Episode 181

Published on:

20th Aug 2024

The Secret to Transformational & Profitable Retreats with Leni Cavazos

In this powerful episode of Amplified Impact, host Amber dives into the world of retreats with special guest Leni Cavazos, a retreat and mindset coach with a wealth of experience in event planning and marketing. Leni shares her incredible journey from organizing high-profile events in Dubai to becoming a transformational retreat leader in Mexico. Together, Amber and Leni discuss the importance of retreats in the post-pandemic world, the common mistakes retreat leaders make, and how to create retreats that not only transform lives but also generate significant income. Whether you’re a seasoned retreat leader or just starting, this episode is packed with insights that will help you elevate your retreat game and make a lasting impact.

01:02 - Invitation to the “Here for More” Live Business Conference in Costa Rica

06:28 - Leni’s Journey: From Corporate Event Planning to Retreat Leadership

12:45 - The Disconnect Between Spiritual Impact and Financial Success

17:45 - How to Market to Corporate Clients: The Right Language for the Right Audience

20:11 - Deep Dive into Marketing & Selling Your Retreat

24:46 - Profitability of Retreats & All Things Money

32:03 - Money Amplifies Who You Are


Show links:

Leni's website

Stay connected with Leni on IG

Here for more live in Costa Rica


Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take.


Take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and your business.


One who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the inside out.


I'm so excited.


We have a brand new episode coming at you.


It's a special guest speaker.


I wanted to remind you that we are in the early bird stages.


If you are an introverted but like impact driven, you want to become the person that leads a global movement.


You want to get in the room with other retreat leaders, multifassionate visionaries, where your definition of rich life is multifaceted.


Just like you.


You know that you want more freedom, more impact, more clients, more sales, more wealth.


Get yourself in the room.


This December, here for more.


A live business conference in the freaking jungle of the land of the Pura Vida.


If you've never been to Costa Rica, this is your ticket.


This is your excuse.


It is the heart chakra, the opening, the awakening to your truest desire.


You're going to have a space where you literally will meet new best friends every time you open your mouth and have a conversation with a stranger.


This is going to be the room in the space where you don't just have a vision and you kind of have a vision in your journal and you talk about it with a few people, it's like you're going to declare it.


You're going to have everything that you need.


The tools to awaken and expand your consciousness through embodiment practices.


To be able to share in a sister circle, witnessing others, putting down those freaking limiting beliefs, the things that are holding them back and really step into their power to claim what it is they desire.


Where you will walk away with your own unique movement, turning what your once was a wound into wisdom, allowing that wisdom become limitless wealth, literally in a room of people who get you where it's safe, where you can express yourself.


You will go home with so many new breakthroughs and ideas that the next year, 2025, you are going to walk in with new clients, new friends, a big, big vision, and actionable steps that you can take every single day to be in the spotlight of your work.


Get yourself in the room.


It's a live two day experience.


Berlin, Costa Rica.


Only 299.


All you got to do is get your ticket, book your hotel if you want to book with a friend, we have a private Facebook group for you to Airbnb or book a hotel room with another woman.


That's coming like this is going to be the place to end your year 2024 to grow your net worth by growing your network.


I'm so excited about this live event.


It's literally deep from in my soul.


I'm like thousands of followers online, thousands of clients this year.


I want to bring you all together in one space and see how quickly things change when you get yourself in the room.


We have an add on of this two day live experience for those that really want to step into their speaker, into the spotlight, to refine and master the gifts that you're bringing, the art that you're birthing into the world.


Apply to be a speaker if you decide you want the whole experience.


And if you have any questions, head over to the show notes.


You can check out all the details.


And I'm so, so freaking excited to share with you this episode today with a very, very special client, guest and friend.




Welcome back to amplified impact.


I'm so excited.


We have a very special guest.


Something that I just love so much about retreats in real life business is the collaborations that we get to make.


And what's even cooler is how they begin on the Internet, on the interweb.


