Episode 156

Published on:

23rd Jan 2024

What is brand awareness and why is it important to the success of your business?

Amber shares her take on brand awareness and what it means in your business. She also dives into her top 3 ways to sell your offer AND 4 ways to connect with your dream clients. 

Listen now for practical strategies to start implementing to grow your business and reach more people, TODAY.

P.S. Stay til the end if you're ready to have the most incredible support in your business this year, with me by your side.

Want to enter to win a week of free coaching with Amber through the Voxer app?

Head over to Apple iTunes and leave the podcast; Amplified Impact a 5 star review! Screenshot your review, share it on your socials, and tag @amberhagberg. Each time you share yourself listening to the podcast after that you will be entered to win.

In the last week of February, Amber will announce the winner.

Have you heard of my monthly membership for spiritual coaches and healers who are ready to bring their offline expertise to grow an online business, sell out their retreats, and help more people?

Click here to learn more about the collective

P.S. Get a 7-day free trial to experience the magic risk-free

Time Stamps

00:00 -Intro

02:30 -New outlook on selling

03:22 -3 ways to sell

07:41 -What is brand awareness and why it’s important

18:01 -4 ways to attract dream clients

21:19 -How long should I launch for?

25:36 -Free support

29:10 -Something I’ve never done before



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Amplified Impact Facebook Group


Amplified impact.




Multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets.


This is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to

tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you

dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the

leader in your life and.


Your business.


One who stands out and thrives.


This is the place.


Where women just like.


You create wealth.


From the inside out.


We're checking that we are here.


Yay, excited to be coming to you.


And I have a new episode today, a training on a big question that I

get all the time.


How long do I need to launch my retreat for?


How long should I launch a program for?


And this really came through and forward from and with me over the

weekend when I had some private clients, mastermind clients, being

like, I want to make more money.


And I'm like, I've been following you now for months, if not years,

and you just don't sell enough.


In this training I'm going to walk you through the importance of brand

awareness with some key takeaways.


A quiz that you can go and take to get you really clear on what this

means and help you decide how long should you launch, how long should

you sell something for and why Brand awareness matters.


If you want to make more money you just sell more.


And I know for me, I've been on a sales healing journey.


But the moment that I started selling the self love, live your yoga

mentorship, and getting clients results, I began to get

unapologetically good at selling because I knew what I was selling.


I knew the transformation that was happening once clients got in the

room with me.


When you so firmly believe in your retreat, your online program, your

workshop, your services, you're not afraid to sell because it's

something you firmly believe in.


If you go to the mall, if you go to Amazon, if you go to different

websites, any business sells every single day.


When I come onto your Instagram page or I open up my e-mail, if I

don't have an invitation to work with you, you're not gonna make more



There's three ways that you can sell.


Creating a sales funnel where you make money while you sleep.


It's an automated system that sells a service that you drive traffic

to a sales funnel.


It can be live launching.


Which, if you're not already, you can follow me on Instagram at Amber

Hagberg in the midst of a live launch, which I'm tracking every single

thing that I'm doing to share with my membership, to share inside of

the mastermind.


Every step, every phase along the way in a live launch where you're

actively talking about something consistently for a period of time or

until you fully book or sell it out.


And then the other way is every single day you're sending out an e-

mail, you're creating stories, you're creating posts, you're talking

to people in person.


You're actively selling and inviting people in to work with you.


Those are three different ways that you can sell.


And as a business owner who firmly believes in the magic and

transformation of your work, that's something that you should be doing

every day.


All three of them, to have them all three set up.


And some people don't want to ever live, launch again.


Some people don't want to do sales funnels.


I'm the coach that's going to tell you.


You don't have to do it any certain way.


I like to think of the grateful dad like let your life lead by its own



No, let your business lead by your own design.


What is your design?


How are you?


How do you operate?


What gets you going?


What excites you?


And then sell that way and make sure that before you begin inviting

people in to work with you that you are so firmly sold on it.


And I know how now to heal.


From what I went through before as a self love coach in the business

industry, now of helping others to have more money, have more impact,

have more time is like I'm doing that in my business and I'm sold on

what I'm doing.


