Episode 199

Published on:

28th Jan 2025

From Food Stamps to First Class: Gratitude, Growth & Radical Self-Love with Shilamida Friedman

In this episode, I’m joined by a dear sister, friend, and transformational lifestyle mentor, Shilamida. Known as the “Gratitude Goddess,” Shilamida’s story is one of profound resilience, breaking generational patterns, and rising from rock bottom to create a life of abundance.

From surviving the loss of a parent and navigating life as a single mom on food stamps, to becoming a bestselling author, motivational speaker, and mentor, Shilamida’s wisdom and story will inspire you to see the light when everything feels dark.

We dive deep into the power of gratitude, how she learned to embody abundance, and her journey of personal development and entrepreneurship. Whether you're in a season of struggle or on the brink of your next breakthrough, this episode will remind you that everything you desire is possible when you become an energetic match for it.

Let’s tap into Shilamida’s wisdom together and amplify the impact we’re here to create.

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Amplified Impact.

For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets.

This is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.

I'm here to inspire you to take, take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and your business.

One who stands out and thrives.

This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the inside out.

I am really excited to be back for another episode on Amplified Impact because I have a guest with me today.

t I met on another retreat in:

Sheila Mita is a transformational lifestyle mentor.

She inspires women to tap into their deepest hearts desires and live free.

The Gratitude Goddess.

A best selling author, motivational speaker, lover, mother, multi passionate of course.

And what I love so much is just the going on retreats and being a student and being someone who is also led even though you lead.

And I feel like you are such a good example of that.

So thank you so much for being here.

I can't wait to tap into your wisdom.

Thank you so much for having me.

I'm so excited to have this conversation with you and meeting you is such a blessing this summer.

I love watching you soar.

You're such an inspiration.

I'm a mom, but just watching how you're navigating this pregnancy and doing the mom thing is so inspiring.

So thank you.


And it's like, it's like different eras too, you know, because we were both talking about like the challenges of motherhood and I'm at like the toddler age and you're at like the teenager age and you have like all boys and like double, triple the amount of boys that I have.

So yeah, yeah, I'm a boy mom.

There are five boys in my house.

Two are bonus kids.

One I was a single mom with for a long time and then my two little guys are with my husband and my little one is going to be 10 in March.

So I'm almost out of the under 10 phase.

And it's wild.

It's so wild.

And all that you've navigated and all that you've created like while raising literally a tribe of, of boys who are going to become men.

That is so inspiring.

And I'm excited to learn more too.

As much as I'm sure the audience is like, what's your story?

How did you get here.


So I guess my story really starts when I was around 17 years old.

My dad got diagnosed with leukemia.

When I got that call, the news was delivered to me in a way that made me feel like it was my fault or at least the blame was being put on me.

And as a 17 year old, I understood that that couldn't be true.

But just, you know, when people say words to you, words are really powerful.

And so I went on a downhill slope from there.

At 23ish, maybe a little younger, my mother got diagnosed with breast cancer.

So from 17 to 27, I lived in fight or flight.

And I made my decisions based off of the fact that I thought that somebody was going to die any second, any day.

And it was a really horrible way to live.

And in the midst of all of that, now, in hindsight, I understand I was also untangling generational curses and ancest stuff.

And so life was pretty difficult.

And you know, I had a bunch of unforeseen circumstances.

My dad passed away.

I ended up getting pregnant out of wedlock to my ex's baby that I broke up with six weeks prior.

So my life went into a pretty messy mess, mess for a very long time.

And then one day I just woke up and I, you know, got to my knees and said, God, please help me.

Like this can't be it.

This can't be the reason why I came to earth like this.

And from there I started manifesting the right people, the right words, the right wisdom that came into my way and set me on the path from Food Stamps to First Class, which is my second book.

And it is a personal development book and an autobiography of my life.

But every chapter is so relatable to the reader and I have affirmations in every chapter because what I came to realize in this time is that if I could just get myself out of where I was, that I would devote my life in service and I would really try to help people see the light when they couldn't.

And so here we are, many, many, many years later.

The light has shined so bright for me.


And yeah, it's like those, those moments that like bring us to our knees and like remind us of who we are and why we're here.

