Episode 177

Published on:

28th May 2024

The dark side of growth, branding up level, & staying true to yourself

Whether you’re tuning in live or catching the replay, this episode encourages you to declare your vision boldly. How much income do you aspire to generate? How many lives do you want to touch? Amber challenges you to get clear on these goals and integrate them into your daily actions.

Through her journey from a yoga instructor to a thriving entrepreneur, Amber illustrates the power of aligning personal growth with professional branding. She discusses the duality of stepping into the spotlight—embracing both the celebrations and the criticism—and the resilience required to thrive.

Amber's reflections on authenticity, growth, and the importance of being a student will inspire you to take actionable steps toward your next level of success. Join the conversation, embrace the challenges, and start living your most impactful life from the inside out.

Connect with Amber on Instagram @amberhagberg and join a community of women dedicated to creating wealth and impact from the heart. Don’t just listen—engage, reflect, and transform your business and life today!


Time stamps:

06:30 -Holding on to your future vision through the growing pains

12:00 -The dark side of growth and staying true to yourself

20:00-How to learn more and be a better forever student

And highlights:

  • Tuning into your mission and connecting with your ideal clients
  • Strategies from top entrepreneurs on scaling your business
  • The importance of personal branding and authenticity
  • Balancing professional ambition with personal joy and fulfillment
  • Declaring and achieving your financial and impact goals
  • Embracing the journey of continuous learning and growth


Show Links:

Join Spotlight here for only $111 ( will be $3333 )

Connect with Amber on Instagram


Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into

assets, this is a space.


To open your heart even deeper as.


You learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients,

the ones who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their



I'm here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the

leader in your life and your business, one who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you, create wealth from the

inside out.


I am so excited.


If you're wanting to claim more impact and really call in another

layer of income into your life.


I have pages, literally, of notes.


After going to a three day business conference and the unfolding of

learning around other seven, eight figure entrepreneurs, as well as

like, taking time away from my son.


If this is the first time that you catch me live, say first time in

the comments, tell me where you're dropping in from and what is your



What is your mission like?


What is your next level income?


And what is your next level impact like in number form?


How much money do you want to make and how many clients do you want to



How big is the movement that you're calling in?


Declare it in the comments.


If you're watching here live on social media, if you're listening in

your ears, when I repurpose this on to the podcast, come say hi on



Amberhagberg I love to repurpose on YouTube, podcasts, Facebook,

social media.


Like, how can we do something and amplify the impact that we have in

the world?


Through being really smart with the content that we're creating.


But before we go, like, most people are doing business from here in

the head.


And my invitation always is to come into the heart.


Because if you're doing business to get something, coaching,

entrepreneurship, this isn't the right thing for you.


But if you're here to give something, you want to make a dent in the



You want to have a big impact and you are here to give more.


You're here to give more, then you're in the right place.


So let's start with hands onto the heart.


One hand on top of the other.


Eyes can close.


I've really been loving just tapping.


So if that calls to you to tap or just take a few deep breaths, what

do you want?


What is your vision?


The level of income, the level of impact?


Like, what do you want?


I want you to take a big deep breath, hold it in at the top, exhale,

lift it up.


If you don't already have a notebook, and a pen.


You are going to want to take notes for this session.


If you're here with us live, put it into the comments.


What is your next level income?


What is your next level of impact?


How many clients do you desire to work with?


Hi, Jojo.


I'm so happy that you're here.




Four spots loved.


Women unleash their inner rebel.


Who here is a rebel?


If you haven't seen my most recent Instagram post, like, I literally

was the definition of rebellion my whole life.


So that's why we do business in a completely different way here.


Multi passionate.


Multi passionate.


You have so many different gifts that you want to share with the



The secret is having one message, creating one movement, and allowing

you to bring all of your gifts into your company to have an even

bigger impact.


How much money do you want to make, and how many clients do you want

to serve?


Not just this year in your life.


How much do you want to create?


How much do you want to call in, put it in the comments, or write it

in your journal?


Because what I'm going to share with you is at the beginning of this

year, when I declared this to be the year I not just three x.


We already did that last year, but ten x my business.


I said, every decision that I make in 2024 is going to make me richer.


And for those of you that are like, I'm not here for the Yogi Amber

that turned millionaire, then you're probably going to want to run



And you're not probably going to want to listen here, because I'm

still freaking barefoot.


I'm still living from my heart.


Amber is the truth.


Yes, Rod.




So I've been getting so many messages this year, that's like, amber,

I'm not here for the person that you're becoming.


I'm not here for the person that you're becoming.




I'm like, wait a minute.