You sell yourself on your services and your work first.


That's how you get so excited to invite people into your offers.


It's like you know what you've done, you know what you've created.


Like if you could just give your life lessons and process and

experience to someone else.


Like hey, I can come and work with me and that's why I'm not afraid to

sell every day.


That's why I'm not afraid to talk about my offers every day because I

know the impact.


I wake up every day to celebrations, my clients hitting 10K months,

K months, selling out $:

booking out retreats within five days.


I mean, the list goes on, and I had a lot of healing to do around

that, but then I learned I'm doing it myself.


That's a big enough testimony.


That's a big enough testimonial.


You live and lead with your life by experience 1st, and then you

invite other people to come get in the room with you.




Because they don't have to learn the same mistakes you did.


They don't have to go through all the things that you went through.


There is a shortcut and there is support like support in the mindset,

support in the embodiment to call you on your ish and support in

curating and crafting a strategy that you want.


I think at this quote you are the product of the five people that you

hang out with the most.


As entrepreneurs, as CE OS, as impact driven leaders.


It's important that we get ourselves in the room with other people who

are a few steps ahead with people that are a few steps behind, where

we get ourself in the room of others that have a vision like we do.


To create an unconventional life like success doesn't look one way.


There's so many ways to build and create success.


The goal now is for you to define what success means to you and then

build a life and your business around your life.


So what is brand awareness and why is it important for your business?


When I say brand awareness, like what comes up in your mind, Who or

what do you think of your brand is, how you stand out amongst the



It's what you are known and recognized for in the think like ACEO

master class.


We talked a lot about my brand, my concept, looking at personal

values, life values, seeing if there's an overlapping, looking at your

personality and the way you live your life and how can that bleed and

attract the kind of business that you're creating.


So you never hit a space where you're not passionate about what you

do, where you don't hit burnout, but where you Co create your life and

your business together like the Costa Rica jungle.


Like how to really get clear on what is it that you do, What is it

that you talk about?


How is it that you serve, how is it that you support and how can you

begin to grow your brand?


How can you grow your brand?


What comes to mind when I say a brand that stacks stands out?


A brand that is known and recognized for something?


What are the words or images that just drop in your mind when you

envision the work that you're doing in the world?


For me, it's like barefoot money, happiness, naked babies on the beach

on the back of a motorcycle.




Freedom travel.


Airplanes overlooking the ocean, watching the sunset, salty feet,

coconuts in the hands.


What comes into the visualization for you if you're not driving right

now in your space and place that you can't close your eyes, what do

you help people with?


Is it finding balance around the foods that you eat and feeling good

when you put your clothes on?


Is it having a holy, sacred ceremony around your cycle and running

through the different phases of your business with your cycle?


Do you see yourself sitting in ceremony with women at a retreat?


Like what do you see and what words come through on how you want to be

known and recognized?


These two questions, write them down if you can.


How do you want people to feel when they come across your social media

content, your podcast, your website?


What do you want people to feel when they experience a live



A like a live delivery like Instagram Live or Facebook live or live on

a podcast or live in a person workshop?


Like how do you want people to feel when they experience you and what

you're teaching on?


Educating, on coaching people through what is the feeling?


And when you think about that feeling, how can you transmit that

feeling through your energy, through your words, through

visualization, through color, like the green background of Costa Rica,

the blue waves in one of the paintings I have behind me when I'm

leading master classes?


Like, what do you want people to feel?


It's like for me it's like impact the waves of like a Whirlpool moving

of like you touch one person's life, that touches another person's

life, that touches another person's life.


And then it's like that.


I see global, like a globe, but for you and your brand.


How do you want people to feel when they come across you?


And then what is the overarching message of your content?


What do you talk about?


What do you express?


What do you transmit through your words and through the visualization

of reels in photos?


The brand visualization of the photo or the reel, the words, the



Like what's the core message?


I think of Nike.


Just do it.


What's your core message?


I have 3:00 to 5:00.


You can pick three to five for amplified impact.


Amber Hagberg, It's time.


Freedom Financial freedom.