So you guys know as a retreat coach, I ran into this other incredible woman in another program that I'm a part of and she is a retreat planner, Lenny Kavosco.


I'll let you repronounce that.


I'm learning my Spanish.




And Lenny Cavasco is a retreat and mindset coach who helps others to create retreats and make them really good while making them really profitable.


And y'all know how important this is to me.


The amount of energy it takes to create a retreat to get people to actually come on your retreat and then like all the steps that happen afterwards so much.


But retreats are soul work.


We do retreats because we love in real life.


And I know Lenny has an amazing retreat where she's from in Mexico this October.


She'll tell us all about that.


But hi, Lenny.




I'm so glad that you're here.


Hi, Amber.


Thank you so much for having me here today.


I'm just so thrilled to be able to talk about retreats and the impact that they create in the world for everyone.


And it's not just for the person attending, it's for their friends and their family and their community.


So, yeah, I'm just so thrilled that we get to talk about this wonderful space where people get together with an intention and they just change their people, their lives.


So tell us, how did you get into retreat planning and becoming a retreat and mindset coach?


What has been your journey in evolution into this space?


Well, it all started many, many years ago when I actually, like, I started in the space of event planning and marketing and pr and crisis management and brand launching and many, many things that I used to do, first in Mexico and then in Dubai.


So I used to live in Dubai.


I used to work for Marriott and for the corporate office for Middle east and Africa, and we launched the loyalty program, Marriott Bomboy.


And I was doing these crazy, crazy events, like dinners in front of the Giza pyramids, like a dinner in the summer palace of the king of Saudi Arabia, private concerts with Craig David, Dubai Jones festival.


It was just big, big events, still very intimate.


They were for 50 people, and it just created this amazing space for people to actually get to know each other.


That was it, right?


Like, you went to the event and off you go and you were happy, but then you would forget.


Like, that was like, it was just fun, but it was not deeply, deeply transformational.


So when the pandemic hit, I was living in Dubai, and I really, I was like Rapunzel on my tower.


I was living on the 42nd floor apartment building, and I could only go outside every three days with permission, slipped from the police to the supermarket for 2 hours.


It was quite intense.


The airports were closed.


So when everything started to reopen a little bit, I had to make a decision.


Did I want to stay there and still be kind of trapped, or did I want to go back to Mexico and just take some time for myself?


I've been working for so many years.


I was like, oh, no, I need to go and just be home, be with my family and with a lot of green.


It's very different than the desert in Dubai, for sure.


And when I came here, I actually started going to retreats, against my better judgment, because the first retreat that I attended, it was in Nepal years before, and I left the retreat halfway in because it was absolutely horrific.


It was very, very bad.


So against my better judgment, I started going to retreats again, and I started changing my life.


And at the same time, I started meeting a lot of retreat planners and organizers and hosts that were absolutely deeply transformational.


They were changing people's lives, but they all had something in common.


They were barely making any money.


They were doing amazing work.


People were leaving the place saying, oh, my gosh, this changed my life.


And then they would go back to their houses, their lives, and they would be thinking, well, how am I going to pay for rent now?


And I just couldn't believe it.


It was insane.


So I went and I did.


I interviewed over 100 retreat leaders to figure out what was going out there.


I didn't want this to continue to happen.


Retreat changed my life.


I couldn't just let it be.


So when I did that, I found out that there were a couple of things that were happening in this space.


One of them being very big is a lot of the people in the spiritual space want to be very much just in the spiritual space.


And there is some limiting beliefs in the backpack, I would say.


One of them usually tends to be like, I'm not supposed to charge for this.


And it usually comes from a very unconscious level.


And because of that, they are not really seeing the value of the retreat beyond the retreat.


So they see that the retreat is valuable while people are in there, but not about the ripple effect of actually attending that retreat.


So after learning so many amazing things from so many great retreat leaders in space and starting my podcast, how to run profitable retreats, I decided I wanted to help people.


