Episode 165

Published on:

12th Mar 2024

Riding the highs and lows of entrepreneurship with Keri Kugler

Dive into this week's episode with Amber and Keri Kugler, a business and embodiment coach, where they share what really happens behind the scenes of their businesses as embodied leaders. Amber and Keri also discuss what riding the highs and lows of entrepreneurship looks like and how to navigate through rock bottoms.


02:30 -Keri's work and world

07:20 -Going from $600/month to $10k/month

08:50 -Outsourcing power & how to grow past it

11:20 -Leadership & riding the highs and the lows

14:40 -Navigating rock bottom

22:17 -Trust & building success - no matter what

28:36 -Creating momentum & connection within your business

34:40 -What to do if you are starting or pivoting in your business



Keri's podcast -The Aligned Woman

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Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into

assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn

how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones

who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the

leader in your life and your business, one who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the

inside out.


I am so excited to be back today.


I have a very special guest Internet friend, and we have so much in

common, which is why I love bringing her on similar stories.


We'll dive into her and let her introduce herself in just a minute,

but Carrie Keegler.






Yeah, you got it.


Like a know type of roar or.


Oh, I love.


Oh, yeah.


I'm so excited to have you here, Carrie.


I would love for you just to share a little bit about your story.


I mean, I'm going to learn as much about you as the listeners here

because we literally just met and really vibe together and I knew I

had to have you on the podcast and I'm sure I'll know why later.


But yes, thank you so much for taking the time to be here.


Thank you so much for inviting me.


And yeah, we've known each other, we've been in each other's worlds

for such a short amount of time, but there are so many just, like,

ways that we're woven in and so many things that we have in common,

which is just beautiful to find in somebody else.


So thank you a little bit about me.


Oh, my goodness.


I feel like this changes each day that you would ask me this question.


I am a life leadership and business coach.


So in my work, what I'm really inspired and lit up to do right now is

helping heart centered, soul led women start their business from the

ground up and help women who are earlier on in their journey to scale

and grow their business, but in the sort of nontraditional way.


And what I mean by that is no complicated strategies or methods that

maybe make them feel ick and out of alignment.


Really dropping the rules of what I know a lot of us think that it

takes to start an online business and have their success be rooted in

their leadership, in the embodiment of the woman that they become.


So, yes, I love helping women build their businesses, and I have a

gift at doing that.


But really underneath what the thing is, it's like I want to show them

what they're capable of and who they're here to be.


Because I know on my journey and witnessing so many of my clients over

the years, it's like when we find that when we step into that, our

businesses can't help but thrive.


But it's not just our business.


It's our marriage, our roles as mothers and partners and leaders, and

just our life in general.


It just mirrors who we're being.


So that's my work kind of in a nutshell.


And then I'm also a mama to the most capricorny little four year old

boy I have ever, ever met and have the most amazing husband who I just



And we're three fiery little generators with a lot of energy living

under one roof, and it's insane.


And it's also beautiful.


That's my spiel.


Oh, gosh, I just love you so much.


And for those of you that are listening and have been here a while,

are there so many running parallels between the two of us?


And I think what makes that so cool is, like, my podcast has been

life, business, and leadership because of who you become for the last

two years.


And I'm just like, this is why the Internet is so cool.


Because as you were talking, I seen your stars and your moon, and I

was like, stop it.


I have moons on my forum, and it's, like, almost the same spot.


So I have goosebumps just to be, like, complete evidence that the

people that we get to meet online are extraordinary and they mirror us

when our marketing and our messaging is authentic to who we are.


That is so important.


And I know you do this so well because I've been following you for the

last few months now, and it's just like, your heart is there, your

family is there, the way in which you share, the way in which you show

up, it's like, it's you.


And I think that that's what's really powerful.


And what is needed right now in the online space is, like, rule



That was literally just my last master class launch is, like, how to

do this the unconventional way, and there are no way, there is no

right way.


And I spent so long in the beginning of my business wanting to scale,

and I was chasing all of these strategies.


Like, I was missing the strategy, and then I realized there is no



And so I love that that is your gift and helping people really come

into alignment with who they want to be and allow that to be the

byproduct of their success.


Rather than following the cookie cutter, like, seven step blueprint to

six figures, or seven figures.


And I know that right now you just experienced a really big pivot in

your business.


Want to take us back a little bit to the beginning of your business

and how it took off.