Freedom to live like a successful life.


Some clients come to me and they just want 3K months like if I could

just make 3K month like that's way more than I'm making now and I

don't have to work as much.


If I could amber just get to 50K months like what would what could

that look like?


How could we do that where I'm not working as much?


Everyone has their own definition of like what they want and need to

get by in what they desire based upon where they're going.


ACEO has a big vision, bird's eye view of like, where will we be in

three years, five years, 10 years, 20 years?


And I'm always talking about investing.


What it means to invest in devotion to prayer, to daily kundalini

practice, to awakening the energy within, investing in mentorship

therapy, getting your nails done, getting your hair colored, being

natural, eating well.


Like investing in your health and in your fulfillment and in your



And what does it mean to be invested in mentorship and support like

sisterhood and making sure that I prioritize getting around and being

with other Mamas?


Like, so important to feel supported as a mom, to have a mentor and a

coach, to feel supported in the vision that I'm creating, the business

that I'm building.


Like, I talk about that a lot.


I talk about impact, putting clients first before I started talking

about money.


Money was a really, really edgy thing for me to talk about talking

about impact, that was easy.


I love celebrating because that's why I'm here.


I created my business as a yoga teacher, as a retreat leader because I

started is a very unhappy, depressed, overweight, numbing out.


Literally tried committing suicide twice.


So much pain from the childhood trauma.


And when I found yoga, it changed my life.


And then I was a struggling yoga teacher just wanting to give back to

the world.


And not by accident, I discovered the coaching industry.


And then I was like, Oh my gosh, you mean I can bring my gifts online,

make more money, have more impact and have more time?




Teach me.


Tell me how that's not possible.


I don't believe that's.


But like, what if that's possible?


And that is how I got here.


It's an evolution.


And so these things are so important for me to talk about as well as



I talk about the times that I'm not embodied and the times that I am



So when someone finds my posts or my content, the core message is

always going to be freedom and authenticity, that you can show up and

be who you are as you are a barefooted surfer, hippie Mama making



You can be anybody that you desire to be and show up as you are and

you will attract your soul tribe.


You will attract your soul tribe.


And so with these messages that were like there's an undercurrent of

the message.


And so as you want to expand your brand awareness and increase your

visibility, that means consistency, consistency in your energy, your

message and your content.


Notice that I don't say daily.


Notice that I don't give you X amount of time consistency.


You are building brand awareness and recognition around what

consistency means for you.


Some of my clients come to me and they're like Amber.


I never want to post as much as you and others are.


Like Amber, how do I post as much as you and I always am?


Like this can work in so many different ways and I want to help you

find the way that is soul aligned for you so that you can be the

embodiment of your message.


So you need to show up, share, and serve consistently, defining

consistently for you in order to build brand awareness and



The more that you allow yourself to be known and seen, the more your

company grows.


And I don't just mean showing up.


I mean showing up and sharing your heart and your core message



Not caring what your aunt thinks.


Not caring what your sister thinks.


Not caring what so and so thinks.


Doing this for you and your clients and your community that you are

growing and knowing that there is repellent.


You are putting on bug spray, literally for the people that are not a

match for you.




You are putting on a fragrant organic lotion that is attracting the

perfect clients into your world.


And there are three ways to make this happen actually 4.


The first one is organic content.


Creating on social media, podcasting, growing your e-mail list,

showing up on different platforms across the board.


This can be YouTube, Facebook, social media, Twitter threads, you name



You choose which one you're showing up on the most.


The one that you love.


Hone in on one platform and grow a community there that you are

actively communicating with, engaging, market, researching with, and

growing like a relationship with the community that you're building,

Talking back, responding, connecting, really getting to know who it is

in your world.


And then 2 is networking, networking.


Who do you know?


They say your net worth is your network.


So why I love mentorship and getting in masterminds and online courses

and going on retreats.


I meet amazing new best friends, clients, retreat leaders, etcetera.


It's the number one place that you really get to grow, who knows you

and what you do.


And then you have all of these little people out in the world knowing

who you are and what you do, and they start telling people about who

you are and what you do.