I was already doing consulting for people in the marketing space for wellness professionals and coaches.


So I was like, well, let me help people.


And I designed this system that really, really works.


Like, my client Matthew the other day just sent me a message, and he's like, I sold out my three summer retreats.


I had 76 people in one retreat on a wait list.


I am going with 21 people to do the Camino of Santiago in September, and I already have eight people signed up for 2025.


Your system really works.


So those are the things that I decided to create for everyone.


And as I did, I started hosting retreats, and people started hiring me to host retreats for them.


And it was just this roller coaster, you know what I mean?


Like, when you put your energy something where, you know, where your energy goes, like, where your energy is, your energy flows.


So really everything started happening in the space of retreats.


Like, retreat centers are encircing me to do consulting for them to, like, be able to serve better than retreat host.


And, yeah, and it's just been an amazing ride since then.


Wow, I love your story.


And, yeah, it's so powerful to be on the space of, like, I've been talking about this a lot on my instagram of, like, the spiritual journey of, like, I don't want to get, I don't want to pay, I don't, I don't want to charge money.


I don't want to make money.


I just want to change people's lives.


And yet, like, you have no free time, you have no excess money to continue investing in yourself.


Like, you're straight up struggling, but you're like a reason that people are living these extraordinary lives.


And that's what I said I had to do, is like, to go from, I want to make an impact and not make money to like, I'm here to make an impact and I need to make a lot of money.


Doing that and becoming a spiritual millionaire is actually like, what allows me to be present with my family and my friends.


And I love your story of just like, that disconnect that we all felt in 2020.


And I think since then maybe you've experienced witnessing this as well as everyone wants in person.


People are craving real life connection.


And the retreat business is booming because people see the power of coming together.


And I think that something you spoke on is like, they get to be profitable because of the impact that happens not just during the event, but the person that you are when you return back home.


And the impact of that ripple, that one butterfly effect.


I went on this retreat and who you are when you return it, who you come into contact with after that, that's what actually makes the change.


And what you're charging for is not just like this, some vacation that you go on that one time and then you forget about it.


But it's like, how do I create a, an extraordinary retreat that giving them the tips and the tools to go back home and let this be something that doesn't just change their life for a week, but it changes their life.


It's a pivotal moment.


And then being able to charge for that transformation, because I seen on your instagram recently, you're like the three mistakes that retreat leaders make.


And I can't wait to hear yours because I have a hook that way, too.


And what I've noticed working with over 6000 retreat leaders is I have two types of clients.


One, I just had someone tag me.


Hi, Amber.


I booked out my retreat halfway through your course and this is my first retreat ever.


And then I have another person who's like, Amber, I did everything in your course and nothing worked.


But when I go and I look at their website, when I go and look at their social media content, the way that they implement the content from the course is completely different because the way in which we sell the transformation, the way in which we sell the retreat is going to be the byproduct of how many people actually sign in.


So I would love to hear, like, what is your experiencing working with coming as an event planner, coming as a marketer?


Like, you know, what people buy as a marketer with the science and the marketing brain taking that into people that just want to change people's lives and then having to put on their marketing hat, like, what do you think holds them back in the three mistakes that they're making?


Oh, yeah.


I love this.


So first I want to say it's like, what you're saying is so real.


Like, it really happens a lot, and I see it from people inside my course as well.




So it's not just about, like, here and there.


It happens.


And the reality is that one of the biggest things that happens in this space is that we don't know the own value of our retreat.




We really go and we talk about it from a very surface level.


We don't go, we don't peel the onion, basically.




We're like, oh, yeah, this retreat is gonna, like, get you very, very relaxed.


But you don't think, what does being relaxed actually mean for my nervous system?


What does it mean for my family?


What does it mean for my community if I'm not, like, a rack of nerves when I'm driving?


Does this mean I can avoid a car accident?


Like, really going deep, like.