And then what happened when you went through this, like, there's

something bigger for me, because that something bigger is from the

growing and evolution of your heart and soul, and then that influences

the business.


But sometimes the life and the business success doesn't catch up as

quickly as the souls knowing that there is something.


Bigger or more for you.


Yeah, those parallels between the two of us are insane.


And I love you even more now than I did.


So I started my business in 2018, and my sort of coming into coaching

was also very non, I guess, traditional and nonlinear, if you will.


I went from making about $600 in my coaching business.


I was charging like 200 something a month.


I had just gotten my life coach certification, and I went from, again,

$600 ish per month to my first $10,000 month in one month's time.


And I did it again the next month and again the next month and again

and again and again.


And this was not doing business coaching.


It was just life and embodiment kind of mindset coaching.


And it was obviously was right on the heels of me.


Not even on the heels.


So I had hired my first mentor at the time who was so at what I

thought was, like, insanely priced.


I had no idea how I was going to afford her, but the minute I stepped

into her world, it just exploded.


And I had my first two ish years of business.


They were just incredible.


It was almost like this vibe of, oh, I just opened a business and it



And in many ways it did.


And then 2020, 2021 happened.


And to really just sum this up, it's very similar to what you were

saying of looking for the strategy.


I fell into this space where I wasn't just looking for the next

strategy to get me to my next level, but I really was outsourcing my

power to my mentors, and I had this idea of what success needed to

look like at the time.


And I completely lost myself in it.


Completely lost myself.


And in many ways, I look at it now as this sort of rock bottom coming

to Jesus moment that had to happen, because, like I was saying before,

we hit record in the midst of all of this, what I thought was



Like, everything that I knew was being tested.


Everything that I knew was being tested.


And I had to just dig in and find this resiliency and this personal

power inside of me to, one, keep going but to also see how I had given

my power away to, again, what I think success should look like in this

industry to my mentors at the time.


And nothing was wrong with the mentors.




I just really got caught up.


This really was a moment in time that wasn't just for the sake of my

business, it wasn't for the sake of my success and what I wanted to

build on the outside.


It was really a testament to who I had to become and what I had to

step into, because I saw in those early phases of my business that I

created those really big months and hit those milestones that,

honestly, a past version of me never would have thought was possible.


I was able to do that, but when I got honest with myself, I didn't

know how to hold it.


I hadn't strengthened my own leadership enough to really know how to

hold that kind of money, that kind of business.


And so it was like this phase of life that I was in at that time was

really initiating and ushering me into a next level in my leadership.


And I shared with you I've had a couple of really big dips.


And let's be honest, in this journey, even though I think we're always

progressing forward, there are going to be so many dips and moments

where we're questioning everything.


So this isn't the only moment in my business where I was really



But when I look back, it was always that next level of initiation,

that next level of leadership that I get to step into so that I can

actually hold what's on the other side.


So to just sum all of that up, I had a lot of success, but it always,

always, for me, comes back to the leadership.


And I think when you say heart led, soul led business owner, that

sounds so great and beautiful and empowering.


And it is.


In many ways, it is.


But this work will also be the greatest form of personal development

and the greatest initiation we will ever walk through.


And that is what the heart is at the heart of my entire journey up to

this point.




And I feel that so deeply because I always say it's like the

transformational journey of entrepreneurship.


And there is so many moments where you question, is this for me?


Am I doing this right?


Is this going to work?


Can I hold this all?


And then once you realize, yes, you can.


And for someone like you that was able to go to ten k months right

away, it's like, oh, my gosh, this is working.


This is actually working.


And I did this.


But then it's like when you go backwards and you start to really ask

yourself, am I walking the talk?


Am I living and breathing my work?


Am I the leader that I said I am?


In that moment of really going into the heart to make sure that you

are who you say you are, you can be more relatable to be like, yeah,

there was times in my business, in my life where I was wavering, but

in the wavering it was not that I wasn't or couldn't be successful, is

that I was really getting clear on my message and my mission and my

vision as I lead the way, as I pave the way.


And that's so relatable because not everyone has immediate success

right away.


So it's like when we are able to rebound backwards just a little bit,

it's like, here's what I did when it wasn't working.


And something that we were really talking about in the beginning is

like, the staying power.


When is it this the end?


Is this over?


I used to be able to do it, and now I'm not.


