Episode 161

Published on:

20th Feb 2024

Align and Connect Deeper With Who You Are To Grow Your Business Easier with Christy Yael

Special guest business mentor and soul alignment coach Christy Yael joins Amber on this week's episode. They discuss astrology, human design, and the Akashic records. Christy blends these modalities to help her clients grow and scale with more ease. If you’re feeling a little stuck, can’t make a decision, or are feeling imposter syndrome creep in - this episode is for you. 

Plus tune in to hear about the best tool they both use that has created the most growth in their business and lives. 

Connect with Christy Yael on Instagram or learn more about her offers here.

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Time Stamps

00:49 -Amber shares a pivotal tool in her business 

01:14 -Christy expands on her expertise and how it can impact your business

06:29 -What it means to be out of alignment

07:58 -What growth really feels like and how to keep moving forward

10:26 -Christy opens up about her background

12:15 -When magic starts to happen

17:01 -Creating your own path

19:00 -Niching and evolution of your scope

21:15 -Business energetics

26:50 -Generational work



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I am so excited for another episode today I have a very special guest, Chrissy Yale.


She is a business mentor and a soul alignment coach, which obviously all of you here listening know that that is my jam.


How can we align to our soul’s highest calling?


And in that there's always a shedding, a letting go and breaking through those barriers that we put on ourselves.


Society puts on a us and coming into what it is that we truly want and desire in the world.


Thank you, Christy.


I'm so excited to see where this conversation goes today.


Thank you.


Me too.


I'm so happy to be here.


I'm thrilled to be here.


Well, tell us what is most alive for you right now?


And I know one thing that I really love about your work is you

integrate human design.


And I know for me this was such a pivotal moment in my business to align my design with my business strategy.


But would love to hear for you right now what is really most alive for you and the work that you're doing with your clients, For your heart, for your family.


Yes, absolutely.


I mean, I love using this as a tool, as a as an alignment tool.


It's the most practical, esoteric tool I think I've ever come across.


Because not only and I'd love to hear more about your experience and what your alignment was, because not what I see with clients all the time is through deeply understanding their human design, they get clear on their strategy, their most aligned strategy.


So you can get really specific about, you know, who's your target market, what are you uniquely suited to do, what's your life purpose?


What's the work that you're here to serve the collective with?


What's your brand?


What's your brand messaging?


What's your target market like?


It gets really really really specific and and then it also shows you so clearly you know how are you self sabotaging, where are you getting in your own way.


What are the patterns that you're caught in that you need to move from the low frequency up to the high frequency.


And because it can get so so specific so in in such great detail it's I find it's the fastest tool I've ever come across to help people get into alignment to help show you so specifically to give you shift your business more in this direction.


If you niche more in this direction you'll create greater alignment you'll create greater magnetism and if you can move out of the lower frequency of some of yourself sabotaging behaviors then you can also create greater abundance and and create more magnetism as well.


So I just I'm so lit up by it.


I'm so excited by it and and I I love to see how it what I found for myself and it's how I came to use this tool and to use it with clients is I I was stuck and I was using.


I have a lifetime of of work using astrology and it was helpful, but it wasn't as specific and it wasn't until I started working with human design and I started applying it to myself in my own business.


Then all of a sudden everything became wildly clear and so then I started working with clients and it's so quick, it's so fast and and it's so resonant.


Like what I find that's amazing is you will learn nothing that you don't already innately know about yourself, but it's reflected back to you in a way that clarifies how you have been caught in your own self sabotage, or how you've been trying to serve too many people instead of niching down to one specific target market.


So yeah, deeply passionate about it.


Yeah, I love this conversation about like really getting to know yourself because it's with astrology, Enneagram, human design, these different tools that we have to really understand who we are.


Some of my background is yoga and meditation as well as like sitting, being able to sit with yourself to look at the good and the bad, going into relationship and showing all parts and pieces of yourself.


It's like the same thing happens with business.