Like, really pull the thread out of the value of, like, being just something as simple as being more relaxed.


Like, how would that actually permeate into your business?


Will you be a better boss?




Like, really going deep into the rabbit hole of the value of what could it entail for the person attending your retreat?


How could they really change their lives?


And is this something that they actually want and desire, or do they even know that they need it?


A lot of retreats will show you that, like, there are certain things you want to, like, buy, but people don't necessarily know that they need it.


It's like, maybe it's an unconscious need.


Maybe they haven't figured it out.


That's the thing that will actually help them get to the next layer.


So it's very, very important to really know who you're talking to.


Like, who's your audience, of course.


And what are their needs and desires, and how do they actually talk about those?


Like, what vocabulary do they use to communicate those things?


So I can give a very simple example here.


I teach people also how to run corporate retreats or off sites, right.


So if you want to be into the b two b business, like I guide people on that process as well.


And it's beautiful because it's for a different kind of energy of coach in general and it's also super, super profitable.


Anyway I'm not going to go into that for now.


But if you go and you send a proposal to a corporate office, let's say you want to go into Nike and you want to sell them on an off site.


Nike definitely has a wellness budget and retreats can be written off as education.


So you go there and you start your email saying like hi dear, I soulmate, right?


Or lightworker today I want to introduce you to this beautiful journey of healing your sacral chakra, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.




And you keep going and someone will open the email and be like well what the hell is this?


I understand 10% of what this woman or man is saying but if you go into the space and you're like hey, we are going to create an off site for you where your employees are going to feel safe.


And because they feel safe we're covering this piece of the Marslow pyramid and they're less likely to quit.


It's a completely different message.




Yeah, exactly.


And I think that's the key is like I always tell my clients like whether it's online coaching, offers programs or retreat, like who are you talking to?


Because so often we use our language and our thoughts and the other person literally doesn't understand.


It's such a good example that you gave with you know a yogi spiritual entrepreneur speaking to like a corporate like leader.


That's like spam.


You know, if you want to get results you have to put yourself in their shoes and what they're thinking, what they're experiencing.


And the three questions I always say is like why this retreat, why you and why now?


Because if you can answer those three questions from the buyer's perspective, more people are going to sign up than ever before.


But if you sell in those three questions but you use your language and your thoughts like marketing and messaging is huge.


And this is what I'm teaching in sales is like the sales conversation doesn't happen when someone asks for the link or lands on your sales page or gets on a sales call.


It literally happens when they're reading your content.


That's driving them to XYZ.




And from a marketing perspective.


So like 15 years ago you needed five touch points with someone for them to be able to make a decision whether they value your product or not.


And with everything that is happening out there, that there's so much more availability for everything because of like Internet being like, everywhere, the touch points keep increasing.


Like last year it was 32, this year it's 42.


So you want to make sure that your messaging is something that people can really resonate with when it comes to your retreats or your coaching programs or anything that you're offering and your service, and that people will understand.


And sometimes you will need to have a b testing to see which one works and which one doesn't for your ideal client.


Because if you're not an expert in communication languages and customer insights and you're not doing your homework, you might just need to go do a little bit more trial and error than in any other case.


As a tip for everyone listening here, there's a lot of companies out there that actually do customer insights research and they put it out there for free.


So you just need to give them their email.


So it's not really for free.


You can actually find a lot of customer insights.


We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars doing costumer insight to figure out how people wanted to be greeted when they arrived into a hotel or how marketing campaigns like, for example, if you're doing something for the Middle East, 100% do not put any picture feet.


They find that very offending.


So if you're doing a retreat for people in the Middle east, you definitely do not want to put a picture of feet on the sand for your retreating.


Costa Rica if your clients are from there, because they do not appreciate it.




So understanding your audience into that kind of depth of level, it's so, so powerful.




That literally changes, like, the results and the transformation.


