Unlock Your Limitless Year: Building a Thriving Life & Business from the Root Chakra
Happy New Year, family! 🎉 It’s officially 2025, and I’m so excited to drop in with you on the podcast today to talk about something super foundational—literally.
This episode is all about the root chakra and how it impacts not just your life but the foundation of your business. If you’ve ever felt stuck, scared, or like things aren’t flowing, this is for you. We’re diving deep into safety, security, and stability—how to create that solid base so your business can soar, and YOU can thrive as the fulfilled, passionate human you’re meant to be.
I’m sharing all the juicy details from my own journey—how I hit $540K in revenue last year without burning out—and the key to creating systems and structures that hold it all together. We’ll talk about clearing fear and scarcity, aligning with your vision, and showing up authentically in your business and life.
Plus, I’ll leave you with some powerful questions and practices to get grounded in your body and your strategy for this new year. This is about building a life and business that light you up from the inside out—every single day.
If you’re ready to stop overworking and start thriving, grab your journal, tune in, and let’s dive into creating the foundation that will carry you to your limitless year. 💫
P.S. Want to go even deeper? Check out my 4.5-hour training, “Limitless Year,” where we’ll map out your vision, strategy, and embodiment practices for 2025. Comment "Limitless" on Instagram or head to https://www.amberhagberg.com/limitless to get started. 🖤
I'm so excited because in this session today I want to talk the one thing that can block us in the foundation and the structure of our business.
To soar.
Not just to soar, but to thrive.
If this is your first time chiming in and seeing me live, say hi in the comments, let me know where you're coming in from.
And then I just want to drop you into your body, taking some deep breaths and tapping on your heart the first full week of a new freaking year.
And as you tap your chest like visionaries, coaches, healers, guides, teachers, like, this isn't something that we do once a year, it's something that we do every single day.
But this is an exciting time of reflection, of integration, of like claiming what the frick is next, like what is next in your life.
So drop into your breath.
I'm gonna light some Palo santo.
And one thing that I would love to drop in with you about is the foundation of a thriving human.
A happy, fulfilled, joyful, passionate, loving, orgasmic life.
And a thriving business that has dream Soulmate clients.
Money coming in, content that is actually selling.
Like the systems and the structures are key.
Do you have a thriving root chakra in your life and in your business?
And in today's episode, I'm going to dive into.
If you're someone that would rather listen to this little mini session on a podcast, you can go to Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg and listen to that there.
It'll be live tomorrow.
My intention this year is to start dropping in and going live with you family on Instagram and then dropping it onto the podcast.
For those that would rather just listen in the ears as on they go 5,400, $540,000 in revenue last year because of the root chakra.
Root chakra emotions.
Fear, shame, guilt, not feeling worthy of success, not feeling worthy of gathering lots of money, we have to clear that in ourselves first, in our body.
If you want a thriving business and a thriving happy human, where you're not overworking, where you're not burnt out, where you're actually showing up authentically as yourself and doing the things that you truly desire to do, getting paid insane money because you're serving and you're helping people, like, if you don't want to have a business, where you're the front of your business, where you're the personal brand, where it's like you in the room with your clients, this probably isn't a good episode for you.
But if you are someone that's like you want to make money, that is your soul's work.
You want to be celebrating high cash months because of the impact that you're having, raise your hand, stay here, grab your notebooks because this is going to be the foundation of anyone that thrives.
Do you feel safe, secure and stable in your body?
Do you get into your body every single day in some way?
How do I feel?
What do I need?
Are you doing facials?
Are you doing coffee scrubs?
Are you taking deep breaths and reminding yourself like your breath is a symbol that you are freaking alive?
And are you activating your life force energy through breath, through movement?
Are you working on your muscles, baby?
Are you doing things to get yourself strong?
And do you feel safe in your body?
Is there stuck stored emotions trauma that you've experienced in your body that it's time to sit with and move through?
You want to be able to love the way that you sit, the way that you look, the way that you feel feeling stable and grounded in yourself, that energetic frequency is going to pass over into your business.
What makes a business stable, secure, grounded?
Is there any part of you that feels shame, guilt, fear, scarcity in your body, in your relationships, in your love and does that transfer over into your business?
Yes, it does.
