Episode 178

Published on:

16th Jul 2024

The Power of Decision-Making and Nature's Wisdom with Taryn from Opaline Alchemy

Join us for an inspiring episode as we dive deep into the transformative journey of Taryn Mac, a life alchemy coach who turns wounds into wisdom and challenges into opportunities. Discover how embracing intuition and authenticity can lead to profound personal and professional growth.

Taryn shares profound insights on the nature of decisions, emphasizing the inevitability of making mistakes and learning from them. We explore different types of decisions, the importance of intuition, and how trusting oneself is crucial in both business and personal life.


Time Stamps:

01:38 -Taryn’s Journey

04:00 - Amber’s Reflections on Business and Personal Growth

05:37 - From Gardening to Business Success

06:35 - Transformational Insights from Amber’s Trainings

08:09 - Energetic Shifts and Business Growth

09:53 - Valuing Yourself and Your Time

12:44 - Owning Your Unique Gifts

17:01 - From In-Person Business to Online Coaching

19:21 -The importance of storytelling and sharing one's journey authentically to attract the right clients

28:33 - Taryn reflects on the beauty of authenticity and the significance of decision-making in entrepreneurship.

35:00 - Trusting the power and cycles of nature in personal and professional growth.

37:38 - Taryn's free masterclass "Radical Permission"


Connect with Taryn on her IG & sign up for her masterclass



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Amplified impact.




I'm so excited to be here for another episode of Amplified impact.


You may have noticed that I have not been posting in the last couple weeks sharing any new content because I'm pregnant and I'm like, do the least as possible.


And it's exciting because your content gets to live on for you.


We have, like, hundreds of podcast episodes, and today I have a very special guest, someone that I've known since 2019.


We just figured out after we tried to do our Instagram live that did not work.


We failed.




Taryn, thank you so much for being here.


She's a transformational coach that I met in the jungles of Costa Rica back when I was doing yoga teacher trainings.


And yeah, our paths have crossed since her joining my world again online.


And we've always been really connected, I feel like, on Instagram and Facebook, but weaving you back into my life and seeing you in programs, I was like, there's just this deep connection.


And it's this reminder, too, that if you focus less about your niche and more about, like, who you are, you're going to attract soulmates, sisters, and people into your life that will continue to grow and evolve with you.


It doesn't matter what niche you're in.


It's about who you're becoming.


And those that love you will want to go along for the ride.


But Taryn, thank you so much for being here.


Introduce yourself.


Let us know who we're talking to.


Oh, my goodness.




I'm so excited to be here.


Yeah, it's been such a journey from 2019, and just watching you transform and build your life in such a beautiful way has just been a privilege to watch.


And I'm just so happy to just be still in your world after all this time.


It just feels, like, so magical.


But yeah.


I'm Taran.


Taran Mack.


I'm a transformational life alchemy coach.


And how I really love life.


Alchemy is like turning any wound that you have or a unsatisfactory experience or situation that's currently in front of you or something that's happened in the past and alchemizing it into something you can actually use or like, I like to say, medicine that you can drink every day.


You know, I genuinely believe that everything in life is for us.


Even the hard end of all situations are propelling us or getting our attention to reroute our paths to create more lasting change and more authenticity to who we want to really show up in this world as, and I really lead from this angle of harnessing the power of your intuition in order to really help you get onto that path of, like, what is right for you, rather than keeping your eyes on other people's papers and following everyone else's strategy for how you live a successful life.


But really being able to have this invaluable skill of tuning into your own channel of what's right for you.


And this is something I think that Amber really helps to not only empower her clients to really look at within themselves, but also just, like, look at her life.


You know, like, look at Amber's life and, like, the unique creativity and all the nuanced, you know, experiences and ways that she leads her life.


And Costa Rica and all this stuff is just such a testament to, you know, following your intuition, following what's right for you, and that your version of your truth and what your success is going to look like is nothing, you know, parallel to anyone else.


It's going to be completely unique to you.