And, and I feel that so deeply of breaking generational patterns and really having to do a lot of deep work.

But what I hear from you is like just the wisdom that it brought.

And like, you're a best selling author now.

From food stamps to first class, like that's so powerful, and it's so relatable because I feel like so many leaders in the world hit rock bottom, and that's actually that they, like, rose from the ashes from.

And what was that like for you to go from food stamps to first class?

And is it something that you ever thought, like, possible?

Like, you know, how some people are in that.

That moment, and they're like, I am gonna tell a story of how I got out of this, or is it something that just happened and then you look back in hindsight?

Because, like, what you said is so true.

Like, the wisdom that comes from hindsight never happens in the moment when you're at rock bottom.


I mean, it all happened now.

In hindsight, I can tell you every single thing that happened to put me on my path.

Obviously, in the moment, in the journey, it was so hard.

The journey to wealth is one that I'm still working on.

I live a very wealthy and abundant life, but it blows me away every second of every day.

I'm still wowed by all of it.

I still make decisions based on when I was on food stamps and that safety and all of the things.

But it took a lot of risk.

It took a lot of taking chances when I didn't have the money, when I didn't have, you know, the backbone, when I didn't have the emotional intelligence.

And it took a lot of trust in something that I didn't know.

And in that initial journey, when I first started, I really was at rock bottom.

I really was at a.

Where it was like, well, you know what?

Everything else is not working, so let's just try this gratitude stuff, right?

Like, I'm branded as the goddess of gratitude, and I could sit with you and have a gratitude session that will blow your socks off at this moment.

But if you asked me to be grateful with you 15 years ago, I struggled.

My life was such a struggle that I had no idea that just the fact that we were having this conversation was something to be grateful.

And I really was stuck.

I'm getting full body chills right now.

I was fully stuck in, like, this horrible place of victim mode, right?

Like, how did my life get like this?

Why did my life get like this?

What were the circumstances that brought me here?

And why am I stuck here?

Why can't I get out of here?

And I would watch other people, and I would have so much shame and guilt and jealousy and envy, and it was disgusting.

Like, it was a disgusting living existence to be in.

You know, I was so miserable in my existence, and I didn't even know it.

Like, that was the crazy part, is that I didn't even know it because the catalyst for me was I met a new friend who came to my house one day and we were sitting and we were talking, and she said to me, you know, you're really negative and you complain a lot.

And I was like, whoa.

Like, who says that to somebody?

You know?

But I needed to hear those words.

And not only did I need to hear those words, I needed to hear those words in rock bottom because I was in a place where I was open to receiving her words, right where any other minute I would have been like, bitch, get out of my house.

You know, you don't like my negativity.

Let me show you what negative is.

But, you know, it's so funny because, like, now it's the opposite.

Whenever I talk to clients or mentors, like, I always have people tell me, you're so happ.

You're so positive.

Like, I don't understand how you're so happy and positive all the time.

And the truth is, is that I'm not.

I have an undefined spleen in human design.

I actually am negative.

I am like, I'm a negative per.

It's where my mind goes first.

I work really hard to be positive, to be happy, to be in a state of gratitude that attracts abundance into my life because I understand the way that energy works now.

And I understand that being Misera, miserable and complaining and negative was attracting me, all of that.

So now I have to live in great awareness and great consciousness of where my mind and my thought and my actions are going because it's very, very easy for me to fall back into that place.

Oh, so many truth bombs that gave me, like, full body chills.

Because you're right.


You know, you hear that thing again and again and again and again, and it doesn't land until your ears are open to actually receive it.

And then what it does, it's like, oh, I can take that and be like, wow.

And it, you know, and then in the reverse, like you were saying, now I notice when other people are cranky and negative and Debbie Downers.

And it is.

It's like we attract what we.

We speak out.

And I can so relate to being that person that was always negative and then going to be like the always positive person, but just living in a place of gratitude.

Like, I was at a blessing, my blessing way just a couple days ago, and I'm just like, crying and gratitude because it was just six years ago.

Like, all I wanted was to have real sisterhood and real sisters.

And I sat in the ceremony with just, like, women that I've known for nine to six years.

