Episode 179

Published on:

6th Aug 2024

Embracing Seasonality in Business: Staying Authentic Through Life’s Ups and Downs

In this episode, we dive into the realities of balancing content creation, business, and life. Join me as I share my personal journey through a challenging first trimester and how I managed to stay connected and serve my community authentically. Discover how to keep showing up for your clients and audience while honoring the season you're in. Learn practical strategies for maintaining your business’s momentum, even when you're not at your peak energy. This episode is packed with insights on staying real, prioritizing what matters, and thriving in your unique journey.


Time stamps:

00:21 - The Nature of Content and Life

01:29 - Authentic Connection

02:10 - The Four Agreements

03:06 - Prioritizing Clients

04:53 - Compounding Growth

06:18 - Choosing One Platform

08:38 - Content Creation Insights

14:04 - Embracing Human Nature in Business


Show links:

Join the live 2-day event in Costa Rica this December

Stay connected with Amber on IG


Amplified impact.


Keeping it real.


Amplified impact.


The podcast has been really quiet over the last six weeks.


And let's be real.


Content life business.


It's raw and it's seasonal.


I want to share with you how to keep yourself in the season that you're in while staying alive.


I've gone silent on my podcast, on my YouTube channel, and that's because the season that I've been in is the first trimester human puddle.


I've been so completely exhausted lying down and I want to show you how you can show up.


Share from your heart, and shift the way in which you share.


Share depending on the season that you're in.


If you're not already following me on instagram, be sure you go to Amberhagberg right now, because this is where I have showed up.


This is where I have stayed present, and this is where the content of my life has been so raw and rich.


The reason that we want to stay authentic is to do what social media and service based industries are meant to do.




Connect to our community, connect to our people.


Since becoming pregnant, I haven't connected more to my community and felt more supported in a really long time.


And there's all of this pressure that we put upon ourselves in our business and in our life.


Like, we should show up the same way all the time, every single day, no matter what.


And as it says and states in the four agreements, doing your best is going to change depending on what it is you're going through.


If you've never had a baby before and you don't know what it's like to be in the first trimester, you are kind of lucky.


It's not easy.


I was sleeping 14 plus hours a day taking naps with my toddler.


I want you to know what's most important to focus on when you're in a season of not having a lot to give to other people.


The first thing that I always do in my business, whether it is in a season where I'm full of passion and inspiration and joy, or I'm lying in my bed most of the day, the first one is serve my clients, any of my one on one clients or my mastermind clients, I served them in the beginning of the day when my energy was high.


I prioritize serving who's in my world.


Before I go to do marketing and sales, before I go to do and create anything new, I pour into what's already there.


I made sure first thing in the morning, I checked in on my clients.


I made sure that my client calls were at a peak hour, and sometimes I took my calls from the bed.


A gift of being in this work, working from home, serving your clients on Zoom.


You don't have to get ready.


You don't have to wear makeup.


I didn't wear makeup or jewelry for six weeks.


I was like, no, I do not want to get ready and get cute.


And what is really amazing about this is that after one of my coaching calls with a one on one client, she's like, she sent me a message.


I shared this on Instagram.


Amber, that one call was worth the entire six month investment.


How does one call make it worth the entire six month investment?


Even when I'm tired?


Because I was making sure that I show up and I serve and I give to my clients.


What we have to do is focus on what matters in the moment.


Giving to our current audience, our current clients pour into them.


And knowing that my business isn't collapsing because I took six weeks off of my podcast or six weeks off of my YouTube channel, or because I'm not creating a brand new program or a brand new offer or brand new free experience every single month.


I've hit my highest cash sales months in the last two months.


And that's not an accident.


It's compounding growth of everything that I've done in the last four years.


Everything that I've been doing is adding up, and it's compounding over time.


It's okay to be in a season of taking time off, off, not focusing on audience growth.


Audience growth is so important if you want to continue to grow and scale.


And it actually doesn't always move the needle if you pour into your current clients and you pour into your current community.


I did have one program that I was launching at the very beginning of my sickness, my six month, rather, my six week, and it was spotlight.


And at the beginning, I unlocked magical strength inside of me when I was serving one of the best programs that I've ever led.


And it's because I was doing what I loved, but it was the only thing on my calendar.


And then the second thing that I did, apart from showing up for what I had already committed to serving my clients, was creating on the platform that I have the biggest community, that I have the most active, engaged clients, friends, sisters, potential clients, people, and that's Instagram.


When you're in a low season, choose one platform where your community exists.


And then if you have the support, you have the team and you want to repurpose, you can go onto Facebook, you can go onto Twitter, you can go onto thread like, there's all of these other ways, but the most important thing that you do on the one platform that you choose is keep it real.


Keep it real with them.


I often get asked, should I pre batch my content or should I schedule my content?


Do I amber, do you pre batch or do you schedule?


I share from the heart and what's most alive and even working with or being in proximity to multi six, seven figure entrepreneurs, they are all human.


And the content that doesn't perform is the content where we get in our heads, we overthink, and we overcomplicate things.


Like, is this going to land?


