Episode 182

Published on:

27th Aug 2024

Quantum Leaps: Scaling Impact Without Doing More

In this episode of Amplified Impact, Amber dives into the concept of quantum leaping and what it truly means for multi-passionate entrepreneurs wanting to scale their impact. Amber explores the essence of building a movement, embodying your work, and becoming a magnet for success without doing more. Tune in as she discusses the journey from multiple six figures to seven figures, the power of collaboration, and how to remain a devoted student and embodied leader in your entrepreneurial journey. Perfect for those who want to create massive, authentic impact while staying true to themselves.

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Time stamps:

The Power of Giving More - (08:15)

Being More vs. Doing More - (12:30)

Aligning with Your Soul’s Calling - (24:45)


Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take.


Take time for yourself so you can.


Be the leader in your life and your business.


One who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the inside out.


I am so excited for this new episode on quantum Leaping.


I feel like people talk about this a lot in the online space.


Like, I want a quantum leap.


What does it actually mean to jump from one place to another at lightning speed without doing more?


What does it mean to go from multiple six figures to seven figures and like the blink of an eye?


And what does that actually take?


And who do you actually have to become?


Because I think this gets to be a bigger conversation that, like, when you want to scale and do ten x more than you're doing now, or you want to scale and you're like, I am serving x amount of clients.


I have x amount of clients at a retreat, x amount of clients in a program, but I want to do ten times more than that.


I want to do 100 in this program.


Right now I have ten.


I want to have 300.


Right now I have 100.


We're going to talk about what it means to not just turn this into like a transactional business, but how to actually think about impact over income, more clients having bigger success without you needing to do more.


And you started, if you started, if you started this business because you want to impact more lives, you are going to love this episode.


Because we're not talking about how to grow and scale by niching down.


We're going to talk about how to grow and scale by building a movement where if you still like, to this day, you wake up in the morning really early and you stay up late.


As soon as that Creative channel hits, like there's something that's just activated inside of you when the download hits.


When we're first starting our business, we're trying to get the motivation, we're trying to bring the creativity.


What should I name the program?


How long should it be?


What should I call it?


What is my product suite?


Who am I serving?


Like, those ideas, it's self motivation.


Like, it comes in and through us, but after we've been in business for a while, it's a channel that comes and flows.


It's like you don't even have to think about it, because it's who you've become through the practice and the repetition of turning that creative channel on.


And as an entrepreneur, sometimes that's really hard to just shut it off.


But when we're able to shut it off, this is where the magic comes.


This is where the medicine lies, is like, close your computer, go enjoy your family, enjoy the freedom that being an entrepreneur has created.


And if you're like, I know how much my life has changed because of the amount of money that I'm making, and you're like, you've changed your own life.


Like, you know what it's like to be making nickels and dimes.


You know what it's like to be doing your soul work for nothing.


And you know what it's like to get paid big money, insane money.


How is this even possible?


It's important to hang out with people that are doing that, that are having these conversations, because it's becoming more and more normalized in your nervous system to hold a quantum leisure because you see other people doing it, you get to be in their energy and feel them, hear the way they think, see how they hold themselves, the conversations that they have.


And my favorite thing is seeing some of these people that I admire and realize how human, authentic and freaking real that they are.


If you're someone who's like, I want to build a wave, a community of like, I'm going to take you on the best wave ride of your life.


Where are my wave makers?


Those that are like, I made a massive ripple.


I cannot believe who I am.


Like, if you met anyone from who I went to college with, they're like, they would be literally tell you how blown away by the amber that they know or they see online today is because I am just like, so many chapters different.


And because of that, I get to be like, I want to change other people's lives because I know what it's like to just have this desiree to be happy.


I know what it's like to have this desire to just want to create a successful life, but was so not into the normal, conventional, successful life.


I'm the Costa Rica jungle mama, the salty hair millionaire.


I'm always barefoot, but I feel so rich surrounded by my family, the best sisterhood in the entire world.


And I say that biasly, but, like, soul family.


Surrounded by soul family.


Every single day that I get to raise my babies with, I get to help visionaries, coaches, healers, guides, break the rules and bring all of themselves, all of their multifaceted selves.


To their business so that they can stand out, they can thrive and they can create an even bigger stage by not just doing the work, but by collaborating.


By not just doing the work, by collaborating, but becoming a magnet, becoming the embodiment of the work that you do.


So if you have a big vision, you're someone that has a vision and it keeps getting bigger and you love to break the rules.