And that's what I have found is like once I got to understand my design in my makeup where I was born, like where the stars were when I was born, it allowed me to find compassion and forgiveness and understanding for the ways in which I was.


And then it gave me full permission to be all that I am and show all that I am without feeling like holding myself back.


And like that's something that has really empowered my business strategy.


But also the way in which, you know, working with clients has come to be one thing that really helps is like that souls calling, like you were saying, like what you feel called to do.


I think that there's the shedding of, like, is that really what I have to do?


Like, is that what it's like? No.


But like, you know, that's what you need to do.


And it's like once we make that move, that's where all of the abundance comes in.


That's where the clients start piling in.


But at first it's like this edge, it's growth.


It's like learning to do the thing that's uncomfortable so that you can allow yourself to receive more, which is like something that I know that you really like, talk about is like soul alignment.


And that doesn't mean it's easy.


And that doesn't mean that there isn't going to be, like, some hard work of, like, you getting to know what you're afraid of, you getting to know, like, what limiting beliefs are holding you back.


And what I love teaching about is like how this is where you get to

live and lead by example.


Because it's not that you're perfect or that it's not that you don't have fear.


That's not that you're not uncomfortable or you care what other people think.


It's like, what do you do when those things come up?


And how can you help other people see that?


Like it's OK to be who you are.


This is what I do.


How can you do this for yourself?


And I'm curious for you like going into teaching business from running a business, Where did you find yourself really, like getting out of alignment with what it is you are meant to do?


And what initiations happened for you to come into the space of, like, I meant to guide others through human design astrology, Like, how did you know that was your calling?


And like what initiations did you go through in that moment?


Yeah, absolutely.


I think one of the things that we don't realize is how much

conditioning we take on.


And it's why human design is such a powerful tool because it does

reflect back to us our authentic blueprint, like who we authentically are.


And then there is this layer of conditioning that we take on, that we take on from the moment we're born.


And we do it in order to ensure secure attachment with our caregivers, right.


So we morph and become whoever we need to be to stay securely attached.


And often it means we abandoned ourselves over and over and over again until we've sort of forgotten who we are.


And what I see a lot of the time, and it's certainly been my path, is that people tend to hit a sort of a energetic rock bottom where they're like, this isn't working this life.


I'm not happy.


Everything's hard.


I'm living in scarcity.


I'm living in fear.


I'm in a job that should be amazing.


I did all the things society told me to do.


This should be working really well.


But I'm deeply unhappy.


I feel like there has to be something more and that's where these tools.


So I work.


I work with human design and I also work with the Akashic Records and really like deeply understanding what part is my path versus what is the story I'm living that doesn't belong to me.


What is the story I'm living? That belongs to my parents, that belongs to my grandparents, that belongs to my great grandparents, that belongs to society at large, that is actually, that has taken me away from my my dharmic path, my soul's purpose, the reason I'm here.


And it is uncomfortable.


And I'm so glad you said that because a lot of the time when we start to move into alignment, we're like, Oh my gosh, this is the hardest, scariest thing I've ever done.


This is like jumping off a giant Cliff.


It feels like I'm going to die.


It feels so uncomfortable.


And that's because we unplug from that safe attachment piece, right?


Because safe attachment isn't the same thing as healthy attachment.


So that safe attachment of I'm going to be who society wants me to be, who my parents want me to be, who my partner wants me to be, because then I'm safe.


Except that I'm miserable and I'm out of alignment and I'm not doing, I'm not living my soul's calling.


And then when we unplug from that and we start really living from our authentic self, it is often like, it does feel like, Oh my gosh, I might die here, this moment of I'm not going to survive, I'm going to get kicked out of my family.


No one's like this idea of changing our behavior in a way that is out of alignment with how we think we should be.


More often than not, nobody actually cares as much as we do, right?


It's a perceived fear a lot more than it often is an an actual fear.


But when we start, when we can hold that growth edge and we can trust that being in alignment with our authentic self, our authentic desires, our authentic voice, our authentic calling and we can hold it and we can keep walking with it.