So that's the biggest thing that I see when I'm working with clients is like, their sales page actually isn't selling the transformation.


It's like, come see me in Mexico.


We're going to do yoga, eat food, go to the beach and do sound healing.


I'm like, yeah.


And so is every other retreat that's going there.


Like, why is your retreat different?


So I always say, like, really be able to paint the picture of, like, where they are now, what this experience is going to bring them and who and how it's going to affect them afterwards.


What's your, like, big thing when it comes to retreats?


Because we all have our own, like, way in which we teach.


I'm curious for you, like, what's the thing that you really find yourself, like, having conversations with your clients on as far as it comes to, like, leading retreats, making them transformational, what to charge for them, when to choose, how far away to market.


Like, what do you feel like the biggest questions are for retreat leaders, whether they are beginners or advanced.


Yeah, great question.


So, first of all, I think for me something is very, that's very, very important is like my key message in my space is that there is no cookie cutter answer for retreats.


Yes, there is a process that you follow.


There's a system, but you don't have to do like everyone else is doing, right?


So if everyone else is doing yoga retreats, that does not mean you need to be doing yoga retreats.


If they are doing it every week, you don't have to be doing them every week.


There's only a few people that I know that do weekly retreats, and I think it's kind of like insane.


But look, if you have the energy for that, go for it, right?


But I can't.


I definitely can't host retreats every week.


It just takes so much of my energy.


But if you want to do only retreats during two months of the year, I have a few clients that do this, and we have found their perfect way on how to build this business where they are selling their retreats throughout the year, but they only have two months where they host retreats, and that's it.


And we blocked that way based on their energy, their lifestyle and everything else.


And then I have people who do quarterly retreats.


I have people who do retreats every two months.


I have people who do, like three retreats in the summer, and then they go for another one outside of the states.


So the reality is that you get to build your dream business based on who you are and how you want to create your life.


In order to do that, you do need to be able to actually make a good profit.


I like to teach people that they should be making $25,000 or more per retreat.


This does not mean you need to go into the high end luxury retreat space.


There's different options on how to do that.


We talk about quantity of people coming and whatnot.


If you do it from the retreat or you do the money from the upsells, like, there's so many different possibilities.


So it fits the person who is actually going to be selling it, right?


I'm not going to be selling it for them.


So it doesn't matter that I fully trust and believe that this retreat should be $5,000 if they think it should be 200.




So really going from that space of understanding that you get to create the business of your dream with retreats.


It's an amazing addition to your business from a profitability perspective.


Like really, you can add six figures into your business from retreats.


I have clients who use retreats as lead magnets.


Can you imagine?


This is amazing.


We're taking lead magnets into a different stratosphere.


There's so many different possibilities.


And then the next thing I would say is time yourself for success.


So make sure that you have enough time to promote.


If you do not have a huge audience at the beginning, you want to give yourself a bigger timeline to promote your retreat.


If your audience maybe, let's say we're talking with clients that are from Australia, there is a big difference.


There's one third additional percentage when you're changing from us dollars to australian dollars.


So if you retweet 3000 for them, it will be 4000 australian dollars.


And inflation is kind of crazy right now in Australia especially.


So you're thinking, okay, so I want to do a retreat in like Italy.


I'm thinking about her right now.


So I want to do retreats in Italy for people from Australia.


So she probably needs to start getting people signed up one year in advance so they can actually pay it in pieces.


So they will be able to pay the $4,000 before the retreat happens.


So you're giving your clients also the possibility to pay in pieces.


So many times it's not even about not having the whole money in your bank account.


You just don't want to like just suddenly drop $4,000 of your bank account at once.


So giving the options is great.


And only allowing time for your promotional campaign gives you that.


Now if you have a like community, your retreats are local, right?


So that means most of your people is coming from near you, like 1 hour and a half, two, 3 hours.


Then you can definitely go and run a retreat with a three month lead with, right.


And that's totally okay.