What should I post?


What do I need to say?


Who do I need to be?


What if it was just I'm creating content to give and share from the heart?


In my most recent masterclass, I know who the f I am coming back to who you are and who you've always been here to be.


I shared my best performing reels.


Why they performed, how they brought in new clients, the strategy behind it.


And what I was doing was sharing the raw, the real, the truth about my life.


I wasn't sharing some secret formula.


I wasn't sharing any formula.


I wasn't following any formula.


I wasn't trying to get clients or validation out of my content.


I was just being a real human.


And this is what people want.


Who wants to work with someone that's like, I've never had a flopped launch.


I've never had to cancel a retreat.


I've never had to pay out of pocket for a retreat.


I've never had a piece of content that, like, just didn't land with myself or anyone else.


Like, it's not relatable.


What we want is connection and relatability and depth and like, I get you, I see you, I feel you.


I've been there.


I continue to share content daily on Instagram during the six week struggle bus because that's what's the easiest.


One of the things that I help my clients with is not overthinking, not trying to get it right, but just being raw and open with their community and sharing from the heart while staying so deeply connected to the passion, while being able to connect the dots for your audience to see why this works for you, what matters to you and what it is that you do with your clients.


One of my women inside of the mastermind, she's a retreat leader.


She sells retreats.


She has an online program.


She has booked out her one on one coaching forever.


Like, she was doing this program she felt so deeply disconnected to the launch.


She ran this master class and she was just like, I don't want to do this anymore.


And I'm like, why are you launching this program?


And it was because she thought she should.


She canceled that launch with full permission and booked out two one on one spots and had a ten k day.


She's about to sell out three retreats.


Why does this matter?


Because if you're not doing what's raw and real for you and sharing it when you show up energetically, that is felt within your audience.


If you're not selling something, are you fully behind it?


Is this actually what, what you want to be selling?


And even while I'm doing this within my podcast right now, I'm telling you what I do and how well it does.


I'm telling you how I do it and how I help my clients do it.


This is relatable because I know way too many not successful and really, really important to know successful people who get into their heads about content, about business, about making money.


I look at content, I look at business as an extension of your teachings.


Taking what you do in your life, the way you live and lead your life, and the way you teach and impact others, and just sharing that, just sharing that because this is what people really want.


We are in a service based helping industry.


What people want is to connect.


That's why we have social media.


But why do we feel so disconnected?


Comparison, judgment, seeking, external validation, seeking clients rather than I'm doing this to give because it's my soul's work.


We're missing the point of connection.


I'm doing this to connect to you.


What happens is people see, and me and my girlfriend were talking about this at the park last night.


People see my big money numbers, 30, 40.


Then friends are like, oh my gosh, is that real?


Are you doing this?


And they be like, can you help me?


I just don't have a lot of money to pay.


And I'm like, well, I've paid a lot of money to learn how to make a lot of money.


And what I know to be so true is that the making money part is actually easy.


The business part isn't usually what I help my clients with.


I have so many programs in my mastermind and my one on one coaching that is not what I do in my work.


I've spent hundreds and thousands of dollars trying to find the solution and chase the strategy.


I thought I was missing when what I discovered is why most people fail or don't make it is because the human gets in the way.


We block ourselves.


Mindset, energetic embodiment.


We live here and we have to get here in the heart.


We live in the head.


We have to get to the heart.


The human overthinks.


The human seeks instant gratification, likes sign ups.


Now the human wants to try and figure it out, solve all the problems, get there.


So whether you're launching a retreat, an online program, or a mastermind, do you love the offer?


Do you love what you've created?


Are you excited to talk about it?


Are you freaking passionate about it?


You talk about it for three days and then you freak out because no one's reached out.


Hi, my name is Amber.


I did that last week and I created content on it.


I talked about a brand new offer that I've never had in my business before for a brand new audience.


Only one person signed up with 30 plus reach outs.


Hi, coaches.


Please help me.


Oh, I know what it means to build brand awareness.


I know what it means to see a launch all the way through.


But my human came up to show that's why we have mentors, that's why we have business besties.


Or you sign up for people and then you're like, oh, my gosh, I only had four people sign up.


That's four whole humans that said, yes.


I had one person sign up for my retreat before I even announced why was I stretching?


This thing is four months away because I'm human.


So we create drama in our minds and we lose the compass of why we're doing it in the first place.


I'm hosting a two day live event in Costa Rica at the end of this year, December 3 and fourth.


I'm doing this as a party for my clients and my community because I want to bring them in person.


I want them to experience in real life what it means to move energy and release limiting beliefs amongst sisterhood, amongst friends that they feel like they've known for years.


Because most of the time we're on our computers, we're on our phones, and we're doing this alone.


I want to bring in person connection because what really matters for a successful launch and or business is staying committed to the energy and the frequency of your passion and your why and while doing what you need to do in order to sell it out.


The strategy matters.


Like, all of those tactics matter.


But if you don't have the mindset and the energy to hold it as much as you can as you ride the waves of being human and you're launching and birthing something, if you've ever given birth.