People don't like me, but I haven't changed.


My heart is the same.


My mission and my vision to change the world is the same.


My vision started when I was 17 years old, and I just wanted to be



That's it.


I just want to be happy.


I was miserable.


I tried taking my life several times.


I didn't know what happiness was.


I'm here for the person you're becoming.


I love you so much, Amber.


I have not changed.


My vision to just find happiness has transformed into helping other

people find happiness, helping my clients, Amber, Ashley, Noreen, all

of you that are here listening now live.


Those of you that will listen to the replay and those of you that have

decided you're not here for the next level.


Luxurious me.


That has been me.


I've just been hiding.


I've been afraid to desire that because what if people don't like me?


And that's what's happening.


People are deciding that they don't like me because I did a luxurious

photo shoot, and I put on makeup, and I put on jewelry, and I put on

luxurious clothes, and because of a photo shoot, a brand photoshoot

that I did that made me feel richer.


People are deciding that they're not for me because I was the yogi

that broke up with the hippie.


I'm still a hippie.


I still sometimes don't brush my hair.


I made this decision to level up my branding because before I said

branding doesn't matter.


I said the way in which my company looks to the external world doesn't



That lack of intentionality and attention into my brand was hurting

me, and it was making me lie to the world about who I was and what I

was becoming, what I desire, because I have been a money magnet my

whole life.


The only difference is now I just don't work hard for it.


I used to have this lie that I needed to work harder.


I used to work 40 plus hours a week and teach 16 yoga classes and then

go work another job till:


trimming weed.


And I had a lot of money then.


I didn't talk about it.


I just sat on it, and I let it be a secret.


And then I came to Costa Rica to follow the pura vita to lead

retreats, global retreats for women to love themselves, to fall in

love with themselves in their lives, because I knew what it was like

to give everything to a man, give him my power.


And when I reclaimed my power and I told him no and I left him, I

found me, and I was like, I have a bigger mission now to help women

prioritize themselves.


And then I was giving eight massages a day, helping people to feel

better in their bodies, teaching dozens of yoga classes, sitting on

thousands of dollars, working harder to get more money in secret.


And then I became a really successful accidental entrepreneur.


100,000 my first year, 140,000 my second year.


And I got hundreds of clients telling me that I changed their lives

through the teachings of yoga.


And then when I realized that I could go from working 40 hours a week

teaching 16 yoga classes a week to serving one to many, making six

figures, I unlocked this shift of what society had told me I need to

work harder to make more.


I need to sacrifice my life and my time to help people.


And now that I know that that's not true, I decided to level up my

branding and say, hey, I three x my revenue cutting, how much I work

in half.


And I want my branding to show that my rich life has nothing to do

with luxury but the way in which luxury makes me feel.


I want you to feel rich.


I don't like, I don't want you to get a lot of money and not feel

happy and not feel fulfilled.


It starts here.


I was happy then, working lots.


I just didn't realize how much of my life I was sacrificing.


And now that I have a baby, I'm like, hey, y'all, I want to be with my

kid more than anything.


Who here is mama listening?


That's like, hey, I want to be able to provide and give my kids

anything and everything that they need.


I realized we've moved twice in the last month, and everything I own,

I have, like, two boxes of stuff and Amani has, like, six boxes of



Everything that I do is for Amani, but everything I do is for you as

well, so that you can have this.


And this is all coming to why this live is even here and happening.


When you declare how much money you want to make and how much impact

you want to have because of your life story, because of what you've

gone through, what you've experienced.


Hey, level up.


It's time to level up because you're going to get initiated.


And this is the dark side of growth.


This is why most people won't become successful, because they are too

worried caring about what everyone else thinks, and I would be lying

to you, and I don't do that here.


If I said I didn't cry, if I said it didn't hurt, if I said I didn't

call my mentor, my best friend, and everyone in the room and say, look

at these messages.


People don't like me anymore.


I'm changing and they don't like that.


Except I'm actually not changing.


I'm just not hiding anymore.


Who here has done hiding?


Can I get a.


I'm done hiding.


I was the hippie sleeping on airport floors with thousands of dollars

in my bank because I wanted to be humble.


Why would I not want to be comfortable?


Don't you want to be comfortable?


I don't want to show this to my kids.


I don't want to show this to my kids.


So you are going to embark on a journey of problems.


I have three clients right now.


They're here for scaling and growing and changing the world.


And let me tell you, if you change lives in person and you're going

online right now, hi, technology.


Get ready to get your brain worked through learning the technology



Get ready to lose content that you created.


Get ready to learn how to back that ish up because you gonna be sad.