What's this mean for me?


And you stayed even when it wasn't working.


Do you want to talk about how that was feeling inside of your nervous

system, your mind, your heart, and what you did in the moment where

you're like, ten k months?


Okay, now we're going backwards.


Because I was questioning who I am and how can I lead the way when I'm

not really sure?




The thing that really comes to mind is where I was at in that time was

just scarcity.


So much scarcity was coming up for me.


And of course, I was attaching so much of my worth of who I was like

as a woman, as a business owner, to my results.


I was emotionally so wrapped up in my business not working that I

could not see anything else.


So when it came to my nervous system, I was completely unregulated.


And I didn't know it at the time because it was such like a well worn

groove of, like, wake up, take action.


It's not happening yet.


Happening yet.


Wake up.


Create content.


Get on Instagram.


It's still not here yet.


Check my email.


I still don't have a type form request in for private coaching.


I still don't have money.


And adjust this cycle.


It's not here yet.


It's not happening yet.


And I got pretty deep into the cycle and just really came to a place

where I was.


I was questioning everything, and I was having conversations with my



Like, is this it?


Has it run its course?


And these are the kinds of conversations that are not as often talked

about on social media.


I think women like you, Amber, you're a representation of somebody

that does speak to the truth of what also goes on behind the scenes.


But guess what?


I want everybody listening to know that this stuff also goes on behind

the scenes.


And I was starting to think, like, maybe I need to get a job.


Maybe this has run its course.


Maybe I was being crazy, and maybe it just was a season, and I really

had to just go through this sort of rock bottom of, are you willing to

keep showing up in spite of the results?


You think that should be there, not being there?


Are you willing?


And it got to the point where I was like, can you just show up one

more day?


Can you just show up one more day?


And that's what I kept doing.


One more day.


One more day.


But choosing, like, one thought at a time.


Can I look more in the direction of my progress?


Can I focus more of my attention and my energy on what if it's



Can I remember how good it feels to have a breakthrough with a client,

to lead them through a transformation?


Can I come back to that energy that I had on day one, that knowing

that I literally cannot see myself doing anything else?


Can you do it one more day?


One more day.


So there was no one, two, three step system that allowed me to really

come back, but it was that.


That was my staying power.


One more day.


Can you trust a little bit more?


Can you believe just hang on with one fraction of a little bit more



And I did.


And I think it's unique for every person.


Like, what's going to allow someone to stay in the void and what we

find as that ability to be in the void and still show up and begin to

reshift and redirect our energy to the process rather than the



And I think that really does come from the mission of why you're so

connected to this work, why you wanted this so bad.


And that's often why I say we see so many people online celebrating

the numbers, and there's a lot of controversy.


Like, it's not just about the money.


And it's like, no, but I don't think people realize the work that one

has to do on themselves and the conditioning and the patterning and

the nervous system to really see those exponential results, especially

when it's heart led, soul driven entrepreneurs, because it really is

unconditioning ourselves from what we've known to be true.


Because this is a wild, crazy new paradigm where you get to show up,

line, share your gifts, and your skills, helping others change their

lives and get paid massive amounts of money.


But the old conditioning comes up, like, is this possible?


Can I do that?


Who would pay for me that?


Then you do it.


And it's like, what if this all goes away?


What if I lose this all?


What if it doesn't last forever?


And six, figure seven, figure eight, finger.


It doesn't matter how much money you make once you hit it, how can I

do it again?


Once you hit it, how can I do it again?


Once you have a rebound, okay, this is it.


It's all ending.


And so how do we keep going back and showing up?


And I love that you shared, like, am I going to get a job?


Because I recently just post.


It was just one year ago.


I was sitting outside of my house looking up a job because I was like,

I need more money for my life.


I don't want to have to dig into savings.


I don't want to have to be worrying about how am I going to pay the

credit card bill, because just in one year, it's like the staying

power of that.


Like three x my revenue and my income by staying.


But one thing that has been really powerful for me in the staying is

like, how can you do something else while you're waiting in the void?


And what you just shared with me, it was like, how can I just show up?


And it's like putting your energy and your heart into something else

other than the results.


And it's like, that's why you have to do it.


Leadership for you first, and then let the results be a byproduct of

who you're growing into.


And something that I always think about is the bamboo shoots in China.


Five years they're growing and it looks like nothing happens.