Connectors are a great thing to have, and that's not everyone's strong



Some people are really good at creating organic content and growing a

following on social media.


Others are really good at networking.


The other thing that you can do is collaboration.


Collaboration within people in your community, people that you know,

people in your network.


And as you're collaborating, you're giving your audience a different

taste, a different perspective and another expert sharing their voice,

their zona genius, while you then get to go be a part of their

community and share your skills and your expertise.


Network and collaboration are a great way to grow your community and

your business and also help others to grow their business and their



And this is give and receive.


Doing swaps and collaborating is such an incredible way to grow.


And then finally is paid ads.


Paid ads is a really good thing to use once your organic strategy is

working and you're so crystal clear and dialed in on your marketing

and messaging.


So that way you're not paying to learn what it is you need to say and

who it is you're attracting.


In business, we're either paying with time or we're paying with money

or a blend of both, which is what I love to do.


Time and money, because I love time and I love money.


But sometimes it's faster to pay with money, and so organic.


First collaborate, network, and then when you have your messaging

dialed in, you can amplify that with apps.


Why is brand awareness important?


Do I need to launch my retreat for six weeks, six months, or one year?


If you are brand speaking new, but you have a huge network in a great

community, you don't need a lot of time at all.


If you're growing online and you have a huge following, you probably

don't need a lot of time at all.


If you are brand new, no one knows you, You don't have a big community

and you're just getting started.


You need a lot of time to build brand awareness.


I've had people watching my mastermind for years and being like I've

been following you for five years, and now I'm finally ready to join

your mastermind.


I've been dreaming of going on one of your retreats since you moved to

Costa Rica eight years ago, and I'm finally coming.


Brand awareness is people are building, getting to know who you are

and what you do in the moment that they're ready, they bought.


How do we grow our business?


More people know about what we're doing, so more people buy, which is

why a business is built on over time.


It doesn't just happen overnight.


Like, if you go to launch a retreat, it's your first retreat ever.


You sell it out and then it takes some time.


The next retreat, my question would be how much brand awareness and

relationship building and networking did you do in between those two



If you're for the first time ever taking your gifts, your skills, your

services online, you just created your unique niche, your online

program and you talked about it for a week and no one bought and

you're sad.


I've been there too.


I talked about amplified impact in the beginning for eight weeks and

only three people signed up that year.


The next year, 24 people signed up the next year, the next year, the

next year.


It's how many people know about what you do, they watch, what you do,

when they're ready, they buy.


That's why brand awareness is so important.


Before you sell, while you're selling, and after you sell.


We are creating businesses that are based upon service transformation

and client relationships.


The more relationships that you have, the more people know brand

awareness, what you do, the more that your business grows and sells



Make sure that what you take away today is that someone might need to

see your retreat or your offer 32 times before they buy.


Excuse me, are you willing to send out that many emails to show up

that many times in stories to do this until it sells out?


And work on those four avenues for Forever always.


It might just be the first three in the beginning Organic content





Once you have those dialed in the skills you've enhanced and grew and

mastered and refined, then take your business money and put it back

behind ads and get some of your time back to reach more people.


Brand awareness is huge for your business and that's why the business

that we grow is a baby.


It's a little garden and it's something that needs tended to every

single day.


A little bit of sunshine, a little bit of water, a little bit of



Brand awareness is really like the sunshine, the water to the already

planted seeds.


And every day I plant a new seed of brand awareness and give it a

little bit of water, a little bit of attention.


And I'm excited to hear what really lands and resonates with you.


If you're here listening to the podcast, be sure to take a screenshot

of the podcast.


Share your biggest take away around brand awareness.


At the end of February 2024, I will be giving away a week of boxer

coaching with me to 1 winner.


Anytime you share this podcast amplified Impact into the world, you

are going to be entered to win a week of boxer coaching.


Coaching with me and if you're like, heck Amber, how can I work with



I want to grow my business this year.


I want to set up sales funnels this year.


I want a live launch.


I want to take the gifts, the skills, the passion, the service that I

have, and amplify my impact.


Then join us for the Mastermind.


It's launching again this year in a completely different way than I've

ever ran Amplified Impact before.