And that's what I want everyone to know.


Yeah, I love it.


As you were speaking, I'm like, oh, my gosh, this, this.


You're speaking to me.


You're telling me exactly, like, what I really want to create for my clients as well is, like, just the freedom to define success in your own unique way.


Because transformation and letting go of what other people think and what other people say is success is like, that takes a lot, a lot of inner work.


And I know for me, it's like business is personal growth.


So many people are out there searching for the strategy, searching for the niche, searching for the tape, and it's like, no, honey, it's all in here.


Everything happens inside of our hearts.


And I know that you're like, something so cool.


For those of you that are here listening, is that most of my clients, they send me reviews or they ask to do reviews for me.


It's like I don't even reach out to them.


And Taran the other day is like, I started doing 40k months after listening to some of your trainings and being back in your world.


I'm like, wow, this is so cool that this is the byproduct of just getting into the room, listening and shifting what you're thinking, shifting how you're feeling, shifting who you're being.


And it might not even be that you change anything within your strategy.


And so many people say, like, don't buy to be in the energy.


But sometimes, like, for me right now, like, dying, pregnancy, so tired, I'm like, I will pay to be in the energy.


Like, give me your energy.


Like, where's the energy amber had two months ago?


Like, I will pay to have that back.


So tell me more about since you started, like, coming back in, listening to these trainings, like, what unlocked for you inside?


Like, what was the transformation that you experienced in your own, like, heart, your mind, and just the way that you showed up in your business?


Well, for a little context, I run, my very first business was a gardening, and is.


It's not absolved or anything.


I still run this business, but it's a gardening and landscape design company, so it's very 3d, but at the same time very service based.


And also there's a lot of, you know, there's a lot of inner work that goes around for all businesses.


Like you just mentioned, like, regardless of what business that you have, it's gonna be a game of mindset, action taking, and really coming back home to yourself and what your truth is and moving from that place.


And so I think that just.


That what I just mentioned is, like, that coming home to, like, what's true for me and moving from that place, Washington.


But I was really, like, able to harness from, I think the two trainings that I did was, like, barefoot and rich.


And I think the other one was, like, I don't know, there was another one, too.


There was, like, two in the later spring that were, like, kind of back to back, like one month maybe apart, but.


And, yeah.


And I just kind of was able to just show up in my business as the person who I wanted to be.


And, like, I had this.


I had this.


You know, I don't know if it was your words or it probably was or whatever, but it just kept resounding in my head of just this essence of, like, be who you say you are.


Like, be who you say you are.


And it was such a reassuring moment for not only me, like, in this waking life, but I felt so much, like, healing happen there with, like, my younger self who, like, really just didn't believe in herself and was very, like, disempowered from just, like, all sorts of great things that I could have engaged with but felt that I wasn't deserving of or worthy of.


So, like, my pricing went up just, like, my.


Where I put my energy really changed, and I thought that was, like, such a huge.


Yeah, such a huge transformation that in itself is, like, energetic.


So I find myself, like, over working or over giving or just over explaining, like, all of these just, like, hyper, you know, protective mechanisms that I had for myself that were really useful in the past, but, yeah, for some reason, something switched this spring where I just, like, started saying no.


I started, you know, giving, you know, telling clients that, like, you know, I live in a.


Not an online space right now.


I'm transitioning now to an online space, but my business is very three d, and I only have so many people to do this hands on physical labor.


So telling certain clients, like, no, like, it doesn't feel like a good fit.


And, like, this is the first time I have ever done that.


And so there's a lot of thoughts around.


Yeah, like, maybe this is the wrong choice.


Maybe you, like, are, like, being foolish or stupid or in some, you know, all the terrible things that your mind wants to convince you of when you make a really, like, kind of edgy move in your business.


Yet it's really solid in that.


And, yeah, we doubled and tripled our income with less clients working less.


Like, it just was like, this whole new, like, paradigm shift of just, like, inviting in the narrative of who the f I say I am and really just owning that.


