Episode 168

Published on:

7th Apr 2024

Birthday month investments, divine timing, + Q1 reflections

In this solo episode, Amber gives you a look inside at how she brings her retreats to life (through divine downloads while surfing), how she is investing in herself this month, and what she is doing to invest in her business.


Time Stamps:

1:50 -Feeling like a fraud & divine timing for my retreats

5:50 -Birthday month + investing in my brand with a 2-day VIP

10:30 -Taking action from want instead of need

16:34 -Q1 Reflections + journaling

18:16 -What I'm doing differently in my biz (spoiler not a lot)

19:45 -Two spots left in AI Cohort #2


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Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into

assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn

how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones

who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the

leader in your life and your business, one who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the

inside out.


I'm so excited to be hopping on here for a new episode at the very

beginning of quarter two, as well as the beginning of April, the seed

planting spring for those of you in the midwest, as well as the time

of reflection.


Reflection on everything that we've done in quarter one to get us up

into this point.


I'm going to be sharing with you today some reflections that I'm doing

on quarter one.


Also some breakthroughs that I've been having energetically around

decisions that I'm making and some exciting news about what's coming

here in Costa Rica this year,:


I just felt like I was such a fraud for so long this time.


Normally, April, I've already sold out a retreat, usually already led

a retreat, and the desire just wasn't there.


At the end of the year, I had led a retreat in Lake arena, and I was

like, oh, my gosh, where am I going to do my next retreat?


Let's go to Italy.


Let's go to Guatemala.


Let's go somewhere.


And so I started investigating, doing all these things, and then when

I found the perfect retreat center in Italy, I was like, something

there just isn't this desire.


I'm not pulling the trigger.


Why am I not?


And I was like, I'm not going to force it.


I'm just not going to make the move.


And then January went by, February went by, march went by, and I was

like, uh oh.


No, desire, what is happening?


I'm the retreat coach.


I host several retreats a year.


Like, what is happening?


I'm a fraud.


Have you ever felt that way?


Like, you're the expert, you're the genius, you're the, like, one

that's passionate about that one thing.


And then all of a sudden, like, the desire goes away and you're not

doing the thing that you're helping others do, and you're like, uh oh,

what's happening?


Am I losing my spark?


Am I losing my momentum?


Like, is this not for me anymore?


Just last.


Last night, I had this, like, oh, maybe I'll host a retreat maybe I'll

host a retreat there.


I sent a message to one of my besties and I was like, hey, like, where

are you hosting retreats this year?


Like, connect me.


I want to check out a new retreat center.


And then I was, as I was driving to the beach, I pinged one of the old

venues that I hosted a retreat at several times, just asking about



And while I was outside surfing complete download the name of the

retreat, the intention behind the retreat, who it's for, who's coming.


Everything came through and I was like, ah, there you are.


Trust in the divine timeline.


Business gets to be fun.


Creation gets to be fun.


We don't have to do something because that's the way we've always done

it, or that's what we do or that's who we are.


We get to give ourselves permission to change what it is we do, to

follow the inspiration and the passion that moves us.


And so the seed has been planted.


I'm going to go check out the venue this week.


Stay tuned.


And if you also want to be a part of the market research and sharing

your opinion about this retreat, you can click the link in the show

notes and there's three questions for you.


Thank you so much.


If you choose to take the time to do that.


And while I'm at it, I just want to tell you, if you listen to this

podcast and anything sparks inside of you, it would mean the absolute

world to me.


If you head over to apple iTunes and leave us a five star review.


Share the podcast on your favorite social media platforms because it

allows other multi passionate, impact driven leaders, heart centered

humans to find this podcast.


It's because of the reviews, it's because of the shares that this

message and movement spreads across the globes.


And that means the world to me.


For you to be a part of that and sharing your own unique experience,

tuning in, in, listening in your ears.


Now, with that being said, the download came.


December's here.


And it's wild because it's my birthday month.


Yoo hoo.


And I actually met two people this month.


One signed up for an entire year inside of the CEO ripple collective.


And then I found out we have the same birthday.


So fun as I'm looking at.


Okay, it's my birthday month.


You know what, I'm just going to book myself a haircut, a massage, a

chiropractic adjustment, a mani petty and like, why not invest in a

brand evolution and audit?


Why not have someone behind the scenes looking at what they see from

the front and really giving you the feedback of where you're so, yeah,

there I went.


Vip day, two day experience.


Flying out solo.


Mama trip me, myself on an airplane all by myself.


I'm giving to myself all of the things.


The massage, the haircut, the two day vip experience to really look

behind the scenes of my brand and ensure that my movement and my

message is being delivered in a way that my heart desires it.