And, like, we've watched each other grow and evolve, and it's like, I'm never gonna let that go because I remember when it was once just a dream, and it's like, there's so many things to be grateful for.

And, like, what you said, just conversation, being here now.

And the more that we focus on those things, the more abundant we feel rather than the lack of.

And it can be easy to get tripped up, especially when you hang out with people that are like, one of my mentors recently told me, she's like, you know, it's nice to have a biz bestie that you can go and, like, and talk negatively, you know, and, like, release your emotions.

But is that actually helping your business?


So your mentor is going to be like, hey, hey, hey.

Like, is that what you really want to feel and think?

And they take you to, like, the truth of the matter where your biz bestie will let you go down that spiral, and that's not actually helping you.

And so I really love that awareness that you brought to just, like, the attraction of, like, what we focus on grows.

And, like, there is always something, like, to be grateful for.

I remember going through the hardest breakup of my life, and I was like, I'm grateful for my car and my legs, and, you know, it's just, like, the smallest things.

But Tony Robbins.

I fell into, like, the coaching world when I was going through this breakup.

And just, like, listen, his, like, three things to be grateful for, even though, you know, the world's falling apart.


Yeah, so that was my tangent.

But for you, I know that you are a transformational mentor.

You're also, like, the creator of the God, the Gratitude goddess and the 365 days of gratitude.

And, like, this isn't just something that you teach.

It's who you are.



And how is that moving into what you've learned with selling hundreds and hundreds of books, Books from your first book to.

I know that you're getting ready to launch a new book.

Like, what's this new evolution?

Because once we start to not just practice something, but we become the living, walking, breathing embodiment of it, it's like, the definition of what gratitude is to us also expands.

Well, you know, it's an interesting journey to go on.

And what people don't understand is the things that we wish for, we get them when we become an energetic match for them.

Right, so what does that mean?

Like, anything that drops into your mind or your heart or your soul means that it's supposed to be yours, but you're not always able to hold that.


So my story, from food stamps to first class 15 years ago.

Well, let's see now, it's almost 14 years that I'm with my husband.

So 14 years ago in January, I was literally living on food stamps.

I was a single mom putting myself through acupuncture school.

I was living through the biggest nervous breakdown of my life because I ended up hooking up with an acupuncture teacher.

And then he, like, broke my heart.

It was, like, so awful.

I was in this other love triangle home, and I just didn't think that I was going to get out of it.


And literally within the next three months, my life was going to take the most drastic turn of all time.

And in the midst of these horrible, horrible days, I was grateful.

And I was doing things like Reiki, acupuncture.

I was submersing myself in any kind of spiritual or holistic thing that I could think of to try to untangle this weave that I had created for myself.

And, you know, I.

I studied a lot of different things, and the one piece that I got from everything, and I'm talking Kabbalah, Buddha Tao, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra.

The one constant in everybody was gratitude, gratitude, gratitude.

And so in my most desperate of moments, I had to learn how to be grateful.

Now, if you have a conversation with somebody and you're like, are you grateful?

They're like, well, of course I'm grateful.

Right, but are you actually grateful?

Do you take the time to say I am grateful 20 times a day?

Are you actually feeling the words that you're saying and connecting them to a vision in your mind and your body and your soul?

And so, you know, before I said, I still have trouble with the wealth piece, like, you can't just decide, I want to be a rich, wealthy woman.

And overnight that happens, because that kind of happened for me, right?

I met a wealthy man, but then he went into a six and a half year divorce.

And I'm so grateful.

Even though those were some of the hard, hardest years of my life, I'm so grateful that my life went the way that it did.

Because when my husband and I first met, his goal was to retire me in 12 to 24 months.

And here I'm in my second year of acupuncture school, and I'm like, this is great.

I'm gonna just continue this school stuff, and I'm gonna let this guy take care of me.

Because my life was such a struggle that the fact that somebody was coming along that wanted to take care of me was so relieving for me.

I was also very much a feminist, so having a man want to take care of me was such a skewed paradigm in my mind.

It didn't even make sense to me.

And so I was in this really big struggle, and had I not had to go to work, and by the way, I didn't have to go to work, I could have just.

Just, you know, skated along and.


And seen where it would have taken me.

But there was no way that my husband was going to be able to live out his lifestyle, forget about my life.