And, like, people respond to that.


They love that energy.


Like, regardless if you're in the online space or if, like, that's how I'm attracted to you, I've always been attracted to because of that.


It's like, that magnetic, like, frequency of just being like, no, I'm good.


You know, like, I'm really good, and I know who I am.


I know what I want.


I know what I'm about.


I think those, yeah, pillars are really just, like, very reinforced through your work, and it's easy to find that in your own flavor, because everyone flavor is going to be really different.


But, yeah, it was just like, I think that that switch from wanting to be, like, a pick me or wanting to.


Wanting my clients to, like, choose me to me instead, getting in the driver's seat and really being, like, a leader, you know?


And they really.


And they really liked that.


They really responded really well to that.


So, yeah.


But, yes, I own a gardening and landscape design company and a flower farm.


And over the last several years of running those businesses, in the last three years, we have done over $500,000 in revenue.


And just this year alone, in the last nine weeks, we.


We did over $110,000.


And that is our biggest revenue jump to date.


And I honestly have so much certainty that there is a lot of reason that came through because of the support I got from Amber in the late winter, for sure, because that was right before our spring season started.


And I remember even in early spring, I was in the garden with my earphones and listening to Amber's master classes and stuff and then taking my garden gloves off and, like, unmuting myself and, like, asking a question and then, like, getting back to weeding and all that good stuff.


But, yeah, it was all.


It was all very divinely timed.


I can't.


I could not be more grateful.




And I think what you were sharing is like, it's so powerful.


Like, when we are selling our time for money is like, that comes from what you were saying about the wounds and the work of, like, really valuing ourselves and valuing our time.


And what you were sharing is, like, actually, our clients like this.


Actually, our clients want to pay this.




Because it's the energy that we've put ourselves in of, like, really owning who we are and owning our worth.


But that comes through, like, a lot of the work that you were talking about is, like, the wounds and transforming the wounds into, like, what I always say is, like, the wisdom, and the wisdom then becomes the wealth.


And that is from us really owning what it is that we do, what it is that we're good at.


And nothing undercharging.


Because when we undercharge, we're resentful.


When we undercharge, we're selling our time for money, and then we're exhausted, we're tired, we're burnt out, we lose the passion.


And when we increase the value, we increase the price.


When we increase the value, we increase the price.


We get our time back.


We can give more to our clients and they actually love it, too.


And that's how we get to, you know, three x, ten x.


Our revenue quicker is just by giving more, but having strong boundaries and standards for ourselves.


And that's the deep inner work is like how we can really value who we are, what it is that we bring, and owning our gifts.


And that was a lot about the identity work of are you who you say you want to be?


And if your decisions aren't in align with who you say you want to be, then you're not going to get there.


Because that's the level of embodiment.


It's like, yes, walk your talk.


Yes, live what it is that you're teaching, but also for faster results.


It's like, live who you say you want to be.


Because that's when the challenge.


There was no evidence for you, there was no evidence that people were going to buy at a higher rate.


It's hard telling.


No, no, it's hard telling people.


Well, I think also, like, it's so true.


And it's like something else that's popping in now that feels really important to share.


Is that, like, first of all, yeah, there's billions of people all over the world, but there's no one with your exact set of energy skills, gives thoughts.


Like, all of that stuff is, like, super exclusive just to you.


And I started showing up of just, like, I'm like, no one brings the value to the table like, I do.


Like, no one.


No one.


No one over performs, no one delivers on such an intentional and really considerate way as I do because I care so much.


And I really like, there's so many different aspects that go into having a gardening and landscape design company, but that's why it's making me into a really good coach, because I've already thought about everything before and, like, that's what sets me apart.


And I think that's what sets amber apart, too, is that, like, we genuinely care.


We have, like, such a big heart and, like, of course there's plenty of great people all over the world with, like, beautiful hearts and beautiful gifts and, like, that's exclusive to them, too.


