Episode 157

Published on:

30th Jan 2024

Is instagram the key to success? The 5 key things to focus on to create SUCCESS for YOU.

In this solo episode, Amber breaks down her top tips for success, and how to define success in your terms. Plus, she shares the affirmations that helped her get where she is today. Take out your journal, grab a cup of coffee (or your favorite bev), and dive into this week's episode.


Time Stamps:

00:00 -Intro

03:07 -What does success look like for you?

04:50 -Values & the affirmations that led me here

06:50 -How to expand your community

07:17 -3 tips for success (plus 2 extras!)

09:09 -What growth looks like for me & how you can do it too

11:11 -Creating content without being online all the time

11:57 -How to make more sales

13:29 -Foundations of sustainable success

14:55 -What you'll learn in The CEO Ripple Collective




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Amplified Impact Facebook Group




To the side, just a little.


Just a little.


OK, OK, Let's do this.


Hi, we are.




If you're here, be sure to say hi.


In the comments, I'm.


So, so, so excited to be.


Sharing with you.




Episode here, especially like if you're not.


Already in the private Facebook group?




Impact the podcast.


I did in there because I asked questions on like what do you want to

get coached on and then.


Bringing that here to share it with you.


This is the question Is Instagram the key to success and.


If not.


What are the top keys to success?


And I love this.


Question so much but before we get into.


The top three top five keys to success I want to.


Unpack this question.


Just a little bit, because what I think is super important is getting



On what success?


Means to you because that's.


Different for everyone?


How do you define?




More clients.


Booked out.


24 clients in your mastermind a year?


Booked out four sold out retreats a year.


Making $10,000 a month and not.


Ever needing.


To be online.


Where you get to create.


Your own schedule.


And choose when you.


Show Up Online 100.


1000 A year?


200,000 a year Like what?


Is your definition.


Of success because that's what I think is.


Super duper important like.


Without knowing what success means to you, you can be.


Chasing arbitrary numbers.


You can be.


Seeking something.


That like then you get.


There and you're.


Like this?


Doesn't make me happy.


I actually don't want this.


And that was.


Me when I was in in.




I was like chasing success defined by my.


Father's terms because he had passed away and.


I wanted to.


Make him proud.


But that had me chasing.


His definition of success, and even when I think about it like that,

made him unhappy.


He wasn't happy and like for me, success is like.


I I am happy.


I am.




I am abundant.


I'm thriving.


I have like.


A life that I'm just so grateful for.


Define what success means to you and then paint the picture like the

two things top.


Values of mine freedom an impact.


When I started out, I wanted to reach more people.


Sell out my retreats and impact more lives.


Those were the three things that drew me to.


Create an online business.


And once I seen the potential.


For growing an online business How that sold out my.




How that allowed me to?


Reach and impact.


More lives?


How that allowed me to?


Make more money.


How that gave me freedom, I no longer had to choose.


If I could go on vacation and invest in mentorship.


I no longer had to choose like I have to go and be at this place and

work these hours to make this.


X amount of money.


It gave me true freedom, and moving to Costa Rica, I desired to be



Yet when I was.


Teaching classes doing retreats.


Leading trainings.


I had to be somewhere at a certain specific time.


Growing my online business allowed me to have my 2.


Top values.


Freedom and impact and I would love for.


You to really think about what it is that you.


Want like when I grew online, it was like my journal prompts to myself



Like everyday new dream.


Soulmate clients are finding me every day.


A new?


Dreams will make.


Client is sending me.


A celebrating testimonial on how I impact their life.


When my clients.


Pay me money.


Instant transformation happens in their.




I am an overflow of.


Money I am fulfilled.


I am.


Happy I am.


Successful I am making.


More money than ever.


Enough, my clients.


Are getting incredible.


Results like this is.


My journal prompts to myself.


This is what I.


Affirm to myself again and again, and again and again and.


That's now my reality.


I've been.


Doing that for.


Four years and this.


Gets to be my reality because.


I wake up every single day.


And work towards.


This and being.


Where I am today, success now.


I get to see what actually worked.


The first thing is, as a multi, passionate, I had to.


Focus in.


On one thing, I had to truly master the marketing.


And messaging.


For one offer, I couldn't think about all these different things.


Without dialing in that one thing staying.


Focused is the first key to success and then 2 is building



We are in a service based.




We are in this place of like.


I want to.


Change lives.


I want to make a bigger difference.


In the world.


And that comes from building relationships.


It doesn't matter if it's on.


Instagram, Facebook or if you do tons of in person networking events

and going to.


Webinars and seminars.


This is why I love joining.


Programs getting into other memberships going on retreats.


Because I meet new biz besties, I meet new dream soulmate.


Clients I meet.


People that are doing what I desire to.


Do I'm expanded?


I get to find other.


People that are.






It's like then I.


Build and.


Create more relationships, but the three things in addition to.




Focused Building relationships.