Then over time we create enough experience to recognize, OK, we're we're in alignment.


But it does take time.


And I see a lot of people they sort of dip their toe in and then they're like, Nope, never mind forget it.


Too hard to scary.


I'll go back to the to the, you know, the job where society says that I'm a good girl and I've done the right things and I'll be miserable.


So for me to answer your question, I have.


I've been an entrepreneur for 16 years.


I have had a lifetime of in my 20s.


I tried to do exactly what I thought was successful.


I worked for a brokerage firm and I I wore really nice suits and I made a lot of money.


I made way more money than one should in their 20s and I was really trying to check all the boxes of of what society wanted me to be.


And I got horribly, horribly sick.


So sick that I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs.


Like my body took me out before my mind and my heart would and and I had to start over and I started working in the arts and that felt more aligned and working in the arts.


I I was an artist and I was creative.


And so there was a part of that period of time in my life where I was

in my soul's calling.


I was doing what my soul desired me to do for that period of time.


I went through a divorce, very complicated divorce.


And it was beautiful.


And that there was a a sort of a an energetic up level I had to go through through the divorce in stepping into my own personal power.


And as I did that, when I sort of survived that divorce, then I started my own business and I started my entrepreneurial journey and I built a theater company and it was beautiful.


And it was the greatest learning of my life because I suffered so badly for the first six years.


It was all masculine energy.


It was all burnout and hustle.


It was all scarcity.


It was really 80 -90, a hundred hours a week and, you know, barely scraping by and then, you know, receiving artistic merit and recognition but still not making any money.


And about halfway through at that six year point, I was like, I am doing this all wrong.


I there's something I don't understand and I started deeply getting into and learning about feminine energetics.


And then as I'm sure you know, when you combine strategy with energetics, all of a sudden it's like magic starts to happen.


And so that was the experience as we started to create balance and

momentum and growth.


And then a few years ago, at the beginning of the Pandemic, I actually

started a second theater company and applied all that I knew and and

and was able to scale to seven figures in like 18 months instead of,

you know, 8 1/2 years.


Like it was just like, oh, just add water.


Like, you really start to understand there's a synergy that happens

when you combine strategy with energetics.


But I still wasn't in my, you know, my soul's calling, you know, there

was still, I started to recognize the signs because now this was the

third time I was like, OK, I'm not happy.


I'm not filled with.


I'm not lit up from the inside.


I feel half empty.


And it's that feeling.


I'm like, I'm tired.

I'm not.



There's something here that is greater that I know that my soul

supposed to be doing that is greater than what I'm doing.


And for me, I had been still half in the spiritual closet my whole

life, and I recognized to my own personal development that I needed to

reconcile these pieces and parts of myself.


And then as I did that, I it became really, really clear that the work

that I am here to do is both.


But my first step was I actually started my business as a channel and

working in the Akashic Records.


And then I found I was working with entrepreneurs all of the time.


And I was like, oh, I see, I see universe.


I'm supposed to put all of these pieces together and it's been pretty

magical ever since.


So it's very integrated and it takes all of the things that I've

learned throughout my life that have been that I've been successful at

and put them all together.


And now I'm able to serve people through you know, I do human design

readings and Akash Records readings, readings, but the the bulk of my

work is mentorship through for entrepreneurs.


So the long answer to your question.


I absolutely love this.


Like, what I absolutely love the most is always when I bring someone

on to the podcast or I go into another podcast.


It's like the stories mirror one another in some way.


And I remember when I was just graduating high school, my dad had died

of cancer.


And so I was doing everything that I could to make him proud.


I went to high school, I had the boyfriend, I had the car, I had the

house, I had the money.


And I was like, what's happiness?


And so that really led me into my soul awakening of like, I got a



What he told me was success, and I hope he's still proud of me, but

like, he wasn't here to give me that confirmation.


So it was like what I loved about what you said is like the social

conditioning or the conditioning that we have happens from birth.


And so often times we find ourselves operating in ways again and



Because then what happened is I went and did a yoga teacher training.