And they are also their industry leader because they are in their own niche as just them.


Like, it.


Regardless of, like, being in competition with other people.


I genuinely don't believe competition exists.


I really.


It's like you against you, like, all day, because regardless of if you're doing something similar to someone else, no one has your heart, no one has your gifts, no one has your inner wisdom, no one has your intelligence.


And, like, that is such a leverageable skill that people pay for.


They want that.


You know what I mean?


Like, they really genuinely want you to be confident in that, you know your shit, because you do.


Like, that's not.


You don't have to debate about that.


And that's something that really also, I think, turned over this spring for me.


I was like, wait a second.


Who am I kidding?


Like, I know the value that I bring to the table.


I'm going to start acting like it, you know?




And what you were just saying there is, like, owning who you are and the magic that you bring because we each have a unique DNA and something that I was just talking to, I was coaching a client.


She's like, you know, listening to literally any training that you have.


I feel like I've heard all this information before, but the way that you say it and the energy that you bring, it's like, it lands inside of me and I implement it completely different.


And as soon as she said that, to me, I said, I want to reflect back to you what it is that you do well and what you're.


She's like, oh, thank you for reminding me.


And it's like, yes, we have coaches, friends, and mentors to remind us what our magic is, because it's something that no one else can bring.


And the moment that we're really able to own what we're good at, like, you claiming, like, no one else does this the way I do, no one else brings what else I bring.


People are like facts, you know?


It's like.




And, like, it's just the truth.


It's, like, actually just the truth.


It's not even, like, that's not even, like, a marketing ploy or, like, a far fetched idea.


Like, that's actually the truth.


No one has your DNA.


No one does you.


Like you.


And that is so special.


Like, that's so, so special.


And, yeah, I really think that the way that you deliver that message in a different way than I just delivered it is how it really helped.




Helped land that embodiment for me, for sure.




And I think that that's what makes content so powerful.


Like, for you, coming from building this successful in person brick and mortar business to online is like, how do I bring the energy?


You know, it's like, I don't need to show it.


I need to be it.


And so my original business, that was very 3d, very reality, very, like, in real person, real time, I did not have a website.


I didn't have Instagram.


It was.


We went from in our very first year of business, in eight months, we did over $100,000 just based off of word of mouth alone.


So my company has now grossed over $500,000 off of word of mouth alone.


I had no marketing, no nada.


So now, taking all of the wisdom that not only owning a successful business, but also the earth, right, like, this deep, intuitive connection that now I have with the earth that taught me all these gifts with my intuition and my psychic abilities, and just this deep feeling of, like, this resonance that only the earth provides.


Like, nature is such a wise teacher in those ways.


Now I'm coming to the online space, like, hey, here's all I know.


And it's like.


It's funny because I have a business, you know?


We do.




Between 15 and $45,000 a month.


And I'm a brand new baby on Instagram.


But it's all good.


It's very fun.


It's like a very curious endeavor that I feel really happy.


I get to take.


So now that my company has given me that freedom, you know?




And I think it's really special, too, because you have so much evidence that, like, you grow quickly through word of mouth, which is, like, the best way to grow even now on Instagram is people finding out about your magic.


But it's like, you also know what it means to value yourself, know your worth, own your gifts, and how that can come through into your marketing.


And I know that you had mentioned something about, like, the ways people market.


And for me, like, I think about marketing is just an extension.


Your teachings and sharing.


Why me?


Why now?


Why this matters to you in a very ethical way?


Because it's like, when we want to learn how to market, it's just letting more people know about what it is that we do in a really fun storytelling.


Like, hey, this is my life type of way, which I think for you is really cool because you have evidence that you can create wealth and that can happen in any freaking business.


But how you take it over into the online space and how you take it over into coaching really does.


Like, it doesn't matter what strategy.


Like, okay, let's think.


Like, did you change your strategy from what you were doing last year to what you've done in the last two months to go to 40k months?


Like, did any of your strategy change in the last two months?