Seeing if there's any missing links.


And the first thing that I said when I got on this coaching call with

my new mentor was, I don't need this.


Every person that I've talked to about what I'm doing, they're like,

amber, you don't need this.


I love your brand.


I love your photos.


I love your message.


Like, amber, your reels are going viral.


Amber, your business is booming.


Amber, like, you have the most sign ups ever before.


And I was like, you're right.


I don't need this.


But the way I feel about taking this vacation and investing in this

experience has me so activated.


And it really brought up these conversations around, do I need it or

do I desire it?


And then I seen how far I've grown because for so long, I was

investing because I needed it.


Traditional marketing.


Hire me because you need me to get this result.


Hire me because you are missing something.


Lack of.


It's not there anymore.


Hire me.


Here's the secret.


And as a beginner entrepreneur, I was like, what's the missing thing?


Why am I not getting there?


I was only an entrepreneur for one year, and I was, like, questioning

why it wasn't working two years, questioning why it wasn't working

three years.


Questioning energetically.


I was suffocating my business.


And I got so far out of alignment from what I truly desired.


Massive impact.


I lost the passion by chasing, why isn't it working?


Rather than investing, because it inspired me.


Because it activated investing out of fear, investing out of lack.


And this reminder of, like, actually, I don't need anything that I'm

giving myself this month.


But the way that it makes me feel is worth every single investment.


The money, the time, and the inner work that one will have to do.




Like, taking all that time off.


Inner work, it's okay.


My son's going to be fine.


Inner work, it's okay.


I deserve this money.


Inner work, I deserve to pour into myself.




I have to invest in all of those different activities.




I have to take time off.


Time away from my son, time away out of my business.


But the way that it makes me feel.


Yesterday, after I got my haircut I was like, dang, that felt so good.


I know I didn't need it.


I mean, my hair.


My hair cutter would probably disagree with me, but I'm like, I don't

actually need this.


But the way it made me feel and the way, like, I felt when I put my

hair in a ponytail, I was like, that was so worth it.


And I was like, what if we stopped investing because we quote unquote,

needed it?


Just think about what happens when we're in relationships.


If you need that person, that person feels like they're being



It becomes a codependent relationship, and they want to end up running

in the other way.


I think the most beautiful relationships are the ones where it's not

out of need, but it's out of desire.


Like husband, wife.


I don't need you, but I freaking want you more than anything.




I don't need you, but I desire you.


I desire this movement.


I desire the impact when we show up and we invest in because of the

way it makes us feel.


So often people are like, Amber, I know you're the coach for me.


I know you're the mentor for me.


I can feel it.


Yet I'm afraid.


And this happened to me when I was going to make this really high

multi five figure investment.


Multiple five figure investment at night.


I was logically, like, you don't need this.


Your photos are good.


Your message is clear.


Your reels are working.


Your business is growing.


Like, do you really need this?


And I was trying to logically talk myself out of it.


And I'm so grateful for the conversation that I got to have with my

mentor yesterday because it was this.


Like, we aren't making decisions out of need.


We shouldn't be, because that's unhealthy.


It's making decisions because this makes me feel better.


And I laugh because the va that I have, one of my best friends, it's

like she goes climbing and she does artwork, and she just, like, loves

to create and pour into her.


She doesn't need to climb every day.


She doesn't need to do pottery every day, but it makes her feel alive.


What makes you feel alive?


And where are you not giving yourself what it is you desire because,

quote, unquote, you don't need it?


What if we shift and this is what really explodes my heart open?


It's like, our beliefs are what trigger our thoughts, and our thoughts

are what trigger our actions.


And so if we're believing, like, I need this to work when we go into

it out of fear, and scarcity.


And if it doesn't, every single action that you take has an energy of

like, gripping to it.


And that's why I so often coach.


Your business doesn't need to work.


Like, if you need this client to say yes to pay the bills, there's a



Either do work on the side to get paid, get a job, collaborate with

other companies, have the funds to support your business.


Because a business, an entrepreneur continuously makes big risks.




Invest in skills, mentorship, coaching to keep growing.


And in order for us to live a life of not just getting by and paying

the bills, but to thrive, we need a baseline root chakra, the base,

pay the bills, eat good food, have a home, have transportation.


Like, these things are so important for our nervous system to feel



But if we go into creating a business, like, if you don't pay me right

now, I'm not going to be able to pay the bills.


That's a really sticky relationship to go into.


And then what it also does is it forces you to say yes to any type of

client and then you end up working with clients that say, suck your

energy and take your life and you end up not having boundaries.