I moved to Costa Rica and I was like, I'm going to slow down.


I'm going to live this freedom based lifestyle.


And then I was still hustling.


I was still in the work harder to be more successful, make the world

proud because like I'm doing something, I'm checking things off the

box and it was like, oh wait, I'm bringing myself with me.


So I was like constantly really being able to unplug from this

conditioning that I had seen since my dad was alive, him doing to



And so I saw him and I repeated it in every area.


And that's when for me, feminine energetics came in and was like, no,

you don't have to do more to see more success.


And I was like, you can lay on the beach and read a book.


That's OK, you know.


And so bringing that into my journey and then hearing your journey,

the one thing that came through is that everyone has a soul journey in

their business evolution, whether it's successful or not.


The question I always get is, Amber, how did you know this was the



And I was like, I didn't.


I just took what was most alive and present for me then and I just

kept adding on.


And then there would be another thing and then another thing and it's

like now it's like it's all of these things and it's this, but it's

still all of this.


And I remember when I had mine, like a business coach, like, to help

entrepreneurs and other people to run their business.


Like, that can't be me.


I'm a yoga teacher.


And then it was like, no, you're teaching business from a yogic

philosophy lens because yoga is part of who you are in the way in

which you operate your life.


And then you're like, oh, wait, yogic philosophy is just psychology

and a way of living a fulfilled life by being conscious in a way.


Oh, wait, this is entrepreneurship.


And I was like, oh, all of this is just adding up.


So it's like if you're listening to know that your evolution, there's

no wrong path.


Like the path that you're on is building you to where you're growing.


And every time you hit that new edge, it's just like you have a new

piece to your story.


And so thank you so much for sharing your story because it is just

this reminder that we all have a story and that there is no one right

way to find where you're growing other than to not take action when

you feel yourself being called to what's next.


It's inaction that keeps us where we are.


And yeah, it's comfortable where you are, but like uncomfortability is

where growth happens and it's where the awakening occurs and it's

where we allow ourselves to like receive that much more.


Yes, yes, that's beautifully said.


And it really, it it's evolution, right?


It's, it's a lifetime of growth.


And knowing that you know what you're doing now, my guess would be 5

years from now, there will be so much evolution and growth in your

world that you'll be like, well, now this, this is my embodied service

to the world, right.


And then five years after that and and when we get, I think we can get

so attached to identity, to our perception of what our identity is and

forget and it, it closes us down from possibility and might be

available for us and we're like, yeah, but I can't do that because I'm





And I was just talking to somebody about this the other day.


The the significance of niching.


Like when people start, I do a lot of work with spiritual



When spiritual entrepreneurs start on their path, they tend to offer a

little bit of everything.


Like maybe I'll just put up this buffet of services and hope somebody

buys something.


And I talk a lot about the importance of niching, right?


Like, start with, you know, your wheelhouse, the thing that you're

great at, become excellent at it.


And then expand and then expect beyond that.


But it's important to keep expanding.


So start with the one thing, but know that it won't always be that one thing, right?


And that your soul's constantly desiring growth.


And what I love so much about entrepreneurship is I think it's it's

the greatest study of the human condition because we constantly get in

our own way we're we're constantly called to greater versions of



And when we're outside of the corporate box not to knock, you know

there's I've worked in institutions and and businesses and there's

tremendous value to it.


But when we're when it's all us.


When it's all on us.


When it's all, when it is us.


Nothing will will activate growth more and faster.


And I think it is such a gift.


Like I will never not be an entrepreneur, both because I love the

independence and autonomy of it and I love the limitless nature of it.


But I also love that my soul grows greater and faster because of it

every single day.


It's amazing.


It's the spiritual devotion to growth.


And that's where it called me forward.


And there was like the commitment to take risks and grow in those



And what is the byproduct evolution and growth like, so much



And like five years ago, no one could have said this is where we are.


Like, I don't think there's anyone in the planet that said, like five

years ago, I knew that's where I was going because I always, like, I

moved to Costa Rica and I had no idea this is what it was going to

look like yet.