And well, before I go into like marketing and sales that it's something I'm also super excited about, I'm going to talk about my favorite, favorite topic.


And my favorite topic is pricing.


You won a prize for success.


You have no idea how many times I've seen people forget to budget for something.


I'll give you an example.


So this retreat leader, she has a baby and she hosted a retreat.


So there's two big things that happened.


She was flying in a facilitator from a different country.


So when she did her budget for her retreat, she budgeted with the current price of the flight ticket, by the time she went and bought it, it was three times the price.


Uh huh.


I know.


Crazy, right?


And then she also forgot that she has a kid, and she needs to pay for a nanny for her, for the hotel, for the nanny.


The baby was, like, one year old or something to actually take care of the baby while she was hosting the retreat.


Again, extra things in the budget that she was not considering.


And you can think that this is okay.


Well, these are big things.


Well, if you forget big things, you also forget the small things.


You might not be pricing in your budget instance.


And you might go, depending on which instance you use.


You can go from, like, you can use, like, spend $200 on incense, on candles I spent for my retreats.


I spent around $300 on candles.


I know it's crazy, but I like to do my experiences handle lit.


So I spent dollar 300 on candles.


If I don't budget for that, that is eating out of my profits.


So really, pricing for success, it's so important.


And another huge tip here is you want to make sure that you are budgeting how much you're supposed to make as a facilitator yourself.


You need to pay yourself a salary for those days, not the time that you're selling the retreat and promoting it.


Those days when you are actually hosting that.


Think about it from the simple perspective of how many clients am I leaving on the table because I'm hosting this retreat?


So the minimum is you should be paying yourself how much the money that you are missing from clients.


I have other ways on how to budget it, but this is a very easy way to see it, because what happens, God forbid, you hurt your pinky pill, and now you cannot teach your yoga classes.


You have to find someone to come and host a retreat for you, and that person will want to be paid.


So if you didn't budget for that, then again, you're eating from your profit.


So running a profitable business, and I'm really making a note here.


This is a business.


It's a business that transforms people's lives.


Isn't that amazing?


But it is a business.


And as long as you keep treating it as a hobby, you're just gonna be, like, struggling.


And one day, what's gonna happen is you're gonna be tired because you're not making enough, and you're gonna figure out that you need to do something.


You might need to go to your nine to five job.


I hope not.


And people are gonna miss out on your light, on your energy, on your gifts, on your zone of genius, on that space where you get to help them change their lives.


So you will be taking something away from the world.


We don't want that.


We want you to be able to give and to share.


And the reality is that the more money you have.


Yes, and I love money.




So, like, the more money you have in your bank account, the better you can do for the world.


Like, I like to say, if you're greedy with more money, you're going to be more greedy.


But if you're not greedy when you have more money, you're not going to become more greedy.


It's like it's separate.


So don't be afraid of making more money, of being able to help other people, being able to support your family, of being able to go and stay in that beautiful hotel that you always dreamt of.




Give yourself that space because you deserve it anyway.


I love it because honestly, like, becoming rich only makes you more of who you are.


It doesn't make you, it doesn't change who you are.


And I think a lot of us have and have had to heal what society experiences generational has taught us within our body and in our blood, movies, all of the different things and readdressing, like why we're charging.


And I think that when it comes to pricing, when it comes to business, when it comes to retreats, like, the most important thing that we can do is really stay aligned to our truth.


And like you said, the last thing that you want to do is a have to cancel your retreat because you can't pay someone to replace you or be pay out of pocket to lead a retreat because, wow, the amount of energy that it takes to host a retreat, let alone plan a retreat, let alone market a retreat, and then to do it for nickels and dimes, like that actually doesn't make, it's not an energetic exchange.


It's not an equal energetic exchange.


And I honestly, like, yes, retreats are meant to be profitable, and I teach that too.


But for me, I look at retreats as getting deeper with my clients because where can we grow to next?