You are going to be sad when it disappears and technology does its

thing and technology does do things, and we aren't happy about it.


Technology allows us to amplify our impact in the world.


And learning it is just allowing us to claim the wealth that has been

easier than ever before.


To claim, you want more impact, you want more income, are you willing

to do the work, period.


And this is why I'm so successful.


Because I do the work.


I show up and I do the work.


Not just, like, taking these notes and posting content online, but,

like, when I got my first message around, like, I'm not here for this

new version of you.


When I got my second message of, like, I'm not really here for this

version of you, when I got my third message, it was like, this all

happened in the last two months.


I said, this is going to be the year that I get rich right here.


This is the year I didn't know that rich was meaning step into the



And isn't it crazy that this is the year?


I've been watching documentaries on Netflix of what happened to

Britney Spears, of what happened to Taylor Swift, of what happened

Arnold Schwarzenegger, of what happened to these celebrities when they

got into the spotlight.


What was the negative effect of getting into the spotlight?


What was the downside to getting in the spotlight?




Judgment, judgment.


Not everyone's willing to take the negative, but like so many that are

here on the live, y'all are my clients.


And you're in the room with me.


And you know that I haven't changed.


I've just up leveled my branding to become more of the spotlight.


But me stepping into the spotlight isn't about me.


This isn't an ego trip.


I'm not like, hey, look at me.


Like, the photos capture that.


But I'm here to help you step into the spotlight.


I'm here to help you shine the light on the problem that you're

solving, on the clients that you're serving.


And, yeah, strategy.


I got so much of that.


That's all I do is teach strategy, amplified impact.


My mastermind, how to do masterclasses, how to sell, how to create



How to stand out and then rich.


How to use Instagram reels to build a six figure business with mini



Yep, Instagram gold.


How to blow up your Instagram organically running a six figure



But spotlight isn't that.


I'm gonna cry.


Spotlight is not a strategy of what you need to do.


Spotlight is who you need to become.


And you have to be someone that can hold the positive and the



I haven't had this many clients in my business ever.


I have 50 people in my membership, twelve people in my mastermind,

5500 people in a mini course.


I've never had so many clients.


And on the negative side of that, there are people that don't want to

grow with me.


And that hurts my human.


It hurts me so much.


And yet that's why action.


That's why strategy is easy.


Grow a community, give them value, let them see that you can help them

and sell to them a holy, sacred invitation of like, let's grow

together, grow, nurture, sell, grow, serve, sell.


That's it.


And it's so easy.


The hard part, holding the duality of changing more lives and helping

more people.


That's the hard part.


So who do you need to be?


That's what follows.


The declaration of where you're growing, that you're not going to grow

with everyone.


And who here is ready to really claim what they desire?


Who here is really saying, like, I'm going to do it no matter what?


And that's why there are two types of students.


There are some students that come in and they say, I already know

this, I've already done that.


They see the name of the book, they see the name of the program, they

see the name of the module, done it, know it.


And then there's the other type of people who are like, what if I

could just get one thing about from this podcast?


What if I could get one thing from this training?


What if I could get one thing from this big business conference, this

YouTube video, one thing.


And they come in to learn that one thing that completely changes the

way they feel, the way they think and the way they show up in their

business and they're not just a student that is like, I'm buying the

courses, I'm doing the work.


Like checking off the boxes.


Who has had a daily yoga practice, daily meditation practice, goes to

the gym, eat healthy, gets the courses like I did it, check, check,



But it just becomes something that you do rather than the student is

who you be, like, devoted to the studentship of growth and evolution.


Like, I can never know everything.


And actually, the more that I learn, the more I realize I know



I went to this three day business conference.


I sat in the room with incredible, extraordinary stories, and I felt

like this tiny little big.


But we all have that.


We have so much that we get to learn from other people, even if we

know so much.


It's like, that's why there's two types of students.


I have people that message me about one of my courses.


They're like, I know everything I want to refund.


I go and I check how much they went through the course, and it's 3%.


And then I get people like, I sold out my retreat two months in



I had my first eleven k month, and they went 98% through the course.


Two types of students.


And I know because I just went to this three day business conference.


One of my mentors, Andy, who just hopped on here, I binged literally

every masterclass that she had on her free platform.


I took notes of everything, and then I went and I reread those notes

siness conference, where from:



to 05:00 p.m.


i took notes.


My hand couldn't write fast enough.


And then at the end of the day, each day, I went and I read my notes

and I circled the one thing that I could implement in my business.


Even though so much of it was repeated, I've heard it before in

another way, from another mentor.


I took what I could take and I could implement.


And then on the way home, I read the notes again.