It's not, oh, my gosh, my baby's here.


It's, oh, my gosh, I'm going to die.


I'm never going to have a baby again.


Who would ever do this?


This is the hardest thing of my life.


Oh, my God, my baby's here.


The same thing happens when we birth something new or we bring something to life.


Marketing and selling is an arthem.


How you talk about your offer, how you talk about your work, how you sell your offer, and most importantly, how you feel when you market and you sell will determine whether it's successful or not.


But we get in our heads.


Hello, we're human.


Normalize it.


That's okay.


We all do it.


No matter how successful we've been, no matter how much we've created, the human will always come up to play.


But if you want to be real, make sure that you're real with yourself and that you actually know what you're doing.


Do you have the skills to market and sell?


Have you learned and mastered the skills of running a business and building a brand and creating a movement and bringing souls, like minded souls, together?


And if not, invest and learn, period.


End super duper important.


And then after that, or maybe even before that, master your emotions, your energy and your mindset.


That's why I always, in all of my containers, my membership, my mastermind, one on one online, real, raw content I share behind the scenes.


Any room you get in, you will meet humanity.


No matter how successful someone has been, they meet their human.


What you want to do is keep it real with your audience.


Live and lead through making mistakes, through questioning your own work and share what's on your heart.


Stay authentic and focus on what really matters.


Trust the season that you're in, and when you're in a season that isn't like most, you're going through something.


Focus on one to two things that matter, serving your clients and your community.


I focused on my current list, my current clients, my one platform, Instagram, and I emailed my list from my Instagram content.


When you create, when you create good content, raw, real, all you have to do is adjust it and send it to your email list.


And while I was in an off season and coming out of the dust, I birthed a brand new experience that I wasn't going to bring to life until next year.


But then I was like, no, I want to throw a party at the end of the year.


I want to bring together my clients, my friends, my communities into a full body experience on what it takes to become someone who is able to not just build the life of their dreams, excel at what they think is possible.


If you want more clarity on where you're going, take action.


Get in this room.


If you want more money but you're over the strategy, you're over looking for something outside of yourself, get yourself in this room.


If you're done doing this alone and you want to build your network, because that becomes your net worth, get yourself in this room.


We will be moving through workshops, sisterhood connection, where we look at limiting beliefs, we look at what does a mindset that excels and creates an extraordinary life and a massive bank account look like.


Like if you're signing clients, you're working with people, you're creating content like you're doing the thing, but you want to build a bigger movement.


If you there and you know you want to get there.


Like you're here and you know you want to get there, you're ready for so much more.


Then get yourself in this room.


Here for more is I'm here for more sisterhood, I'm here for more money, I'm here for more impact.


I'm here to build something so much bigger than I already have.


And you want to know how to feel in your body that vision coming to life.


And you want to.


You want.


It feels far away and you want it to happen sooner.


Get yourself in this room.


Costa Rica is an energy vortex.


It's called me back for eight and a half years.


You come here and you learn what you need to know.


Just the Costa Rica experience.


Experience is medicine.


But put yourself in this room with other rule breaking visionaries who are here to create an unconventional, extraordinary, luxurious life where massive wealth.


Wealth means more impact.


It means being able to pay off other people's gofundmes.


It means when the world is in crisis and people are suffering, you have the funds and the resources to give.


It means being able to give to your family things that they couldn't give to you because money was tight or time wasn't there.


I want you to have more time, money and impact than ever before for you and your legacy.


And this is going to be the experience where you walk away different.


You have the emotional mastery tools, you have the sisters to do it with.


When you're at home, online, you don't have to be alone because you can zoom them, you can text them, you can call them.


I want you to have the strategy.


What does it take to build a multi million dollar movement?


If that's what you desire, whatever your money goals are I want you to know that you have the tools, the inner tools and the outer tools to make that happen.


This is a two day live experience here in Costa Rica.


The JW Marriott in Belen, Costa Rica.


All you have to do is fly in to San Jose and it's about a ten minute taxi uber ride there.


We will have lunch included each day, snacks in the morning, snacks in the evening, coffee and tea.


Amazing food, nine to five each day.


The early bird tickets right now are $2.99 so get your booty in.


Come hang out with us in Costa Rica and if you're feeling really called and you want to step into the retreat, you can check out all the details.


Amberhagberg.com here for more masterpiece Retreat is a two night, three day retreat for retreat leaders, facilitators, space holders, coaches who want to excel.


They want to refine and master their own ability to hold space and they want to lead their work in front of other leaders where we get to give each other feedback and step more fully into our leadership roles where you can become well known and recognized in the spotlight for the work that you do.


This retreat is literally making me so happy.


It was the one thing that I knew I was going to bird this year.


I just had to figure out when baby was coming.


Then get yourself in this room.


I'm so excited for this event.


It makes me happy.


I go to sleep dreaming about it.


I wake up in the morning.


I just know that at the end of this year, this event is going to be the thing that changes my life, my business, my community and my clients.


And I hope that you will be here and join us in the land of the pura vida.


I'll talk to you on the next episode.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out