This was my dream.


It's wild and bizarre, like this is the dream, but it's never what you

think it's going to look like.


And it's so expansive, so beautiful, so amazing.


I just love it.


And the one thing that I would love to ask and for you to share, like

your take on on this and like how it came into your business,

energetics and like what does the feminine energetics mean to you and

incorporating that, weaving it through your business strategy.


Because we talk a lot about that here on the podcast, like embodiment,

mindset, the energy of what you think and how you feel and how that

goes to influencing everything it is that you do.


What is your spin and how has that influenced the way that you show up

in your life in business?


It's such a good question.


It's such a good question.


My I'll be curious to hear you think about it.


Actually for me what I found is it's it's a couple of things.


One is the willingness to be really radically honest with oneself

about the ways that we get in our own way energetically.


So like if we're constantly bypassing if we're constantly like I know



It's just you just have to think positive.


I'm like that's not going to work, baby.


It's just not going to work.


Like we got to get real here.


What if it's it takes a lot to walk with our own shadow and wounding

and unhealthy patterns and really dedicate ourselves to cleaning that

up within ourselves.


Like if you one of the things I love to talk about is sales and when

you look really breakdown the energetics of sales, so much of it has

to do with our ability to receive like how deeply can you receive love

really like there's there's an entire strategy part of it where we can

look at like messaging and marketing and branding and the client

journey and the sales funnel.


But when you look at the energetics of sales where where's the sticky

part around receiving like what is that?


What's hard about that?


And often it has more to do with attachment and nervous system and

wounding than anything else, the other part of it.


So that's the the a lot of what I'm interested in when I look at

energetics and it's what I use working in the Akashic records a lot

for are like what?


What's the generational conditioning that you're holding around

abundance, scarcity, lack, empowerment, like sense of self and self

worth like what?


What is all of that for you?


Where is all of that out of alignment?


Like, where are all the knots that need to get untangled?


And then, you know, the other part of it is how deeply can you trust

and surrender?


And I think that they're connected, right?


Like when we go back to our attachment wounds in this life and and our

relationships with our parents and our relationships with our siblings

and our our relationship with with our conditioning and with society.


A lot of the breakdown to trust and surrender actually is informed

through understanding that part of our self.


Like why is it so scary to trust?


Why do we wait?


What happens to your nervous system when you move out of the

psychology and the the, you know, the endorphins and high adrenaline

of hustle where it feels like, well, I'm working really hard, so I'll

be rewarded.


You know what happens when you put all of that down?


Well, for a lot of people, their nervous system for freaks out.


And so when we can really look at why, what's really happening, what

do you need to, you know, where are the neural pathways that we need

to rewire here?




Where's the somatic work that we need to do here to really look at

what surrendering is and how we can feel safe in surrendering?


You know, that's that's when we start to see progress.


But I think a lot of what can be tricky is what I see a lot is I feel.


I see people be like, OK, well, I just need to OK.


I just surrender.


I'm just going to surrender.


I'll just surrender.


How are it going to be?


I just sit here.


I just don't do anything.


But energetically, you know, manifestation isn't who we are.


It's, it's, it's what we are.


It's our field, it's our it's our energy and what we desire to call

into US becomes an energetic match for our energy.


And so it really that deep work is, you know how can I love the act of

surrender, right.


How can I surrender and be in the surrender to the surrender and

celebrate it.


And I think people do a lot of that like and I'm sure you see this too

There's like a lot of that like 5%.


OK, I'm doing the top 5%, but underneath the surface it's like what

comes to mind is that is is the image of a lake or a or the ocean

where everyone's doing the top where the waves are.


OK, well I made this the water still, but underneath all of that I'm

freaking out.


I'm like paddling to save my life because I I'm not really truly

surrendering because I haven't done the deeper nervous system work.


I really love how you bring in the energetics of like generations

because a lot of times it's the energy of what we've been taught and

what is like.


You don't even know it's there because it was given to you through

birth, through like the energy and the beliefs of your parents.