So I didn't even have a lifestyle when I met him.

I didn't understand luxury.

I didn't understand how the 1% lived.

But what I did understand is that this divorce was going to take up his whole financial situation, and if we wanted to live that, I was going to have to contribute to that.

And doing that completely changed my life, because I have probably invested 250 to $300,000 in personal development over the last probably like, five, six years.

But we'll just say 14 years, like a large span, because I have been doing this for a very long time.

But all of that money was earned by me.


I don't think that I would have made this same transformation had I just been my husband's wife.

I don't even think I would have seeked out the transformation.


Because it's the entrepreneurial journey that really pushes you and stretches you and takes you to your limits and beyond.

And so I really needed the journey of becoming.

And it took my husband and I 11 years to get married.

And let me tell you, those were not easy.

11 years, because my program said that I needed to be married and his trauma did not want to marry.

And so we lived through a lot of pain, a lot of suffering, a lot of healing to get to the point that we did when.

The day that we got married, the day that I became Mrs.

Friedman, I felt like I earned that.

You know, I felt like I really became the woman that was an energetic match to that.

Had I become Mrs.

Friedman 14 years ago, 10 years ago, even five years ago, I would not be sitting the same woman I am here today.

So the journey is important, the suffering is important, the wisdom that comes out of it is important, and the gratitude the gratitude comes from seeing everything that you've gotten to experience.

And, you know, Covid was a huge factor, because in Covid, you just realize that none of it matters, right?

Like, none of the physical, none of the wealth, none of the luxury, none of that matters.

During COVID it was health, family, having a place to be, having room to move around, having fresh air to breathe.

It just put things into such a different perspective.

And everything that has happened since has just been so magnificent and so magnified.

And so the very first book that I published was called 31 Days of Gratitude.

Create the life you desire, and it's an interactive journal.

The first book that I was going to release was supposed to be called the Magic of Gratitude.

And as I started writing it, I was like, no, you can't release this book.

Because when I started on my journey, I wouldn't have read a book I didn't like to read.

I wouldn't have read.

I wouldn't have watched a master class.

I didn't like to show up to things.

You know, I had every excuse in the book.

So I needed to create something that was interactive, something where if you actually used it day in and day out, you would start to see a transformation.

And so in:

It has sold thousands of copies.

I've helped so many people with that book.

And along the way, I've always heard, you should have a second edition.

You should have this, you should have that.

And so I created a second edition, which is called 62 Days of Transformation and Gratitude, which will be dropping in the next couple of weeks.

And that book is an elevated version.

And so when I go back and I look at the 31 days of gratitude, I realize that the language got me to where I was, and now this one is taking me to another level.

And so I always host this 31 day gratitude challenge in November.

And this year I decided to do it 62 days so that we can match the energy of the book.

And on the last call I had, a friend of mine was in the group who texted me and was like, can you please continue this for us?

You have no idea how helpful this is.

Like, can we carry this through through the year at a low cost so that we could really be in it?

And so on the fly, I created this Gratitude 365 group.

And it has been so tremendous because it's more than just gratitude, right?

Gratitude is the basis, but you have to learn in order to receive.

You have to give, and you have to give.

When you think that there's nothing to give.

In order to receive, you have to love.

And not only do you have to love, you have to love yourself.

You have to forgive yourself.

You have to be able to stand in the mirror and be proud of yourself.

That's why I became the woman that I am today.

That's why my husband fell in love with me.

And my husband, I blow his socks off every day.

Every day, we sit in such deep gratitude, and we talk about how lucky we are, because when I first met him, I was so overweight.

I was over £190.

I was on food stamps, like, And I sat with him, and I told him, him, one day, I'm gonna be skinny.

I'm gonna be rich.

I'm gonna be famous.

I'm gonna speak on all of these big stages.

And he would, like, just chuckle, you know, Like, I was, like, this cute little girl.

I wasn't.

You know, I was 31.

I was a woman.

But that's what I felt like.

I felt like I was a little girl.

And he was like, this man, you know?

And now he looks at me, and he's like, oh, my God, like, look at you.


You know, he.

He looks at me and treats me like I am a goddess.

I am his goddess.

I am his prize.