Well, I mean, there's a few different nuances in regards to strategy.


Like, the only thing that never change is me getting the fuck up every day and I going for it, because my life.


That's my life.


It's my baby.


You know, we create these businesses.


It's like, it's a love of my life, you know?


Like, it's a whole entity that deserves my love and respect.


Just like Imani, you know, it's like I need to show up every day and nurture this entity that I've created.


So that never changed.


Okay, that's a.




That's been solid since they dot.


But I will say I did shift my kind of logistical strategy in the sense of, like, because, like I said, when my energetics kind of shifted at the end of the winter, I was like, all right, I need to, like, I'm doing way too much.


You know what I mean?


Like, I'm doing way too much.


My grip on control is a little too tight.


I need to, like, lean into trust a little bit more.


So I hired more people.


I hired different other, like, landscaping teams to do jobs.


I just didn't want to do but I was able to, like, hire them to complete the job and also pay myself on top of what I paid them.


So it was like, I made more money for doing less work.


You know what I mean?


And it was just like, this essence of work.


Smarter, not harder.


And I would say that that is a strategy that changed, but the number one strategy that started this business in the first place is, like, waking up every day with the intent to succeed through all of the failures, like, constantly.


Just, like, you know, constantly having to, like, reevaluate and be like, okay, like, what's true for me right now?


How can I find the solution?


What's the fastest route in order to find that solution?


Like, who can help me?


Or how can I help myself, essentially?


And the solution for me was to hire more people and to let my employees and my contractors do the jobs that they were hired to do without me being like, this mom over their shoulder.


Because my plants, all of these landscapes that I've intuitively built and designed and installed, they're my babies, like, these plants.


So it was like a big.


It was a big thing to be like, okay, you know what?


I can trust others that I've trained them correctly and that I need to pour more into myself, which is, like, this new brand that I'm creating, Oaklean alchemy, because that's really what my company wants me to do.


My company wants to print money by itself.


Now, that's, like.


That's like, that's what it wants to do because it's really good at that.


And I've created the structures and the systems and the scaffolding for it to do so.


So I'm gonna let it do so.


You know what I mean?


Like, I'm just like, okay.


Like, finally, I'm like, all right, I get it.


I get it.


You want me to bring the wisdom and these gifts that you have so generously given me now onto the online space, because with the gardening and landscape design company, we're helping one property at a time.


And some.


Some properties are so massive, you know, like, these big, you know, multi acre properties that take, you know, a week or so to finish.


And, like, the people aren't even there.


These are, like, mostly vacation homes that we tend to.


So it's like, I am here to change people's lives.


That's my dharma.


You know what I mean?


And, like, that's something, too, that I think Amber really leans into with a lot of her teachings.


It's like, we're, like, you know, wave makers and, like, all of that stuff.


It's like, that's not, that's not like small potatoes.


Like, those are like, really step up and claim that because if you have, like, this inner inkling that, like, you have big impact to make.


Like, that's there for reason.


Like, that's like a real thing that you deserve to really lean into.


And, like, that's what I'm really doing now.


And obviously my business had just barely launched.


I'm still creating my offers and everything is all very new and very fun.


But, but, yeah, it's like I'm leaning into that dharma, into that, you know, into, like, my purpose of, like, I'm here to help people change their lives, build wealth, create freedom, you know, lean into their intuition and be able to trust themselves to solve their own problems.


Like, that is something that is so invaluable that everyone is born with.


And I think that people deserve to have that skill, you know, just 1 second.




And I love what you say about, like, who and how when it's our baby and, like, having other people come in onto our team and do things that, like, we care so much about.


Because I remember, like, hiring the first person that was gonna start responding to my emails and I'm just like, that's my customer service.


Like, those are my clients.


Those are my people.


And it's like, it's so hard not to micromanage that, but, like, you literally can't scale and grow if you want to micromanage all those little pieces.