And how are you going to love the life you've created if you have to

work with clients that are not a good fit?


It's okay to do side jobs.


It's okay to do a blend of your work and your business.


Like, I encourage that.


And a lot of people like, ditch the nine to five.


I work with so many clients that are like, I don't want to leave my

nine to five.


I love my job, but I also want to run a business and change lives on

the side.


There's no rules here.


When you're listening to me on amplified impact, like, we're the rule



But the most important thing that we can do is really look at our

decisions and why we make them.


And that means we have to look at our beliefs and are we trying to

justify logically what it is that's making us feel alive because we're

meant to feel.


And yesterday I felt so activated.


I still feel so activated thinking about this experience and it

logically does not make sense.


I cashed in my cryptocurrency to go on this trip.


I'm like, you know, I'm done investing in crypto market for now.


I want to invest in my business.


I want to see where my business would go if I invest in my business

instead, could I beat the ROI in my company rather than trying to beat

the crypto market?


Like day trading.


It's playing and it's fun, but do it because it makes you feel a

certain way.


Trust in the feelings of your heart.


Not everyone has the desires that you have.


And when you listen to your heart rather than your mind, you are going

to feel in love with your life.


And the more in love with who you are, what you do, how you operate,

the more magnetic you'll be.


And in that, your services, your offerings, the way you sell will be

more magnetic.


It'll be easier than ever before.


And that leads me into the Q one review.


Reflect back on the decisions that you've made this year and why you

made them.


Look at what's going really good in your life and why.


See where each client that came in, each lead that you generated.


Look at the results this morning.


My coach reflected back to me.


She's like, hey, I just want to take a moment really quick and share,

like, whatever you're doing, Amber, it is working.


And I don't feel this energy of, like, you need to fix something.


But I invite you to look at what you've done this year and what is



Why is it working?


And I'm like, I was just teaching this to the CEO ripple collective



Reflection, looking at the insights on your instagram, your emails,

your podcast, and then creating a goal for Q two.


And I was like, oh, I haven't done that myself yet.


So I sat down this morning and I looked at where have my masterminds,

my mastermind clients came in?


It's selling out faster than it ever has before.


Where are they coming from and why?


Why is it working now?


And something that I know it's April and we're planting seeds.


So much of what is working right now in my business isn't that I'm

doing anything different.


I'm almost doing absolutely nothing different than I did before.


The difference is that I've been doing it for a long time, over a

period of time.


And in yogic philosophy, they talk a lot about an extended period of

time, of compounding growth, and that is different for every single

person over a long period of time.


There's no definition of what this long period of time is, but there's

really not a lot different that I'm doing in my business now than I

did three years ago.


Yeah, I'm creating better content because I've been doing it.


Yeah, I'm creating better emails because I have a va and she helps me,

like, master my messaging and, like, tweaking things and, like,

looking like.


But like, the core message that I share, I send over to her and just,

you know, spell check grammar, tweaking like props to her because I'm

really quick and she slows me down.


So I have slowed down in like hiring out for branding, slowing down

and hiring out for like someone to check out my emails and, you know,

go over my copy and like refine just a little bit.


But I'm not doing a lot differently.


So some of this is just time but invitation for you to really look at

the energy that you brought to Q one, where most of the results came

from and why you think that worked and how can you turn that up?


Add fuel to the fire of what worked for Q one to three, x that in Q



And we do have four spots left for amplified impact.


The mastermind, the six month live coaching experience where you get

me in your back pocket Monday through Friday, looking at your offers,

giving you feedback on what's included, the price point, looking at

your sales page and your funnels, like what it is that you're doing to

sell those offers, helping you to create content strategically that

grows your audience, that gives your audience value and allows you to

sell to your community in a way that feels so good for you.


We set up the foundation for you to grow and then scale your company.


You get access to 20 plus hours of training in amplified impact.


Plus you get my brand new program.


Rich teaches you how to scale your business with low ticket offers so

you can bring in more dream soulmate clients who get to know, like and

trust you faster.


And then they upgrade to higher ticket offers like your mastermind.


One on one coaching and retreats.


We have three brand new programs coming, one coming in April, another

May, and then in June, you get access to all of those.


And then we have two bi weekly coaching calls where we workshop and

brainstorm the heart, the energetics, the strategy, and any questions

that come up while you're implementing throughout the week.


That's what Voxer is for.


Ask me any questions inside of there.


You get me in your back pocket, four spots left.


If that's something that really resonates with you and where you're at

right now, wanting me as your next mentor, then you can dm me on

Instagram Mastermind and would love to have that conversation with you



But until then see you, talk to you on the next episode.

Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out