So really looking deep at the root chakra, the base of the spine, the base of a home, if you don't build a solid foundation in your home, the walls will fall.
This is what happens when people go to scale.
They haven't set up a solid foundation and the capacity to hold the money, to hold the success, to hold it all crumbles.
Just as would your house.
If you're not thriving.
And that for being a wife, being a mother, all those other roles that you play come from a solid foundation and structure within yourself.
That's why taking care of yourself on a day to day basis is not selfish.
If you want to be a better wife, if you want to be a better mother, if you want to be a better coach, mentor, guide, retreat, leader, whatever it is that you're curating, it starts at home, within your body, your body is home.
It doesn't matter where you move, where you travel to, what you do, you in your body is home.
If you're here live, drop an emoji below if this is landing and let me know on a scale of 1 to 10 in the comments, are you secure, stable, grounded in your home and and as you do.
We have had traumatic experiences, near death experiences, trauma.
So many of us have experienced sexual Trauma so many of us has experienced shame.
So many of these different things we have experienced in our bodies and how have we processed that so that it doesn't show up in our businesses?
And if you want your business to soar, stability, security, connection.
What sort of connection do you have to yourself?
But also what connection do you have to your business?
Can your business and you be two separate identities so that when you're done working entrepreneurs, we don't shut off.
The creativity channel is flowing.
I just sent like 40 messages to my VA this morning like, and as you can see, your girl's about to have a baby and the ideas are flowing in, but I have the systems and the structures to flow and constantly be creating.
But when it's time to be with my son, but when it's time to be with my husband, I can shut these things off.
And that's really important.
Stability, structure, safety.
Do you feel safe to be yourself online?
Do you feel safe to open your heart to your clients?
Do you feel safe in the way in which you are launching your offers?
Do you feel stable in the way in which your bank account is growing and the way in which you are acquiring clients?
The way in which you are selling your offers?
Do you have stability, security and safety in the foundation of your business?
So what is the foundation of your business?
What do you need to have a successful business?
You need to have things to sell people to sell them too.
And marketing and messaging that lands.
It does not matter if you have things to sell people to sell them to, but the marketing and the messaging does not land for them.
How dialed in on your marketing and your messaging are you?
This is safety, stability and security in your business.
Knowing that you know how to speak to the hearts of your people without pain point marketing, without pushing them in without needing them.
If you don't have stability and security in your business and you need your clients, like potential clients to say yes, that's going to feel really sticky and icky energetically to start with a really stable foundation in your business, it needs to be like, I would love to serve you.
This is the product, this is the service, this is what I'm offering, this is who it's for.
And I know I could help you if you're ready to X, Y and Z.
And they say yes on their own because they get the full body.
Yes, because you know exactly how to connect to what it is you do, who it is you serve and how you deliver that in your marketing and your messaging.
This past year, in:Serving the most clients.
It wasn't a lot of audience growth.
I grew my audience every day.
It wasn't a lot of new offers, I created new offers.
But it was serving the same clients again and again in different ways.
And in contin it was breaking the rules of what most people said.
You needed to double or triple your sales from last year.
Focusing on what I love, how I love to serve, and really, really trusting myself.
Safety, safety, security and stability in your root chakra is going to help you to really show up in your business as you desire.
And not following what some other coach tells you to do, not doing what you think should do, but being so in alignment with your heart's calling and your soul's purpose.
What are you selling this year?
How are you selling it?
Who are you selling it to?
And how can you make sure that they know this is for them?
We're not here to sell programs, offers, retreats.
We sell those things.
But what are you actually selling?
What are you actually like?
If there's three questions that you ask yourself this year is why this, why me, why now?
Because this is what's going to translate to your people, for them to want to join you today and not to think about it later.
McDonald's doesn't sell hamburgers, they sell happiness.
Nike doesn't sell shoes.
They sell motivation.
What other big brands can you think about that they aren't selling the product?
This is what most people miss is like wanting to dive deep into all of the details, all of the bonuses, all of the things that they're selling their soul.
Or as one of my dear clients says, like giving them, you know, breastfeeding them all the way through.
One of my dear friends is like, yeah, I just gave them, you know, a full on breastfeed.
It's like, no, you don't have to give your soul.
It's like, why this offer?
Why this program?
Why this retreat?