But like you said, when it's your soul work, when it's your dharma, when you, like, really want to have a big impact, those parts and pieces you care so deeply about, which is why it's important to really value the people that you bring onto your team.


And like you said, like, I hired them for a reason.


I have to trust myself that I hire these people for a reason and, like, let them do what I hired them to do because that wisdom is going to come through into your coaching business.


And I think that, like, the overarching theme really is just like, are you who you say you want to be?


And if you really do want to scale this company, you have to hire a team and let go of micromanaging everything because that's not sustainable.


And if you do want to build a cash machine, you have to really conserve your energy so that you're actually able to enjoy the wealth that you're creating.


And the first person that we want to have impact on the is ourselves.


And I remember you were going through visionary CEO.


And this was, like, visionary.


Yeah, I am a visionary.


I am a wave maker.


Like, this is my dharma.


This is my soul's work.


But, like, if that's what you want to do, then you have to embody that person that you want to be in ten years now, which is what you've done.


Juggling this year is like hiring team, letting other people do the things.


And that's just showing the belief that you said, like, I woke up every day and I did what I needed to do.


That's what we have to do in our online businesses.


And I've been creating this content just from, like, little moments of going surfing that I've been thinking.


Like, people post for three months or three years and they question and doubt why they aren't where they desire to be yet.


Like, but people go to college for four or eight years only to get out and apply for jobs.


Like, there's literally no guarantee.


Why are we questioning the timeline of our online businesses where, like, like, we can literally create multi millions in one year fast.


How fast?


Everyone's is different, but the one thing that matters the most is, like, how quickly you move.


Like, how quickly are you going to hire the mentor?


How quickly are you going to hire the team?


How quickly are you going to fire the team?


How often are you going to show up when you don't want to show up and do the things that you don't want to do because of who you want to be?


Like, that's why it happened for you, right?


Like, of course, like, we can play with strategy, but, like, it's the decisions that we make and the moves that we make even when we don't want to.


And it's like getting up and showing up no matter what.


Like, that is something that you have to do.


And it's so funny because I'm in the room with beginners, brand new beginners, creating offers, creating content.


I'm also in the room with seven, eight figure entrepreneurs who are like, what should I post?


What do you think about my content?


Like, not owning what it is that they're doing.


And you're like, wait a minute.


You have made multi millions in your business.


Why are you questioning yourself?


But it's like we literally forget so that we can remember, like, it's actually a gift.


And I just created a piece of content on this.


Like, I forgot how hard pregnancy was, I forgot how terrible birth was.


Like, but it's like we have to forget those things.


But then we also forget, like, what we're really good at.


So that when we have clients come into our world and we remind us like, oh yeah, this is what you see in me.


But we also do that for others.


And that's why, you know, having partnership or having children or having client deep relationships and like, that's why I'm always like long term relationships forever always.


Because in the beginning I was jumping from coach to coach to coach to coach, but there was no depth in the relationship for someone to actually see me for an entire.


But I also didn't find the right coach and mentor to walk with me until I did.


And then I stayed in the room.


But I think it's just a beautiful way and testimonial, like who you are and who you are set out to be.


Oh, thank you so much.


And I, yeah, I think that the decision we talked a lot about in CEO ripple collective or CEO visionary, whatever that offer was, that was awesome.


But you talked a lot about like the decisions, like type one, type two decisions.


And it just made me reflect on like, oh my God, like, I make so many decisions on a daily basis as like an entrepreneur running this company and just in the daily life, like what to eat, like all, like, all, like the little things that you have to make decisions for.


But I think that the things that stand people apart from, like the ones who are stuck to the ones who are really going for it is like not being afraid to make the wrong decision.


Like you, like, are gonna make the wrong decision.


Like that's inevitable.


Like that's just, that's going to happen and that's okay.


That's part of it.


Like, like you just said, there's something to learn, there's something to really, really listen to.


Like to let the, let the bad feature and then you get to just forget about them and then it comes back around in cycles just like as nature does, you know?


