many times before they buy.


I mean, there's so much happening online.


There's so many things going on in our mind.


The attention span these.


Days is 7 seconds before COVID.


Someone needed to see you and connect and interact with your content

seven times before they.


Bought post COVID.


It's 30.


Two times.


Plus now when we.


Create a movement.


We create a.


Brand We create awareness around who we are in our mission in the

world, we can shorten the distance.


Which is why I so.


Believe in low.


Ticket offers.


Having someone find you today & up for your membership, your mini.


Cores your freebie.


Is going to shorten the distance between they.


Buy like your.


Mini offer and then they go into.


Your higher ticket offer.


What you want to do is be.


Talking about.


What you do?


On a.


Daily basis.


Or most days you.


Want to be?




Either a freebie, a low ticket offer, a high ticket offer or your

lifestyle, your values.


Your vision, your mission.


Your story every.


Single day.


So people get to know like trust you and build relationship with like

who is Amber at her core?


Who are you at your core?


What part or piece of your story will different people?


In your audience.


Relate to.


The way.


In which you teach like there's so many other use out there if you.


Put the label on it.


But if you take the label away.


There's no one like you.


It's your energy.


It's your essence.




Curious share with.


Me in the comments, which one of these do you think you want to



Do you want to dial in?


Is this creating a low?


Ticket offer.


Refining your marketing and messaging or simply just showing up and

selling more?


I know for me, the biggest shift I needed to make to sell more was

believing in my work and that someone would pay me because I didn't

know I came.


Into the coaching space and I was like, is this even possible?


And then?


Once I started to see my clients results.


I was like OK, like.


I want to do this more because I came into this business wanting to

change the world, wanting to make a big difference.


And I imagine if you're here and you're still listening right now.


So do you.


The more.


That we sell.


The more impact?


That we have.


The more ripples that we make in the.


World A collective wave, what you.


Want to?


Do is like you can tap your heart, have your arms your face.


Just like wake up, we want to wake up the energy in the body, like how

can you?


Feel more alive, more joy in every single thing that you're doing.


Outside of your business, Outside.


Of the impact that you want to have, can you just.


I know for me, like breathing, working out, surfing, I'm just like, Oh

my gosh, I'm so.




I feel so rich.


I feel so full.


When I journal.


When I go to the river.


When I go surfing.


When I call a friend.


When we just.


Sit and we talk about like.


The challenges and the joys of being a mother, it's like this life.


I'm so lucky, I'm.


So blessed.


And I want to give.




To my clients and the the more that we can.


Feel gratitude for our lives, for the work that we do.


For the impact that we're having the more.


Sales that we make.


Money doesn't bring happiness, but the.


Happier you are.


The more full you are, with a little bit of strategy, the richer that

you become.




With me in the comments.


Your biggest take away if you're watching.


On Instagram and if you're listening on the podcast.


Screenshot this tag.


Me on Instagram.


Share it in your stories.


I love to hear your biggest takeaways to see what?


You're working on where you're at.


It really means the world to me.


I love the connections that I get to make here on Instagram, the

clients they got to get.


To work with those, they listen to the podcast.


It's just like, you know, we love that.


Validation and like I don't need it, but like I love the connections.


Like the other day one of my clients messaged me at 5:00 in the

morning and was like.


Hey I just.


Binged one of your mini courses and I want to thank you for creating

this mini course.


It was a.


Breath of fresh air.


And I'm like, oh, my gosh, at 5:00 in the morning, I'm hanging out,

drinking my coffee with my son.


And this message comes through.


I'm just like thank you for taking 30.


6 seconds out of your day to share that with me.


Behind the more.


Of you that reach out.


Here on Instagram or share the.


Podcast The Bigger impact.


That I get to make and I want to help you make a big impact.


Right now I'm currently opening my program.


Rich, this is how to create a low ticket offer to.


Generate more passive income, Build your client.


Database to effortlessly sell out.


Your retreats masterminds, one-on-one coaching.


This is the strategy that has allowed me to work.


With 5000 clients sell out my mastermind, my one-on-one coaching, my



It's brought anywhere from $3000 a month to $12,000 a month, selling

the same course over and over again, and then the course that keeps on



I keep going in there and giving more value, doing Q&A S, adding new



I just keep giving because I'm like this course keeps giving me.


I want to keep giving to it, but then in that it helps me to make

passive income.


It's what's taken me from 3K months to 40K months.


Rich is right.




60% off the next two people that.


Sign up are going to get it for only 197, then it's going to increase

to 497 and once the course is done it's going to be for my Mastermind



Only this is going to teach you how to create a sales page.


How to?


Set up automation How you can grow your audience.


How to create content online.


How to sell on?


Reels the strategy that has allowed me to go viral.


17,000 views, 40,000 views and let's.


Just say virality and engagement.


Likes, followers doesn't mean anything.


The depth of relationship these videos that went viral.


Were actually me selling my programs, getting.


Real life leads.


And having incredible conversations with people.


From all over the world.


Just comment.


Rich below.


In the comments or send me Adm.


With the word rich and.


If you have any.


Questions you can always reach out to.


Me on Instagram at Amber Hagberg.


I hope this was helpful.


And if I can do anything to.


Inspire you to go and sell your heart out today, this week.


This month.


I cannot wait.


I cannot wait to get to know you more.


All right, Nicole, I'm going to send you a message right now.


I don't know.


Nicole, can you do me a favor and can you send me Adm?


Because those of you right now that are commenting Rich on this.


Live video the.


Automation isn't going to work and I'm going to lose.




All right.


Thanks for listening.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out