And then in five years, it explodes.


And most people aren't willing to wait five years for what it is they



Because oftentimes we think we're going to show up and it's going to

happen sooner.


And it's like, it takes time to build brand awareness.


And I would love to know more about the beginning of your journey and

why you think right away you were so successful.


I know people that are just starting out and they struggle to get

their first client.


And I have an idea of what I coach and teach on and why some people

are more successful in the beginning than others.


But I would love to hear your take because I know that that's your jam

is like, really helping people get started from the ground up.


So why do you think you were so successful in the beginning and others





I mean, I think there are so many factors to why others might not be.


So I'm speaking on behalf of my experience.


For me, it was the calibration, and I don't like to use these sort of

trendy coaching lingo.


It was me stepping into high level mentorship.


It was investing in myself in a way that I had, like, $1,000 in my

bank account, and this coach was $12,000, and I was working part time,

teaching yoga on the side, bartending a little bit.


But there was something about this mentor.


I was like, I'm doing this.


I will make a way out of no way.


And I did.


And it was almost like the first payment in her sparked something in

me where I was just like, I had so much skin in the game where I knew,

like, I'm doing this no matter what.


There was this thing that just locked in inside of me when I said yes,

where I was doing it, and that was it.


Done, decided.


And then apart from that, it was the calibration to this mentor.


Because when I came in, again, don't know if I mentioned this, but we

were talking, I was making, like, $600 a month in my business, and I

wanted to make 10,000.


So I remember on the first call, me telling my mentor at the time, I

want to have $10,000 months.


And I thought she was going to be like, well, that's going to take a

little bit of time.


She's like, all right, beautiful.


This is how we're going to do it.


It was nothing to her.


She didn't see my resistance.


She didn't see the reasons why.


She saw my power, and she called me into it.


So it was like all of the resistance that I had around this is

possible was completely cleared out.


And I was just like, oh, okay, cool, this is amazing.


I've got this.


It's easy.


And being in her space week after week after week, it just really

solidified how possible that could be.


And then I guess the third step is the most simple.


Sort of like, I guess you could call this, like, the strategy piece

that allowed me to do that.


So early on, I got really clear on who I was speaking to.


And I know it sounds boring to a lot of my clients.


They're like, I've been there.


I don't want to.


Please don't tell me to get more clear on who I'm speaking to.


But I did that.


I got so clear on the transformation that I provided, and I talked

about it every single day and I filled out my one on one coaching like



So yeah, it was the investment that created this locked in decision,

the calibration with another woman who could see my vision and call me

so deeply into it and then showing up consistently to the thing that I

said that I wanted.


And you said the word that really came out as you were speaking.


I was thinking, she decided, and that's what happens when we decide

the power of deciding we're going to do it and we're going to do it



The energy and frequency that's behind that.


And I don't know, like calibration, I know that's like a cliche word,

but it's like, that's why they say if you want to be a millionaire, go

put yourself in the room with a millionaire.


You get to think like them, you get to see like them.


But for me it's the expansion to see what's possible, especially when

you understand and know the story of where they began.


And yeah, of course, consistency and speaking to the soulmate client

and also just the consistency equaling.


What I like to really think about is brand awareness and people

knowing who you are and what you do.


And that happens from relationships in and on the Internet, often on

the Internet, that happens from showing up and talking about the same

thing over and over and over and over again.


And I talk about like when I pivoted from being a life coach to a

business coach, it took me a year and a half to book out my programs

as a business coach.


Whereas the life coaching stuff was easy because I'd already been

teaching yogic philosophy, I'd already been a yoga teacher.


My audience was so worn for me that it was like, yeah, that was the

easy part.


And so when we are just beginning we think like, okay, I'm going to

post about it once or twice.


And I just did this for retreat leaders.


I'm like, you just aren't marketing enough, you're not showing up



And it's like, I just posted a reel for 365 days and I'm like, holy

moly, do you know that that was really challenging in the beginning

and there was a lot of overthinking and scrolling and looking at what

other people are doing, but it got me clear on who I'm speaking to and

how I'm speaking to them and it got my brand awareness from 48,000

impressions to 600,000 impressions.


And so it's like what happens with consistency is that it makes

anything easier.


And I just compared this 365 day challenge which I know you can relate

to this, to the yoga practice.


I didn't know my left from my right.


I couldn't hold Chaturanga.