You've never fit into the tiny little box that everyone has been conditioning us that we need to fit in.


This is what success is.


This is where you should be at this certain age.


This is what should happen at this certain in aging.


Or just like that doesn't work for me, I don't fit into that.


This is where I look at like, what is your sankulpa?


What is your intention for your desire, your soul's desire to build a legacy and change the world one more person at a time, because that's what keeps you going.


And if you want to learn how to use being multi passionate, introverted, like I want to hide, I want to be around no one sometimes.


And you're different.


Like, you're so different and you want to turn this on as your superpower.


Grab your notebook, grab your pen if you're not driving and take notes on this one.


I hope you're ready.


Because literally like, to go from building a transactional business of like making sales and making changes in people's lives to building something so much bigger holds two qualities.


And I want to share with you those two qualities.


As someone who has literally seen that happend, getting to 100k months is hard.


It's so hard.


But going above and beyond 100k is so much easier.


And the first thing is you already know what it means to be a devoted student.


You've already invested at high levels time and time again.


You've already gotten yourself in bigger rooms.


You know what it means to surround yourself.


You become like the top five people that you hang out with the most.


And you see the value in learning and growing and being in the sea of the receiver.


You know what it means to stretch your capacity of what you're capable of because you've done it so many times.


And as you're continuing to learn, you're not just here to learn.


Three steps to do this, seven steps to do that.


Like those bore you.


You actually want to learn and then you want to implement and then you want to experience it and you're going to innovate it and create it as your own.


You want to make it fit you and not this is the exact way.


And so being a student can mean so many different things.


But what it means is you're here to study, study yourself, the inner world that you have, your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, who you be when no one's around.


You're here to study that, but you're also here to learn and master and collaborate and get new skills so that you can turn your work into transformation.


And you get to be your own evidence of that.


And you get to live it.


You get to continue to lead from what it is that you embody, and that's what you teach.


That's why you get so behind, that's why you unapologetically settle the thing.


It's like you walk it, you talk it, you be it.


And that's what it means to constantly staying and be studying and be studying.


It's not just like learning new things and like living by the things that you learn.


It's learning new things and then turning those things that you learn into your way of doing it.


This is unconventional, this is unique, this is different.


There isn't one diet for one person.


There isn't one exercise that's going to work for one person, one business strategy.


There isn't one way to live your life.


And constantly being a student, investing in yourself, stretching your capacity, being the smallest little fish in the room, knowing absolutely no one.


Like getting in the room with people you don't know.


Going on a retreat where you know nobody, going to a business conference where everyone is a stranger, stretches your capacity to be a beginner, to be open, to receive all over again.


And that leads us into number two.


You put in the work, you don't just invest, you don't just stretch yourself.


It's like you do the work that it takes.


And that's why scaling is so hard, whether you're going to 100k months or beyond.


Because your human is always coming with you and you can't get out of that.


Like you're always going to be a human.


And when you do the work, it's like you just don't talk about the things, you don't teach from theory, it's like you teach from doing this work every single day you be walking your talk.


And when you do this, you show up.


You live in devotion.


You literally get the create the life that your community is like.


Let me jump on board, let me go with you.


And as a coach, a guide, a healer, a mentor, a leader, you know what it means to feel it.


You can share from story after story after story that is so much more relatable to your future clients, to your current clients, to the community that you're building.


It's like authenticity, relatability, uniqueness is exactly why you stand out, exactly why someone would hire you over anybody else.


And when you stay to remain and be your own student, you start to attract people that are just like you.


High level, high invested.


I see the value in myself.


I'm devoted to this work.


I don't just pay for a container, invest in it and expect to get results.


I show up and I do the work.


I'm not just an amazing businesswoman, I'm an amazing wife, I'm an amazing mother, I'm a really good friend, I'm an amazing student.


At this life.


Like, you get to claim all of any of those identities that resonate and add all of the other ones that resonate with you.


Not everyone in my community is like, I'm a salty hair millionaire.


Like, not everyone in my community is like, I'm barefoot and rich.


Like, that's not the vibe.


The vibe is who are you when you own what you do and who you are.


And that's why for me, weaving in the business with my background of yogic philosophy, weaving in the business with like, living the practice that you preach has becoming into the embodiment.


And it's like you don't always have to do more.


Actually, when you go to scale, it's not doing more, it's learning how to be more, it's learning how to check in with the energy that you have and you hold behind everything it is that you do.