And so, yeah, I think that the decision making part of a business is so pivotal for really, like just going for it.


Like, you're gonna make mistakes and you're gonna fail and it's gonna be fine.


Like, just keep going, you know, just keep showing up and over time your decisions will get more refined and then you'll be able to hopefully trust your intuition a little bit more to help you with those.


And that's something that I feel like has developed so strongly in me to where I feel really solid when I make decisions now.


And they're not from a place of lack and they're not from a place of desperation and they're from a place of like, you know, true authenticity and true alignment to, like, what I want, what my values are.


And, yeah, I think that's just really key for bringing yourself into, you know, true resonance with the brand that you're building or the company that you're building.




And it was the teaching of, like, there's two types of decisions.


Decisions that, like, it doesn't actually matter.


Should I have this or should I have that?


Should I do this or should I do that?


Should I post this or should I post that?


Should I launch this program?


Should I launch that program?


Those decisions can be changed later on, but, like, where am I going to birth my baby?


Who am I going to marry?


Like, those are, like, lifetime decisions that, like, maybe you should be certain about.


But we waste so much time on the decisions that don't actually matter.


And those that make decisions quickly get what they want faster.


And those that sit on decisions that don't actually matter.


It just matters what you learn in the decisions of making.


It's like, trust yourself, trust the decision, and know that no matter what happens, the decision that you make is the right decision.


And one of my best friends, she said this to me.


She said, when I married him, I knew it was the right decision.


And when I divorced him, I knew it was the right decision.


And it's so beautiful because that is so free from what most people tell us.


And I just thought, wow, you are an empowered.


You know, it's just so empowered.


And I really love that, like, way that she owned both the decisions that she makes because those were decisions that really mattered.




And she couldn't go back once she married him.


She might be able to go back after she divorced him.


Like, that happens, but, like, the decision of divorce, it's final.


Like, it's done, and then, like, whatever happens after that.


But I think just, like, learning to make decisions quicker.


And she also makes fun of me a lot, but she admires me a lot because I move quickly and I make a lot of mistakes.


But she's like, you're so much farther in business than me because you were just willing to go messy.


And, like, that, for me, is, like, I got where I am because, like, unapologetic.


I'll post it, and my sister will be like, there's five grammar errors.


I'll send the email, and the link doesn't work.


Like, I don't care.


Like, I'm just here.


I'm on a big mission.


I have deep dharma work, and, like, I get to be the example for my clients that you can still build a multi successful, half a million dollar a year business, and it's so freaking messy.


I just sent all my mastermind clients this morning my first ever graphics and my first ever masterclasses.


I'm embarrassed, but it was like, some of them are brand new and they're, like, wondering why they aren't where I am yet.


And I'm like, let me show you the four and a half year journey that I started on.


Give yourself a break.


Like, this is evolution of who you be.


Like, your branding, your sales pages, your content, your programs, all of that evolves and gets better as you grow into a better version of you.


And so it's just like, do it messy, which it sounds like, you know, you started.


You've been juggling, you've been playing, you've been innovating, and you just keep moving 100%.


And also, like, life is life.


You know what I mean?


So it's like, how are you going to continue to show up in some perfect way that you have orchestrated and facilitated in your mind that's supposed to look, like, pretty all tied up with a bow when you're grieving or when you are, you know, you have a really difficult cycle.


Like, your period is like, just kicking your ass one month, or, like, we are human.


Like, we are part of nature.


We are of nature.


Nature is our ancestors.


So if we want to imitate the wisdom of this billion year old entity that is nature, then that's also going to have us to respecting our own cycles with things.


And, like.


And, like, nature is a mess.


Like, I don't know if anyone's seen, like, what?


Like hurricanes do or tornadoes or just a massive windstorm or something like that, or even just in the way late winter where everything is just dead and tangled and altered.


I live in the northeast of the United States, so that's kind of what my winters look like.


Obviously different from you, amber, and Costa Rica.


But at the same sense, it's like nature is a mess and it's also beautiful and perfect.