I am his trophy.

And when he fell in love with me, like, she was there, but she wasn't developed.

And so here I am, you know?

And it's just so much fun now because, like, every day, it's like a dream.

The way that he looks at me.

I'm, like, the most beautiful woman in the world.

The way that my children love me.

Like, being a mom was so hard for me.

I str so bad with postpartum those first few years.

I was a licensed acupuncturist.

I ran a busy wellness center.

I would hide in my office.

I wouldn't come home.

I was afraid to be a mom.

I didn't know how to nurture my children.

The journey was long and hard, and, like, the way that my children love me now, the way that we love each other, the relationship that we have, the emotional intelligence that they have is.

Is greater than mine.

I feel like.


And it's just such a beautiful journey, but it's hard.

You just got to stick with it.

So much wisdom.

And it's like, it's work, right?

It's not easy.

It's work.

And that's what I love about, like, you and.

And hosting these spaces in, these gratitude for women to, like, step into it and see that it's like, it's so much more than gratitude.

Like you said, it's the baseline.

But that takes daily discipline and devotion and to have these support, support groups of like, how do I continue to give and receive when I feel like there's nothing left?

And that is such a practice.

But it's like, it's in those moments that we really do see how, how strong we are and, and what we're capable of.

e both a part of last year in:

And yeah, and just the story too, of like, you and your husband and what you had to do to become a wife and where you didn't, you know, so many people would lose themselves, like food stamps to first class, like, okay, I have all the wealth I need.

It's him.

But it's like, because you stayed devoted to yourself and your mission and your purpose, it only allowed your marriage to actually come into fruition because it wasn't something where you just took.

It's like you continued to pour into you and who you were becoming while you continue to show up and serve.

And something that like, just is coming through right now is like, this is the era where you are the wife and you're still launching the book and you're still doing the retreats and you're still like, being an advocate of like, what it means to love yourself.

But like, like this is also a year of nos for you where it's like, I'm not going internationally to do retreats.

I'm not going to travel the world and do speaking events because I'm going to be a wife.

But still you find the time and the space and the ways and the outlets that you can do and have both.

And I think that's a really beautiful example that you can be in your I'm going to be the best wife era and still be writing books and still be hosting retreats.

But, but it's like, what is the compromise that you have co created to make sure that your husband is happy in this era that you're in.

And I think that's really beautiful for someone who is devoted to the gratitude and the transformation, because gratitude, it's easy to say I'm grateful and how many.

I love how you gave these actionable steps of like, do you say it at least 20 times a day?

But not just say, do you actually feel it?

Because we can Lie all the time.

I'm just so grateful.

But, like, if you're not feeling that in your body, your body knows the truth.

It's like you can lie to your mind all of the time, but your body actually knows.

So it's like those two actionable steps that you can, like, take away from this episode is like, not just say the things that you're grateful for, but to give yourself the time and the space to feel the gratitude that those things bring you.

It's like, do you pause and feel gratitude for the beautiful children that you have or sit with your husband where it's like, things are better than ever and you have become all of those things you told him when you first started dating?

But, like, do you actually sit and savor these moments?

And that takes a practice of, like, not just keep as someone devoted to growing, not just keep striving for more, but to be in the what is while desiring more.


Like, it can you be grateful with a desire to grow and expand and sell more books and sell more spots and make more money and become more wealthy, but what's the point of chasing more if you can't take to savor the time of, like, being here right now?


Savoring the time was really a game changer for me.

And I know that you'll understand this for anybody that's listening that.

That knows human design.

Learning human design along this journey was a huge game changer for me because I'm a projector.

No, so are you, Amber.

And, you know, as a projector, being an acupuncturist, I was very out of alignment.

I was seeing four patients in an hour.

I was not eating lunch.

I was doing all the things that were wrong for a projector.

And I remember the first human design class I ever took, and they were like, projector should be taking a nap.

And I was like, take a nap.

And when I decided that I was going to retire from my practice, I remember going to visit my husband at work one day, and his brother walked to his office and they started to discussing when they were going for lunch.

And I got so triggered and I got so upset.

And I looked at him.

I'm like, is that what you do?

And he was like, what do you mean?

I was like, is that what you do at work?