And this is the power and the potency of being the embodiment of your work.


If you want results, you do the work, you invest, you go all in.


If your clients want the results, you show them what it means to embody who you are and you get to be the example.


And that is a magnet.




Add embodiment with strategy and you're off.


You're going to blow up, you're going to build massive stages.


And what we have to really remember is like, you know, time and money.


The more that you invest time and money, the more that you show up and go all in, the more magnetic that you become for attracting clients that are just like you.


And I really love what Doctor Benjamin Hardy says about the wannabe entrepreneur and the point of no return entrepreneur.


When I first started I was a wannabe entrepreneur.


It was like I made one investment, I need to get it back right now.


That's it.


And then over the last decade of my life, investing and constantly doing this work.


Investing, constantly doing this work.


I'm not going anywhere because I'm so invested into what I'm doing and who I become and everything that has happened, like, financially, I'm not going back.


Time, thousands and thousands of hours not going back.


So it's like when you become so invested, it's like you show up tenfold.


You're not going to keep going backwards.


And this comes from the desire for more, the desire for more impact, more growth, because someone who is a devoted student and devoted to the work always wants to reach their highest potential.


Who listening right now has been like, every time I get there, I already have a new goal.


That's a good thing.


As long as you're enjoying the journey and finding gratitude for every single moment along the way, you are devoted to your expansion.


The desire for more comes from, I want to see what I am capable of in this lifetime and then coming down and asking yourself, like, how much more grounded into my work can I be?


How much safer in my body can I feel?


How aligned to the needs have I become?


Are you someone that has the ability to sit down with numbers and look at what are my just get by numbers and what are my, like, thrive numbers or what are my, like?


If I had insane money, oh, my gosh, this is what I would do with it.


The conversation that we're having right now with my besties is, how can we raise money for a safe playground for our children and our children's children?


We're fundraising for a big vision.


And because of that, the desire for more is like, oh my gosh, not only would my son go to the park and not fall through the cracks of the playground, but, like, imagine all of the other kids that are coming.


And so we look at the root chakra, basic needs, but also then we want to expand up and reach out.


And it's like, who would I be if I was going to expand my capacity to grow?


And once you start to create a wave in your own life, you build your own mental, you become the wave, you become the devoted student, you become the embodied leader.


And in that, this allows you to simply attract by being more.


You don't do more to receive more, you give more.


And you just keep giving because this is your soul's work, this is your soul's calling.


And when you create content, when you launch, when you build out a sales page, when you do the thing, the strategic thing in your business, you actually get more because you're giving more, you're becoming more.


Your frequency is higher.


And in that, the higher the frequency, the higher the client results, because you're a match for that.


You know that you invest big, you know that you show up big, you know that you get good results.


You attract clients that do the same.


I remember at the beginning of this year, I had just three x'ed my business.


But before that, when my son Amani was born two and a half years ago, I was going through an identity crisis.


I was so wavering in who I was and what I was doing, and I was going through this evolution in my business.


And that meant cutting out the things that no longer felt aligned as I was going to become a mother, as I was stepping into this new identity, parts of my business were falling away.


And that meant I went from several 140k years to 60k year because I was coming back into alignment.


And that was the hardest time to keep showing up.


I was already at the point of no return, but it wasn't working for a year and a half.


It was really, really slow.


But I was finding a new aligned strategy.


I was becoming a new version of myself.


I was stepping into this new version of me that I was being called to.


And I was doubting it.


I was fearing it.


I was all of the things.


But the moment that I just accepted this was my short comeback.


And I really did the deep inner work of, like, enjoying the process of who I was and who I was becoming and all of the things that were happening because of that.


That is then in six months last year, I went from 60k in a year and a half to $270,000 in six months.


And I changed nothing in the strategy from the year and a half before that.


It was literally just me changing inside.


The strategy didn't change, and it was so hard.


And this year, I was like, I want to have hundreds of people in my membership.


I want to have dozens of people in my mastermind.


Like, I just want to get bigger.


And when I felt this desire to uplevel my brand, uplevel my marketing, take my business to the next level, really started to look at, like, what is the movement that I'm building?


So much bigger than this program that I had created, the mastermind that I had been running, the programs that I had been creating, like, what is my way?


What is my mission?


What is my movement?


And as I started to do that, there was a deep layer of healing that was coming through layers of the past, layers of my childhood.