Three things that you want to focus on to be successful.


Grow, nurture.


Sell those three things.


Grow, grow an audience of.


Dream soul mate.


Clients that like.


You would want to get lost on an island with them.


These are like your best.


Friends like.


These are such cool people that like.


When you get on a coaching call with them, when they go through your

program, when you meet them in real life, you're like, you are my

vibe, you are my tribe.


And how do we grow an audience showing up on one platform again and

again and sharing who we are?


At the core.


What we stand for, what we.


Value with a lot.


Of storytelling and then nurturing the audience, the community.


That you're growing.


Yesterday I had the most dreamy.


Ever Sunday.


I had my 2 hour personal sacred practice.


Before my family woke up.


Then we drank coffee, sat by.


The pool imani was like macheting the plants.


And then we took him for a surf.


And then we checked on the construction.




Then we came home and I made us breakfast.


Imani took a nap, and I was.


Like I want to share with my.


Audience like what this day in the life is like for me and how like.


Eight years ago, this was just a dream.


But like, I get to wake up every day to.


New clients signing on to work with me, I get to.


Wake up to.


New celebrations.


I get to go with my family.


And like, teach my son how to surf.


Like the thing that I love the most.


The thing that my husband loves the most.


Like this is freedom.


Knowing that like I can do anything I.


Want like I am right now in a year long private coaching container.


I also just signed up for a year long inside of a monthly membership

like I'm constantly putting myself.


Into like this fear this brave.


Space of like, I know where I'm growing and I know I want to have

people by my side and doing it.


And also like I get to meet other people in these containers, I get



Stretch myself and I'm like.


Wow, this is such a dream that like two years ago I couldn't even



About hiring this dream mentor, one of the women that signed up for my



She's like Amber.


I don't really know how I'm going to continue to pay for the six

months, but like, I trust this and I'm going to go all.


In and within.


One month, she signed her first client.




Sent out two.


Other contracts like.


When you invest in your vision and you go first, like reflection, it's

so possible.


For you, it happens.


For you, it's like you grow for it.


And the universe.


Figures out the how.


And so when it.


Comes to nurturing your.


Audience, it's like.


Giving them value and letting them see themselves in your story of

like how you've done it and then you get to be the evidence.


For them it's like.


I was afraid.


I've been there before, I get it.


And when you talk about whatever niche you're.




Like, you know, those people that were scared to go to their first

yoga class?


Like everyone's watching me.


Everyone's looking at me like.


They're judging.


Me in these positions and then all of a sudden you're like a yoga

teacher and you're like.


Yeah, I totally get it.


I've been there before.


And like after a month of this.


That doesn't happen after a year of this, no or like.


I can't meditate.


I don't know how to meditate.


I'm bad at meditating.


Yep, I was too.


When you can relate like this is the part.


This is the journey.


This is like this is normal when you can normalize it for your.


Community and your audience like.


You don't have to go out and.


Try to create content.




Someone inside of.


And the CEO Ripple.


Collective said to me, Amber like I love.


How you talk about like?


Not needing to sit in front of the computer, desk or the phone to

create content.


Because I followed your steps.




While I was out doing this in my vibe with this music.


On a download came through on my.


Freebie and now.


Like my audience is over the.


Heels for this.


Freebie and I'm like.


Yeah, because you are out there living your life, and that's what it

means to nurture.


Your audience.


Not to be online all the time, not to create tons of content, but to.


Go and live how you live and then share it with your community,

inviting them to grow one step deeper with you.


And then the third thing, the third.


Thing is.


To sell, to sell every.


Single day.


Often times clients are like Amber.


I want to make more money, I need to make more sales and I'm like.


I've been following.


You for the last month and like I don't.


Even know?


How to work?


With you like.


It's not in your stories.


It's not in your profile, you're not talking about.


It in your.


Post like.


Are you emailing people because?


Like in order.


To make sales, you have to sell.


Like, yeah, I talked about it a few.




Well, a.


Few times isn't going to work.


Like the bare minimum is 7 times someone needs to see your content or

your offer before they sign on to buy.


And since the.


COVID-19 pandemic It's.


Actually 32.




When you.


Fall in love with your offer and your process because you've taken the



To reflect.


And contemplate all that you've gone through, all that you've been

through, and how you got.


Here today and you.


Create an offer.


For the people.


That you're growing your audience for.


And you sell unapologetically.


How do you?


Sell unapologetically is like you're so in love with your offer.


Like, you know, it's so good.


Because you're implementing this like you're doing all of this and you



Can't stop talking about it because.


You know in your heart.


Anyone that goes?


Through the program the offer that.


You have the course.


That you have the mastermind, the retreat, the mentorship.


They're not going to be the same.


Afterwards and so you can't help.


But as a sacred form of service talk about.


And invite them into this offer.


Grow, nurture, sell, And when you love what you're.


Selling you're.


Going to do it most days and it seems so simple, but that's why I say.