You go to lunch?

And he was like, yeah, she'll we eat.

But like, you sit down with another human and you, like, actually break, right?

You know, because in my practice, I didn't do that.

And it was practice.

Whose Fault was that it was my fault, but I was so trained in the hustle and that I needed to work and I needed to be busy, and I wasn't allowed.

I didn't give myself permission to take a break.

And so now, last week, I took a nap.

And so the journey of human design, it's been five years.

But in five years, I finally learned that it's okay to take a nap if I'm tired, and it's okay to take a bath in the middle of the day, and it's okay to say no, and it's okay to.

You know, it's just been like this beautiful permission.

Like, in this journey, it's really been understanding boundaries.

Like, one of the first mentors I ever worked with, she talked about boundaries.

And I didn't even understand what a boundary was.

I had no boundaries, you know.

And so it's just been creating the boundaries and figuring out what's right for me and what do I like and who do I love and what do I want to be, not what everybody else was thinking.

And that was a really big catalyst in my relationship, in my life is.

You know, for the first half of my relationship, at least maybe the first 10 years, I was so worried about other people, what other people thought, what other people felt, and it was just a really miserable existence.

And let me tell you, when the switch went off and I finally started living, for me and for my husband and for our children, everything shifted and changed.

And it's really important to understand that there is a feminine and masculine dynamic to everything.

And when we fall in one way or the other, we throw ourselves out of whack.

And so in my relationship with my husband, when I was.

Was a very successful practicing acupuncturist, making half a million dollars a year, it put a huge strain on my relationship because I was operating very much in the masculine, and my husband is a very much an alpha man.

And in a masculine, feminine, there needs to be that role of masculine and feminine from the man's point of view.

And I started to realize that that's why in the beginning of our relationship, things worked so well, because, you know, I went from feminist to, this guy's going to take care of me, right?

And the reason why I did that was because there was a book that I read that was called Spiritual Rules of Engagement.

It's out of print now, but it was an incredible book that really taught the dynamic of a man and a man's role in a relationship and a woman and a woman's role in a relationship.

And when success took over and money took over and wealth took over, fell out of alignment with my feminine.

And I very much let in the masculine.

And it strained everything, my relationship, my business, everything.

I was in burnout.

It just, it wasn't the vibe.

And so now I've created this belt, this delicate balance of being in my wife era, of being in my feminine, of being my husband's wife, but also, as you call it, creating sexy masculine strategy in order to still have my own success.

And like all this wisdom, it needs to be spread out into the world.

I can't just be cooped up at home and be wifey, you know, so it's, it's a fine balance.

And if you're not living in alignment with balance, then just know that it's possible for you.

And it takes time and it takes work and it takes effort and it takes gratitude and it takes.

Takes sisterhood.

Like you said before, you know, your photos from your baby blessing was so beautiful.

And I cherish the friendships that I have now.

If we sat here and had this interview five years ago, I really struggled.

I struggled with my relationships.

Most of my relationships were transactional.

I felt like my friends were paid my, you know, people that wanted to be around me were people who paid me.

And now I fostered some of the most incredible friendships, relationships, business partnerships.

It's been like a full circle of abundance everywhere because you become an energetic match to every one of your desires and they eventually will compound until you're living in heaven on earth.

So, so much, so much more wisdom in, in, in that too.

It's right like the healing that can happen when we open ourselves up to get relation, to create relationships that are equal.

And in that they're not always a 50 50, right.

Sometimes it's:

But it's like that desire to be in a relationship, relationship that isn't just.

Just to get, but it's like you have to be the one open to and in receiving that.

And there's definitely been for me, I know a lot of healing in what past relationships are and what, what they've been.

And I think it is like sim.

Simmering and feeling grateful for those people in your life that like show you what's possible when they want to be around you.

Not to get or give something, but to just to be in your energy.

And I think too like the way that you just share so honestly of like how much, how invested, how devoted you are to your work and the brand that you've created and the impact that you have, but also how human you are.


It's like, it's so relatable because what, what happens is we see people, we think, think, oh, it's easy for them, easy for her.

They can do it.

But what we don't remember in those moments is that we all have our days and we all have those.