I've really been in the deeper layer of, like, I spent a decade of healing this work, and in the last four months, so many old triggers and old wounds are coming up, and I had to get a lot of deeper conversations.


I cried a lot.


I did a lot of somatic work.


I'm doing a lot of meditation.


I'm doing a lot of sitting with the pain and the stillness and all that's happening.


And as I was stepping into desiring, claiming, going for it, even though it's not here yet, clients started to fall away.


People started to judge me.


So many screenshots I have of people, like, I'm not here for this.


So many things were falling apart.


When I was declaring where I was going what it is I wanted, all of these things were happening.


And this is the conversation that a lot of people don't talk about when it comes to quantum leaping.


You want to stretch, you want to expand, you want to explode, you want to blow up.


But just like when I went from being a party girl to being sober, I lost a lot of friends.


Just like when I went from party girl to yoga teacher, lost a lot of friends.


Just like when I went through a yoga teacher training and I lost my eight year relationship alignment.


Just like when I went from yoga teacher to spiritual business coach, lost a lot of people.


There's a clearing.


There's a clearing, and there's a clearing.


And what I know looking back on my life is the hardest part, is the clearing.


Clearing the inner emotions, letting go of relationships, people that you loved.




Endings that bring new beginnings.


There's a death, and then there's a rebirth.


And it's in that rebirth that you are someone different.


And as I sit here recording this today, I think to myself, there's so many people that have stayed with every evolution of me.


There will be people in your life that expect you to stay the same.


There will be people in your life that don't like who you're becoming.


And that's just because you're mirroring to them.


Something that triggers them, something that activates something inside of them.


It doesn't have to do with you.


And sometimes this hurt, and it's not fun and it's not easy.


But when you know you're here for more and you have this desire, there are going to be people that ride the way with you all the way to the very end.


And those are your people.


Oftentimes, I focus too much on what I was losing and not what I was gaining.


And in this experience of going from, like, 270 in one year, that was in six months to having this month being six months over 300k.


I'm like, wow, it's been the clearing inside of me.


But it's also been me making big moves, declaring where I'm going and desiring this movement, desiring more and being okay with the ones that aren't aligned to who I'm becoming.


Falling away because there have been so many people that have left and came back.


Can't believe I left and I'm here again.


I've done that with my own mentors, my own teachers.


I think that that is the hardest part.


But knowing that your soul will always desire to grow and that the people that you're a magnet for in this evolution will come and they will remind you this is where it is.


Client clearings happen.


Sometimes that's hard, especially when they've been with you for so long.


But you have to just keep aligning to your truth.


And this is about doing less and becoming more.


And oh my gosh, I can't wait to hear what your biggest takeaway was from this episode.


Make sure that you screenshot it.


Tag me on instagram.


Amberhagberg and you had already you want to get yourself in the room.


You want to stretch.


You want to expand.


You know that you're here for more.


You want to heal deeper layers inside of you.


Limiting beliefs, old stories, past relationships.


You're ready to cut the cord.


You're ready to raise your vibration.


You are multi passionate.


You're multifaceted.


You're a little bit introverted.


You want to hide in the corner when you go to event.


You don't know anyone.


You are someone who wants to make a really big impact in the world.


Join us in Costa Rica this year, the land of the Pura Vida Business jungle conference for empowerment, embodiment, life and business coaching, where we focus on the woman inside the becoming of your evolution to up level your brand, your marketing, your messaging, to craft out and create the movement, the wave that you're building while also simultaneously giving you the strategy that is aligned to you.


There's so many strategies out there.


Organic paid ads reaching out to people, not reaching out, like however many strategies there are out there.


I want you to find the one that feels good in your body because that's the one that is sustainable.


This is going to be a room of people that stretch you and expand you deep.


Sisterhood for more impact, more wealth, more connection.


I want to really bring the conversation of what does it mean to create wealth and take the money that you make and turn it into more money?


And what can we do as heart centered leaders that truly care and want to leave a legacy?


What can we do to leave something so much bigger and so much greater after we're gone?


How can we become a higher level of consciousness and get ourselves in the room, hugging, crying, laughing, sharing, declaring what it is that we truly want without holding back, without shame, without guilt?


This is where I'm going, and these will be the sisters that I go there with.


Here for more live is at the beginning of December, followed by a Lux mastermind retreat for those that want to get on stage and speak there.


Here for more link is in the show notes and if you have any questions you can reach out to me on Instagram and I can't wait to see you on the next episode.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out