Why this mastermind?
What's in it for them?
What is the internal and external desire that they have?
You don't need to speak to the pain.
What do they want?
What do they desire?
And then why you?
Why are you so special and so cut out to be selling this thing?
Really being able to.
This is safety, security and stability in your body and in yourself.
Why the heck should they hire you when there's a bajillion other people out there doing exactly what you do?
You just blend in.
If you don't turn up the dial on your uniqueness, on your gifts, on your Specialty on your like, this is who I am, this is what I've embodied, this is what I've experienced.
You showing up as the testimonial that matters the most.
When you are so confident in you and what you've achieved, you will show up and sell it like it's the best thing on the Internet because you know what happens after you implement it.
Because you are the living, breathing embodiment of that.
And then why now?
Why now is the most important thing to answer.
Otherwise you'll just be on the vision board for them.
Otherwise you'll just be in the next time they run it.
Otherwise you'll just be in the maybe later.
Otherwise they'll hire somebody else.
You really have to understand like what is the internal in the external urgency for someone to say, yes, this is what I want and this is why I want it and this is why I'm going to do it right now.
And really speaking that to that in your marketing, in your messaging, it's like when people come to me, I'm usually the one they come to when they're like, wow, I see how you have the systems, the structures and the scalability in your business where everything is so streamlined, but there's still creativity, there's still flow, there's still embodiment, there's still joy, there's still passion, there's still so much that you do, but you do it in a way that feels effortless.
And it's like yes, because root chakra, stability and security, dialed in and dialed up.
Safety, security, stability and knowing how you're going to do it, who you're going to do it for, then when you're ready, you can add fuel to the fire.
That doesn't take more of your time.
We don't want to sell our time for money because we only have so much time in a day.
And if anyone tells you that money is more valuable than time, just ask your younger self.
Yesterday or ten years ago I used to have gray hairs, then I got a little bit of highlight in it, right?
Like we're never going to be younger than we are today and we are never going to have an opportunity like we do today.
We have to look at the root chakra in our lives and our businesses to build a foundation that has the ability to soar into infinite limitless possibilities.
This is something I want you to ponder for the first week of January is how set up is your foundation to scale.
Because it doesn't matter if you have record breaking weeks, months or years.
If you do not have a solid foundation to grow and scale.
It will crumble during an earthquake, a tornado or any natural disaster.
And in yogic philosophy there is this saying Leela Divine play.
Get ready for when hits the fan.
Because you know this is life and will hit the fan.
Make sure that the foundation of what you're building has the ability to withhold any storm that comes.
Because it doesn't matter how much embodiment work, soul work, energetic work that we do, life will happen.
Can you hold it all?
That's the question.
I'm not as excited about your high cash months or your record breaking years or whatever it is if you don't have the ability to hold as you continue to grow consistently over a long period of time.
My invitation for you is to dive deep into these questions that I've left you here today and I will drop a link for you in the show notes and in the comments below on Instagram as well so that you can really journal about these.
And if you're someone who wants to dive into four and a half hours of content for creating your limitless year, diving deep into like what is my vision?
What do I see?
How do I embody and feel that on a day to day basis?
No matter how far away it feels, how unrealistic, how impossible, how can I still feel the truth that it's on the way?
Like I'm about to have a baby and I know I'm about to have a baby.
I'm going to have a million dollar year and I know I'm going to have an a million dollar year.
How do I every day with the vision and the feeling and then what's the strategy behind how am I doing this?
My stability, security and connection to the things that I'm building not just in my body but in my life.
And this is a four and a half hour training that you can get access to immediately right away where we're going to dive even deeper into the foundation of your business and your life.
Because if you build wild success and you're not in love with the life that you're creating too, what the heck is a point?
You can just go get the job.
We want to thrive and grow and be nourished from the inside out.
And that is my hope for you this year.
That you thrive in your life as much as your business.
That your visions on the vision board aren't just something that you put there, but something that you live out.
And that the life that you're creating and the business that you're building is like every day.
Pinch me.
This is my life.
I get paid for this.
Pinch me.
This is the reality that I created consciously.
That's my wish for you.
Comment Limitless below if you want the link for that training.
Otherwise you can go to amberhagberg.com limitlessreplay and I will see you on the Internet.