I definitely couldn't hold a handstand.


But the discipline and practice of a four year, now twelve years,

decade into a daily yoga practice gave me that same devotion and

commitment to my business.


Because before it was like the devotion to moving my body so that I

could be better and I could be a better teacher.


And now that devotion and commitment to my business and learning what

works and what doesn't is so that I can help my clients do that.


And I love how you just bring back.


It seems so simple.


I don't want to hear the clarity around who I'm speaking to and



I've heard that before, but it's like when we hear something again and

again and again, it's because it's true.


And that's why I say the business stuff.


The strategy is so easy.


It's the human and how we walk and lead ourselves through.


And I know now that you are building up the momentum from that, going

backwards, coming forward.


How does it feel now to show up in your business, knowing what it was

like to have a setback and what it's like to spring forward?


How does that feel in your nervous system, knowing that you've hit

rock bottom?


Question everything.


And now you have the evidence that you can hit rock bottom and come

back into your business, like brighter, hotter, more momentum than



It's just a new level of personal power that I've found in myself.


It's the staying power that I have found in myself, and it really



It makes me appreciate even the slightest bit of progress and

because the contrast of what:

where I'm at right now.


And I just.


Oh, my God.


Yeah, I've learned so many lessons in that time, but it just feels

like momentum.


It feels like progress.


It feels like things are happening and moving, and now I do.


This is the first time that I'm actually saying this.


So thank you for asking me this question.


I feel such a deep connection with my business because of that.


Because my business isn't something I do.


It's me.


It's a literal extension of who I am.


I don't shut this laptop down and forget about my business.


I don't shut it down or shut my Instagram stories off.


And it's a whole different version of me.


Like, I am this.


This is who I be.


So losing that connection with my business was ultimately like losing

a connection with myself.


And so being in this place, I just have such a deep appreciation for

this work, aka my business, aka what it takes to do this and lead

something like this.


The connection I feel for it now is just deeper and more rich than

I've ever had before.


And the other thing I would say is just my level of just, like,

grounded confidence because I went through that, it's like, well,

2024, what you got?


What do you have?


So it's like the confidence within me, but also confidence within my

ability to lead my clients and to be able to hold this kind of

transformation, to hold this kind of business, and ultimately the kind

that my mentor held for me in:


So just the mastery of my craft and again, my own leadership has

really strengthened and is just so at the forefront right now.




And what I really love is it's like the personal power of knowing that

if the worst thing happens, you know, that you can bounce back from



It's like you have the evidence that you questioned everything once

before and you made it out.


So it's like, even though it won't be hard and there won't be soul

work and there won't be questioning and there won't be wondering

what's next, it's like the confidence of knowing that you've done it

before and that you'll figure it out.


I talk about this a lot in my relationship, where I lost a

relationship, I left it in:


And the pain that I felt was the same pain that I felt when my dad



And even though I knew I had recovered from the loss of my dad and I

knew I would recover from leaving this relationship, it didn't take

away the pain.


And so what I feel like, I just thought to myself, which is why I

asked you the question, is that I was so successful in the beginning

of my business, too.


The first two years, like, multiple six figures.


Like, six.


Multiple six figures.


It was just easy, but I was doing it in not a soul aligned way.


And so I questioned, when is this going to end?


This can't last forever.


I doubted everything.


And then I went way backwards.


Like, way backwards.


And I was like, okay.


And it felt so slow.


Like, is this for me?


What am I going to do?


I'm pregnant.


I have a family.


I'm responsible for all this.


There was a lot of weight on the table, but the thought that I had to

myself this morning is like, now, you know, if there's ever a setback,

you've built the skills, the endurance, and the ability to hold the

void you can get out of it.


You have what it takes.


So it's like if you lose a relationship, if you have a setback in your

business, if you leave a career, if you move out of the country once,

you've done it once and you've built the evidence that you can do it,

it gives you what you just said, confidence and connection to, like,

I'm doing this no matter what.


And it is.


There's this deeper mission inside of us when we know the power of

having an online business and changing people's lives and the freedom

that that gives us.


As a former waitress, bartender, yoga teacher, there was so much

hustle, and this.


I just feel like there's so much freedom, but also there's nothing

more rewarding or fulfilling than the client celebrations and



And that's what keeps us going, is like knowing that we have an

impact, knowing that if we work with someone, their life is going to

be changed.