Like, I don't need the retreat to be the cash because I know the depth of relationship that is created at the retreat, the what's next.


So I do a lot of, like, what's after the retreat or what is the retreat?


And add on to so that we're looking at our businesses and we're looking at retreats as how much deeper can we grow together?


How can we build a lifelong relationship rather than like, let's get rich quick.


And so it's like, it really depends, like what you said, it's like, what is your intention with this retreat?


Because you can put 100 people into a retreat, but is that going to be intimate for you and your clients?


Or you could put six people in a retreat or 21 people in a retreat and have time and space to get to know each one of your clients.


And I think it really depends on a, your capacity to hold space, your capacity to serve clients.


And your intention.


Is this to grow deeper with your clients or is this to create a room?


Like, I'm hosting a live event at the end of December for retreat leaders and facilitators and coaches because it's going to be a smaller room because it's bringing the people that I work with together so that they can network and get to know each other.


It's more intimate rather than scalable.


And I think that what you said in the very beginning of what you like to talk to is like, there's no one size fits all.


So whatever you do or take away from this episode is ask yourself what the intention of the retreat is for the people.


Like who is it that you're bringing?


Why is it that you're bringing them there and what is it that you want the transformation to be?


Because that's going to help you price it.


It's going to help you determine whether it's going to be a really high ticket, luxurious, like small amount of people or massive amounts of people, but a more lower ticket budget option.


Like, there's so many different, there's so many different ways.


Like, it's like we could talk about this for days and I always get questions and I'm like, well, it depends.


And I think that when it comes to anything, it's going to be depending because we run a human service based business and so there no one size fits all.


And I love that you really brought that.


And I think that you just shared so many little nuggets on, like your take and your perspective and your experience.


Like talking about, like just the retreat, being a lead magnet, like, so valuable, talking about the pricing and if you can't go on your retreat, it's so valuable.


And thank you for being a guest here and would love for you to share how the listeners can come find you, follow you, sign up for your retreat and get to know you more.






So, well, first of all, I am hosting this amazing retreat.


It's called visibility and success retreat and it's all about getting yourself more visible, because if you are not visible and you don't know your message, then it's very, very hard for people to actually hear you.




We spoke the whole thing about communication and how people need to really know your message.


So honing into your message, but really, we go deep into healing.


What's the thing that is really stopping you from showing up into the world?


And this is coming from my own personal journey.


Like, I wanted to hide behind the scenes.


I wanted to have a business, but not too big, not too shiny.


And then I was like, what the hell is happening here?


And I went and I did tons of healing and tons of workshops and trainings, and I changed that.


And I love being a guest on podcasts like yours, Amber.


So that's amazing.


So we're hosting this retreat, and it's really about getting your message out there and having an action plan because, yeah, like, manifestation.


Like, you know, the, like, the mindset piece is amazing, but without actions and an action plan, nothing will happen.


So it's a very deep, deep and profound retreat where we go, we heal, and then we figure out what are the tools that we're missing and what action plan is the one that we need to take further in order for us to just be more visible, bring more profit into your business, and just honestly be able to communicate with people from a place of love.


I love to say, use your voice as a love language.


So that is one thing.


You can find everything in my website, theretreatplanner.com, and I offer free discovery calls to figure out if this is the right time for you to add retreats into your business.


And it's just the retreatplanner.com go.


Super simple to find it.


So if you're wondering, well, do I have something to offer?


Is this the right time to add it and just come?


We'll have a conversation.


The reality is, I love to help people hosting retreats.


I want more retreats out there that are deeply transformational.


So if you've thought about it, just feel free to come and have a chat with me.


And you can also find me on instagram at the retreat planner.


Very simple.


Everything is the retreat plan or something.


So hopefully, if you're interested, let me know.


And, yeah, just let us know that you heard us here on Amber's podcast.


We would love to see that you are finding this information valuable for you.




Thank you so much.


I'll talk to you on the next episode.

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About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out