Like in yogic philosophy there is a study or an ancient text of like, we literally forget so that we can remember.

And that is the most powerful thing as a leader is like to really share and live and lead by example of, of like, I still have to come back to this.

I still need to practice this.

And that's why the best of the best of the best always continue to have mentorship and to have people to remind them that this journey is.

As long as we are humans, there's always going to be the practice of coming back to the being, the spirit that exists within us.

And I, throughout this entire conversation, there was just so many moments that you share just.

And I still struggle with this and I'm still working on this.

And I think that's so relatable for anyone listening that it's like there's never like a point of money that you make or level of success or orgasmic marriage that you have or like divine relationship with your kids where you don't have those moments of like, oh yeah, come back to the thing I know works, come back to the practices that I have and just come back to those things that ground me into my, my beingness.

So, so thank you for that and for anyone listening, let us know.

Like, I know you have a retreat coming up soon.

I know that you do several retreats throughout the year.

You have a book launch happening.

Like, tell us all the ways to continue to follow you, grow with you, connect with you.


So if you spell my name correctly, Shilamita S H I L A M I D A.

You will find me all over the Internet.

I do have shillamita.com I have a retreat coming up, a one day retreat in Westwood, New Jersey on 2 2.

If you're not in the area, that's okay.

I have people that are flying in for this one, so that's exciting.

It's called Radical Self Love Day.

I have unretired my needles for this because lately I've really been tapping into, you know, the power of acupuncture and how much it really helped me on my journey.

And so I will be doing acupuncture there will be facial lymphatic drainage.

There will be brain tab vibration therapy.

I have a professional photographer, a glam person coming.

The day is really to anchor you in, to be able to release a lot of the stuff that's been tangled and webbed in you and to really help you fall in love with yourself.

And I first hosted this in:

And so we're bringing it back.


Every time I host an event, it just gets more elevated and more powerful.

I use the same title, but I go bigger and better every time I blow myself away.

It's actually really incredible because every time I'm like, I don't think I could do better than this.

And I do, but I just, like, have so much joy in creating these things.

Like, this morning, I went to yoga class, and she played the most incredible song in Shavasana, and I'm like, okay, I need to incorporate this.

I have a retreat coming up this weekend that I need to incorporate that song.

And so I'm always in it.

I'm always doing the work for myself.

And then I'm like, how can I bring this to my clients and my.

And my people and to help them with what I just learned?

I'm always learning.

I'm always of service, and it's.

It shows in everything that you arrive to if you can't make it to my in person.

I have this membership that I just created, Gratitude365.

It is a daily dose of gratitude.

So every morning, I release a bit of wisdom for the day.

There's daily exercise to participate in so you can really get into the vibe of gratitude and whatever it is I'm offering for the day.

Today was all about triggers.

And then once a month, we have a live call where I will incorporate some of my practices.

Breathwork, Kundalini, you know, Soul Flow, Live Q and A.

Once we get the group to 36 people, I promise to increase it to two calls.

So we are at 20, I believe, today.

And so I'm really excited about that because it kind of morphed overnight, and I'm just like, the mind is expanding to where I could take this.

The new book is coming out.

You'll see that on social media.

It is coming.

It's like one of those things that I've just been sitting on for reasons that I'm gonna have to work through.

But we're just gonna release it because it is fantastic, and it's just got to get out into the world, but that's for another call.

And 50 Shades of Shilamita is how you'll find me on Instagram.

I'm also goddess underscore of underscore gratitude.

I also hang out on Tik Tok.

Tik Tok's a different vibe.

I have a shop with shell where I just promote products, and then I have a travel with shell because I'm obsessed with traveling.

So those are, like, just fun to follow.

All the wisdom really, really pours out on Facebook, and then it trickles everywhere else.

So you'll find me all over the Internet.

I love it.


And we will be sure to link all of those into the show notes so you can click and go where you love to hang out the most.

And I'm sure that Shilamita will be back in the future because this is just part one.

There's so many different directions.

I wanted to take this conversation, but, yeah, I mean, just in honor of the way my heart feels right now, I'm grateful and we'll leave it at that.

So thanks for listening.

Check out the show notes.

Go and follow, and we'll talk to you in the next episode.

Thanks for having me.

Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out