And that keeps us going, even when it gets hard.


Because the leadership is not just for me.


It's for your four year old son, your husband, your clients, and the

ripple effect that it has.


And the ability, like, I just created a post on this.


What they get to see, our boys get to see in moms like us, and the

impact that that's going to have in a decade, two decades from now.


It's like, wow, how powerful.


I just got goosebumps.


Okay, so what would you tell before we close out?


What would your recommendation to be someone that is either a,

starting their business from the ground up, or b, in the midst of a

really big pivot, what would be your biggest piece of advice for

someone who knows that there's something bigger, but they're afraid or

they haven't found out the pieces, what would be your words of wisdom?


To know that regardless if it's a pivot, or you're at the very early

stages in your business, to know that this pull that you feel is on

purpose, and that there are no mistakes in this, and that everything

you have gone through up until this moment was also on purpose.


Because a lot of women who have these heart led, soul led businesses,

so much of the transformation we create in our people has to do with

the path that we have walked.


And I find that when we really embrace that and use our own journey as

proof that this is the work that I'm meant to do, I've gone through

what I have gone through because I'm meant to lead.


I'm meant to share.


I'm meant to impact.


It just gives you that evidence that all of this is on purpose.


And I am meant to do this because of the woman that I am, because of

the transformation that I have undergone.


And I would also really suggest on some level, getting support or just

getting into spaces where you're not operating solely in your head day

in and day out.


And not everybody is going to feel called to invest $12,000 when they

have $1,000 in their bank account.


And I'm not someone who says that you should do that.


And if you don't, you don't care about your business, because that's

not the answer for everybody.


But can you just, if you're not in a space to invest right now, there

are free freaking master classes everywhere.


Get in them.


Or there are memberships popping up everywhere.


Amber, I think you have one.


Get into memberships.


Get in.


There are just so many ways.


Utilize support however you can.


If you do have it in you to invest and hire a one on one coach, do



But it really does.


It's that piece that just gets us out of our own way, out of our head

and shows us things.


It shines a light on our blind spot, and it shows you the path that

maybe you couldn't see.


And it's just that thing that can really propel us forward.


So know it's on purpose.


Know everything that you have gone through has led you right here.


You are meant to do this work.


Get support however that looks.


And one final thing, don't ever poo poo on the basics.


Because I'm telling you, the basics and the foundations, the things

we're often like.


Yeah, heard it before, straight up.


That is what builds success.


I have seen it over and over and over.


It is not the shiny, fancy things.


It's the basics.


And it is your foundation.




And when you were speaking, I was like, what you seek is seeking you,



The desire is there.


It's there for a reason.


And yeah, I posted about this recently on how I just worked my way up

the ladder.


It was, like, free, then it was mastermind, and then it know

mastermind, and then it was finally one on one coaching.


So there's so many different ways and such great advice.


Know, there is YouTube, there is Instagram.


But there's nothing more powerful than having someone in your corner,

in your heart, in your mind, and holding the vision for you.


Like, literally.


I just asked my recent one on one coach that I hired, like, I don't

need anything.


Why would I hire you?


Not in that way.


That's paraphrasing.


And she's like, because I'm here to hold the vision with you.


And I was like, oh, that felt so good.


In my nervous system, it just felt so good.


So when you're holding so many things, to just know that there's

someone in your corner holding it with you.


I love that that is your takeaway.


All right.


Where can those listening come find you?


Hang out with you?


Tell us all the things.




So Instagram is where I hang out the most.


I also have a podcast that Amber will be a guest on very soon called

the Aligned Woman podcast.


And it's same.


It's business, it's leadership, it's life, it's spirituality.


So those are the two things.


I've got a couple of really cool things coming up this spring, but

depending on when this goes out, I'm not sure which will be live.


But just come say hi, find me on Instagram, binge my podcast.


There's so much gold in just that.


So, yeah, even if that's where you start.


Yeah, that's where you can find me.


That's my spiel.


Thank you so much, Carrie, for being here.


I will link that in the show notes.


And for those of you that are listening, be sure to take a screenshot,

share with us your biggest takeaway, and tag us on Instagram.


It's always just a gift to be able to connect deeper and know that

those listening, what lands with you, what comes up for you and saying

it out loud and really speaking it, it lands that much deeper.


Thank you so much, Carrie.


Thank you.



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About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out