So why are we judging ourselves so thoroughly to be perfect when that's not innately who we are?


We are not perfect.


We are also perfect, but also a mess.


And we're also just like this.


The brutality of nature is also, you know, it's power.


And so being in that power of your mess is such a.


Such a strong message.




Such a really strong message and teaching, for sure.


Power of the mess.


Yeah, it's powerful.






And, you know, nature teaches us so much about destruction and rebirth and like you said, how much you learn from being in the earth and the soil.


And I came from, like, growing weed and trimming weed and being in the soil and letting it be organic.


And, like, that was, like, deeply rooted in, like, coming back to the earth and, like, what really has to happen for the harvest season.


Season to come.


And that's a lot of work and a lot of effort.


And also, like, it's fleeting.


Like, so Luna sod is like, that is like one of the cross quarters of the pagan calendar, and it's like, at the first week of August, essentially, and that's when all the peaches are ripe and the dahlias are, you know, blooming.


And it's just like this very vibrant time of abundance.


And that's harvest.


You know, the wheat was harvested during that time back in the olden days, and that is a fleeting period.


That's like, two, three weeks.


You know what I mean?


So we have seasons where we're super abundant.


We're super vibrant, where everything is hitting, you know?


And you're like, yes, this is it.


And then it's then fall directly after Luna sod.




Then it's.


Everything dies, you know?


And so it's like being respectful to ourselves, being kind to ourselves when we're going through these natural cycles.


That's not uncommon.


Just look outside.


You know, it's like, it's okay.


It's totally okay.


Like, I don't want to always be on.


Imagine if it was sun all day long and there was no night.


We'd be dead.




So powerful.


Such a good reminder, too.


And I made a post about this yesterday, and just, like, trusting the season of life that you're in and that there is medicine for you and every.


Just like, there is, like, there's so much medicine in nighttime.


There's so much medicine in daytime and in rainy season and in dry season and snowy season and all the different seasons that we need based upon where we're at in the world.




And that shows up in our business, that shows up in our life, that shows up in marriage, that shows up in motherhood.


Like, it's literally like we are nature, so it's like trusting the nature.


And that's why business growth is personal growth.




Bye, everyone.


You know, it's like business growth is personal growth.


Like, period.


Like, that's, you know, nature.


Nature teaches us that.


Such a powerful 100%.


Well, Imani is awake, so I better go back to my second job or my first job.


Thank you for show.


Yeah, thank you so much.


For being here.


And just, like, taking the time out of your day to record this episode.


And for those that are listening, where can we begin to follow you on the beginning journeys of your coaching space?


Oh, my goodness.


Thank you for asking.


Yes, Opaline alchemy is my Instagram handle.


Op a l I n e.




And I do have a free masterclass coming up on July 30, which you can sign up for with the link in my Instagram bio or find the link in my stories as I post many stories a day.


I love stories.


But radical permission is really just your permission slip that you get to give yourself in order to either start a business.


If you've been thinking about what you want to do, you want to get out of the job that you're in, or really just lead a life of just deeper, authentic authenticity and just deeper resonance with the truth of who you are.


Or if you're already in business and you're feeling that stagnation and that stuckness, and it's because probably your higher self and your intuition wants to connect you with your deeper dharma, right?


This deeper purpose that propels us forward and gets me and amber up every single day with this fire in our hearts to make big waves and change the world in whatever way that we can.


And so, radical permission is free masterclass, and the course will be available for you to delve into after that masterclass, if you feel called, it will be evergreen on my site so you can always have access to it.


And yeah, really just developing that beautiful light that you were born with from your intuitive channel that I want to help you to discover.




Thank you so much, Sharon.


We will link her Instagram and masterclass into the show notes.


And if you're listening, you love something on this episode, be sure to take a screenshot and tag us on Instagram.


Let us know you are listening and your biggest takeaway way.


We'll talk to you on the next episode.


Thanks, Amber.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out