And I remember like the first time this came forward and through for

me was had nothing to do with business.


But I never loved myself and I realized, Oh my parents didn't love



I came into this world from parents that didn't know how to love

oneself, and that was within me.


And then when I realized that I was doing ancestral work, I was like,

oh, that was my grandmother too.


And it just was like, this is so deep.


And like, I'm the first person that I know in my family that chose

myself over someone else.


And so, like, I love that you bring that into the energy because

that's so powerful to bring into our business that it isn't just us.


And yeah, the surrender.


It's like you want me just to sit here.


You don't want me to take action.


But it's like, it's not not do like, I think there's a lot of BS on

the Internet on, like, get rich easily.


I'm like, no, work your butt off.


Set the things up and then shut the computer and go be with your



You know, it's like, so it's like I am someone that, like, I've

shifted from the hustle because I like how you brought that into the

nervous system because I didn't know what to do when there was nothing

to do, because I didn't have hobbies.


I didn't have passions because my joy or purpose was by working.


But that's when I was selling my time for money.


And then when I found hobbies, I was like, oh, I'm going to work hard

and then I'm going to go surfing and go be present with my family.


So it's like I love how you integrate it, not just in like what we're

doing now, but also ancestor beliefs, but also like wounding and how

we can integrate all of these.


And then it's like what happens when you let go.


And a lot of times it is us fighting because we want to control the



But part of that outcome is like letting go and how you feel in that

letting go is really going to be the Co creation and manifestation of

what happens.


Because some people are like, OK, I'm going to let go, but if they're

just freaking out inside of their mind and how they feel inside,

they're not going to get the business results in the same way as like

if you don't do anything at all, you're not going to get the business



So it's like how Or a relationship, whatever it may be, it doesn't

have to just be business.


It can be business.


It can be money, it can be your soul mate, it can be healing

relationship with your child, whatever it may be.


That letting go of the outcome because we can't control the outcome,

but we can control how we feel while we let go of the outcome.


Like that's deep work and it's also circling back to Christy.


Why we said entrepreneur is the best spiritual journey of human growth

and evolution that ever existed.


Because there is a lot that we have to do, not just in our business,

but in ourselves and in our humans.


And that is where the energetics and the inner work comes in.


So I know that we could be here for so long having this.


I mean, our first conversation, y'all that we had was like, OK, like,

yeah, we definitely have things to talk about for hours.


So let's book in some podcast interviews.


So cool Christy tell the listeners, where they can come, follow along

on your journey, get readings, get to understand themselves through

these different practices that you guide.


Yeah, absolutely.


And yes, I could talk to you about this for hours, for hours.


And I just really quickly, I'm just so glad that you said it's not

about not working hard because I think that that's one of the biggest

misconceptions is people are like, oh, I'm just in feminine

energetics, why isn't it working?


It's like, well, no, it's not about not doing anything.


It's just about, yes.


It's about do aligned action, do what you need to do and then trust

and go have fun and what fun you have.


The more magic you create.




The more magic.


Yes, it's so true.


So my company is called This Sacred Life and it's the website is



Also I'm on Instagram at this Sacred dot life and I have.


So right now I have human design packages where I work specifically

with entrepreneurs.


So I have a human design for business package where we look at you

know your, your path, your your purpose, your all the ways you self

sabotage and then we actually get into strategy where we look at, we

do look at your niche, your target market, your brand, your messaging.


It gets really, really granular.


So I have a two session package.


I also have a month long marketing package where I work with people on

their marketing and their messaging and aligned content and and a

month long package and then I do mentorship.


And then the one other thing that I do is I have what's called the

Soul Blueprint package, which is not specific to entrepreneurs where I

work with people over a three session package and we do an Akashic

records reading, we do an astrology reading and we do a human design



So it's really comprehensive and it's really about soul alignment and

that's that's pretty fun too.


So many juicy ways to plug in with Christy.


All of that will be linked into the show notes.


Thank you for listening.


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Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out