Embodiment of your work.


And mindset.


Unwavering confidence.


And inner.


Growth like.


Staying devoted to the human.


Staying devoted to like watching and witnessing your thoughts being.


Supported in a.


Collective that's like, hey, that thought.


Isn't serving you.


That belief is holding you back and the client.


That joined the mastermind and the one thing that.


We broke through.


For her was her.


Relationship with money.


She's like, I'm joining the mastermind, I'm letting old money.


Go and then when we were.


Talking about her, selling her offers.


She's like, yeah, but I don't know if I would actually sell this or

who would actually buy this.


And when we got deeper into it, she's like, oh, that's where I used to



I used to be the person that wouldn't.


Invest in myself I used.


To be the.


Person that wouldn't value mentorship.


I used to be.


Those things.


But like, I'm not those things anymore.


I constantly am taking programs and signing on to courses and

masterminds and getting myself in the room.


I'm not that person anymore.


I have to let that belief go and in that.


Letting the belief.


Go energetically, she opened up.


And the client.


Came in and this.


Is mindset and embodiment of course, like grow, nurture, cell, growing

a business.


Is easy, it's.


What happens in the heart and in the mind as you're growing your

audience, you're nurturing your audience and you're selling to your



It seems simple.


And it is.


Do you have?


A content strategy.


Do you have an offer?


That you're so in love with.


Do you have a sales system that allows your community to grow with



Have you mapped out your customer journey?


Do you have?


That dialed in like, how are you going to?


Grow your audience.


How are?


You going to nurture and give to them so that they get off of social

media and onto your e-mail?


List and into.


A free experience with you.


Do you have a sales funnel that allows people to buy from you while?


You're sleeping.


While you're out.






You're like me.


Do you have those things in place?


Because if you.


Don't like.


Unapologetically, Like, get yourself into the monthly membership, the

CEO Ripple Collective.


Because this is where I'm going to show you how to.


Craft an offer.


Once you have the offer, really defining who that's for and how you

can speak to.


Them in your content.


How you can create?


Content while you're.


Out there living your life and then to build out a.


Customer journey taking them from know.


To like to trust to.


Finding your brand.


If you haven't already listened to my.


Last episode, Brand awareness.


Go listen to that.


It'll be super supportive for you to learn how to build brand

awareness because this is what helps you to.


Grow your audience.


And then once you get.


Into the map the map the monthly membership, master class membership,



Monthly membership.


It's only $97.00 a month with a.


Free 7 day trial.


So if you're not.


Absolutely in love with all of the value.


Inside daily podcast.


Coaching where I'm.


Going to give you tasks.


That you can implement each day.


As well as a business.


Training master class of like.


What can you do in your business to grow nurture?


And sell and.


A Behind the scenes of.


How I'm doing?


It in my business, what's working as well as what's.




So you can see, yeah, you see me what I'm.


Doing but like I want.


You to see how it's actually working, and if it's not, why I think it



And how I can tweak that?


As well as we have a live question and answer every month for you to.


Get personalized feedback from me.


And the best part is.


There's a room full.


Of other incredible.


Heart centered, Impact Driven, Ambitious.


Leaders creating online businesses leading sold out retreats.


And you get to.


Collaborate network and.


Grow with them.


Inside I love.


The women inside of.


Here we actually just.


Had a man join last week, It's just.


So cool.


$97.00 free.


Seven day trial.


Get yourself in the room.


It's amazing and.


If you don't know where to.


Go to sign up.


You can comment Impact on Amber Hagberg on Instagram.


Super simple.


Just go to.


Amber Hagberg and then comment impact on my DMS and I'll send you the.


Link or you can go directly to my.


Website Amber Hagberg.


Dot com slash CEO Ripple Collector if you have.


Any questions at all ever on like how how to work together and what's

the best fit?


For you, Instagram?


Is my jam.


Just send me a message.


There I'll get back to.


You within 24.




It's always.


Me in my emails and in my DMS.


Because I value.


Relationships and I just want to like remind you that.


What I'm teaching you, what I'm guiding you to do, is exactly what I



In my business.


It's exactly what I'm doing right now, what I did last year, what I'm



What I'm adapting?


And to be honest, this.


Is the place that I'm going to be showing you how I went from.




$1000 in.


Revenue in.




While having a baby to last year 2023 in sales 2.


170,000 and I want to help you.


Hit your dream goal of success.


Inside of the monthly membership there's a three day training.


Think like Aceo, where I help you get clear on what success is to you

so you're not reaching.


For an arbitrary number.


But like you're soul aligned in your business strategy, who you?


Serving what it?


Is that you desire and you can reach your.


Definition of success.


All right.


I would love to hear from you on Instagram how this lands.


In your.


Heart and if you want to win a.


Free week of Boxer.


Coaching with me then.


Share the podcast episode.


Take a screenshot.


Tag me on Instagram and let me know that you rated and.


Reviewed the podcast.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out