It's mastermind style so that you can get yourself in the room with

other incredible women with big dreams and visions to change the world

and make lots of money doing so.


When you sign up, you get instant access to over 20 plus modules,

walking you through step by step how to create your vision, your



What exactly to post on social media Like, what goes into a post?


How much should you post in the beginning of your business?


If you're growing your business, what do you do in Instagram lives?


We're also going to dial in what makes an offer irresistible.




That like anyone that wants what you're offering, the transformation

that you're providing.


They can't say no.


They're like, I need this, I need this.


Creating irresistible offers.


How to live Launch your program into the world.


How to create a master class, and your favorite.


I know you're thinking this Amber.


How do I make the online biztech stuff easy?


I'm going to walk you through it with videos.


I'm going to show you exactly what you need to do to Create an e-mail

sequence to create a master class.


How to set up a sales page.


What exactly goes on a sales page?


What goes into sales e-mail?


How to get people to sign up?


How to sell an Instagram Stories, As well as working with mindset,

long term vision and embodiment in your work to be the magnet.


All of that content is already there, ready for you to start watching.


Right away we have Biweekly Boxer.


Let me take that back.


We have biweekly coaching calls and Monday through Friday boxer



So the way that this works is we get together every two weeks inside

of the zoom room to do hot seat coaching.


Like what do you need support with in your business?


And every single person there, including myself will be there to

support you and giving you exactly what you need to go back and take

action in your business.


And then the boxer coaching Monday through Friday is like as you're

implementing, you get to workshop with me in your back pocket and then

I'm so excited about this part.


This is the new addition.


Every single month for six months, we are going to have a brand new

live training showing you how to set up organic sales funnels on

Instagram, how to use ads when you're ready to amplify an easy ad

strategy so that when your business is making money, you're taking a

percent of that and put it back into your business.


We're going through another energy program that is all about

connecting into the heart.


Can't tell you the name yet, but it'll be dropping in just a couple of



This is really inner body alignment.


Every single month there's going to be a brand new training for you.


So much support.


Ask me anything.


Do it together.


Literally right now I'm going through one of my clients sales emails.


Yesterday I just went through her freebie that's bringing new leads



We're tweaking some of her marketing and her messaging.


Next week on our call, we're making sure that everything is set up so

she can start to sell out some of her retreats as she grows her

audience with this freebie.


And it's like, I'm so excited because for me, like having a mastermind

circle, having support, being able to learn tools, but also like

discernment, What works for you, What do you want to do?


And finding your own unique strategy, This mastermind is going to give

you the tools that you need to grow and scale your business while

getting super clear on what it is you want.


Like how much money do you want to make, How many clients do you want,

What does your business model look like?


And surprise, you're going to get one year into my monthly membership,

which is daily podcast coaching on our private channel.


You're also going to get access to the Sold out Retreat mini course as

well as the entire program of Amplified Impact.


So I'm really, really excited if this lands resonates with you.


Just send me a message on Instagram at Amber Hagberg.


Send me the word mastermind.


I want to have a conversation with you.


See where you're at in business, why this is a good fit, why you feel

like right now is the time for you to get serious and growing that

baby business.


Turning your passions into for profit, being able to have more for

time, free to be barefoot.


I was just celebrating in my Instagram stories today, like 10:45.


I had already went surfing, did my morning kundalini practice, hung

out with the money down by the pool, went to the farmers market, made

us breakfast and I was already like my sales funnel bringing in like

$500 and I was like not online.


I'm so excited to share with you those things that I'm implementing in

my business and what took me from like a 60K year to 270,000 in one



Like I'm showing all of that to you inside of the mastermind.


And I'm not just showing you, I'm doing it with you, which is so cool.


I'm really, really, really excited.


And if this resonates with you, it activates you.


It excites you.


And you can really imagine yourself working from anywhere in the

world, doing it your own freaking way, having clients message you,

telling you like they're hitting these incredible results because of

your work.


And you get to be doing what you love all at the same time.


Come get in the room with us.


I'm so, so excited about this.


And I will talk to you in our next episode.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out