And then last night before bed, I read the notes again, and I

continued to journal and I reflect.


So I know that I've always been a devoted student, and I'm not just

one that learns, because that's the other part of learning is like,

are you learning to learn, or are you learning to take action and

implement what it is that you're learning?


Because that just one idea could build your million dollar company,

your six figure company, your $50,000 company.


You've heard it many times, but this mentor, it landed in a different



Things land in a different way from other mentors.


And so it's so important for us to, like, really look at the details

of, like, don't just go to church to say you went to church.


Don't just do your yoga practice to say you did your yoga practice.


Don't just meditate to say you meditated.


Don't just hire a coach or by the course to say you did it.


What is it that you do with what you learn on your mat at church in

the program?


And how many different ways can you hear the same thing until it

actually lands and changes what you do?


Because we don't learn anything if it doesn't change what we do



Same mini course.


People go through it and they say, amber, I did everything and it's

not working.


I go look at their sales page, I go look at their content on Instagram

and I'm like, you did it, but you didn't do it.


I always say if you have a sales page and you're selling something,

there should be no header, no footer or no pop up.


The only thing anyone should be able to do on a sales page is purchase

the thing.


If you've gone through the course and you still have a header, footer

or pop up, you haven't gone through the course and actually listened

to learn.


If you create content and your first line is come to my retreat this

December, you actually haven't gone through the course.


You haven't learned.


There's a difference from taking a course learning and implementing

than taking a course taking action.


The same action that you took before you took the course.


That's a completely different student.


And in the spotlight, you become the mentor who goes through being a



Who do you want to be in the room with you?


Who do you want to teach?


Who do you want to mentor?


Are you being that?


Are you actually doing what you desire to do?


Are you saying what it is that you desire to say?


Are you evolving and growing?


Or are you trying to fit them all?


For everybody, the spotlight is like, hey, I'm going to be who I am.


I'm going to shine my light.


Not because I it's about me, but it's how can I give more to you?


How can I help you to see the magic that you hold inside of you?


How can I help you be more of who you desire to be?


How can I, as the mentor, become the light so that you can see your

own light?


Where this is mentor and student, mentor and client.


We both are mentors and clients.


We both do the work.


That's why some people are successful and some aren't.


Do and be in order to have.


It's not like, okay, once I have it, I'll do it and then I be it.


And that was the shift that changed my life this year.


How can I make every decision based on the richer version of me, the

one who is already where I desire to be in impact and income and how

can those decisions that I make today influence now?


How can what I do today influence now?


Based on if I was already there in the future, how can I be it now?


How can I do it now so that I can have it now instead of once I have

it, I'll do it, and then I'll be it.


Entrepreneurship, there is no guarantee.


There is no evidence.


There is no promise.


That's the risk.


We're in risky business here.


And if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.


Like everyone would be going after what it is that they wanted if it

was easy.


Easy part.


Grow, nurture, self, build a global company.


Grow, nurture, sell easy.


Taking action and being that version, it is where you desire to be



Because I know right now, I'm where I've desired to be for four years,

and it's here now.


And guess what?


I'm already like, okay, what's next?


From a place and space of gratitude, always.


So my invitation for you is, how can you be and do as if you were

already at the income and impact level, as well as stepping into being

the student and being the mentor that you desire to be right now.


I have another call right now.


But if you're not already and you desire to move through this in an

embodied way, in a community of over 80 people, growing through the

spotlight, going into the spotlight to be the light, not to chase the

light, to see your vision for impact and change come to life.


Comment, spotlight, or head over to my instagram.


The link is in the bio.


Anyone that's already in the room knows that there are three ways to

share this and enter to win over $1,500 worth of coaching with me.


My goal is to get 1500 people into the spotlight.


Are you coming with me to really shine your light, your magic, and get

paid massive amounts of money because you're changing more lives.


That's the spotlight.


This is not about you, but you have to go into the spotlight so people

can find you.


This is about people being able to find you so that you can have the

impact that you desire.


You cannot change more lives if you don't bring the light on to the

work that you do.


And that's what we're going to be doing together in spotlight.


Shining the light on what's already there inside of you so that you

can be found, so that you can be sought after, so that you can be sold

out, so that you can have the impact and income that you desire and

then to be able to build wealth for your family and to be able to give

back in so many ways.


And if you're listening in on YouTube, be sure to like and subscribe.


If you're listening in on the podcast, it means the world to rate and

review amplified impact.


Because that's how one more person finds minds.


The podcast, the YouTube, the Instagram channel.


And that's how we get to make waves together.


So I love you.


I have a call.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out