Episode 170

Published on:

16th Apr 2024

You DON'T need to micro-niche, here's what to do instead

This episode is for all the multi-passionate queens out there! Amber shares how she burst through the box of micro-niching down and what she does instead. She takes you on the journey of her business evolution and how she built success through expansion rather than playing small.


Time stamps:

03:15 -You don't need to micro niche, here's what to do instead

07:20 -Inspiration from the stars

12:15 -What does a RICH life mean?


Visionary CEO - Join the FREE 3 day experience

Connect with Amber on instagram


Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into

assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn

how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones

who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the

leader in your life and your business.


One who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the

inside out.


This episode is for my multi passionate queens with 900 ideas in a

frickin week.


Full of passion, life experienced and very, very, very multifaceted.


The thing I see so often, especially on Instagram, is the reason that

you're not growing and scaling is because you haven't niched down



I remember when I was in India for six months in the COVID-19

lockdown, sitting there at:

figure out who my niche was, my avatar.


I spent so much time trying to identify who it was that I served

outside of women who love themselves.


And I just want to be your big, huge permission slip that you can grow

and scale a company to multi.


Six figures, seven figures if you desire without micro niching down.


I'm going to tell you the thing to focus on that's actually going to

move the needle.


Sign more clients than ever before and hit your income revenue goals.


Or blow it off the top and make even more than your mind can actually

comprehend or dream of right now.


If this is the first time that you've ever listened to amplified

impact the podcast, be sure to take a screen and share with me on



Amberhagberg your biggest takeaway.


It allows more multi passionate entrepreneurs and wave makers to find

this show.


And bonus points if you love getting testimonials from your clients,

then head over to Apple iTunes and leave us a five star review.


It literally is what allows this show to reach more people.




And that's the same thing that allows our company to grow, is having

people tell other people that this stuff works.


And that's where we dive into what you actually need.


Aside from the lie that you need to microniche down.


What you want to do is build a movement.


Build a movement is creating a community.


Creating a community of your soul tribe that want to go on this wild,

crazy journey with you like they're here for it.


And if you don't know who I am, I started out as a yoga teacher back



I taught hundreds of thousands of yoga classes.


I've led over 22 yoga, international teacher trainings, dozens of



And that led me to wanting to actually get free, because for a long

time I was a struggling yoga teacher.


I wasn't actually making money, I was helping other to become

liberated, to find connection to their soul.


Yet I was selling my time for money.


And I was like, there has to be another way.


How do I get more visible?


When I accidentally fell into an online sales funnel.


No idea what digital marketing was at the time.


And in there, I was sold this dream that I could make $10,000 a month

on the Internet selling a yoga program.


And I was like, is that even possible?


Like, that's not possible.


But I fed the dream.


What if it was possible?


And not only did I discover in the first two years of my business

online that I could hit 100,000, I hit 140,000.


I served $120,000.25 clients inside of the yoga self Love coaching

program, teaching women how to love themselves through the yamas and



And when I unlocked that, my soul was like, oh my gosh, more.


Healers, creatives, reiki masters, coaches, guides need to know that

they can bring their gifts online and actually create impact and

freedom easier than ever before.


And I became an online coach where I began to create courses.


Courses for how to sell out your yoga retreats, how to sell out your

coaching retreats, how to bring your community of wave makers with you

around the world and get paid for it.


I've had over 5500 clients inside of this one course alone, literally

with hundreds of people saying that they've taken courses like this

before and never got the success like they have in the sold out

Retreats program.


Selling out retreats time and time again using this method.


And then I had birthed amplified impact, the mastermind that now has

dozens and dozens of clients going through it, turning their gifts,

their passions, their skills into online programs, hitting their first

three k, five k weeks, not doing sales calls anymore.


I became so passionate about helping women to make a difference in the



All of those things are so different.


Yoga teaching, yoga coaching, retreat coaching, online business

coaching, moving into creating a rich life and movement.


They're so different, yet they're so the same.


And that's where I bridge the gap, that all of these things matter.


Because when you create a community, it doesn't matter what program or

offer that you're launching next.


When you show up and you build something so much bigger than a

traditional business, where your heart is here to share what's

lighting you up, where you feel more alive and rich than ever before.


Your community wants to go on this ride with you.


With you.


I mean, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger.


He literally was a bodybuilder.


The best in the world.


He became an actor.


Not just an actor.


He said, I don't want to just be an actor.


He said.


He said, I want to be a star.


Look at what he created.


And then he became a governor.


Like, those are so different.


And yet he stood out and he thrived in each one of those realms

because he was willing to climb to the top of the mountain.


And whatever it was he did and his brand, his business, and his

movement grew with him.


You're not here to help moms that shop at target.


You're here to be in the frickin spotlight of the work that you do.


And the only way for that to happen is for you to stay hungry, hungry

for growth.


I learned this inside of the documentary with Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Staying devoted to your own growth.


And as a yogi who has been devoted to sitting in silence, having a

daily practice, self study, I know that the more I grow, the more rich

I feel.


My self love coaching program began because the moment that I said no

to a relationship where it was just okay was the moment that I chose



It's the moment that I undid ancestral lineage trauma, where my

parents and even my grandma and my grandpa chose love over themselves,

chose horrible ways of people to treat them because they didn't know

any better.


And yet I redid that.


That's huge.


And that's why I know that self love is where all of this comes from.


And so as you grow and as you evolve and you build a movement, not

just a business, you are a wave maker from the growth that you have in

your own life.


You're not here to just be a teacher, a coach, a healer that changes

the world.


You're here to be the one for your community, your tribe.


You're here to be the one that is in the spotlight, that literally,

like, you shine so brightly because of the self growth and devotion

you have to your evolution.


And when people see who you were ten years ago, five years ago, three

years ago, three months ago, they're like, what is she on?


How is she doing it?


And can I have some of that, please?


That's what wave makers do.


That's what those that are devoted to creating ripples in their own

life and then through self discovery, through challenge and heartbreak

and trauma and all the things that we have to grow through, we don't

grow when things are great, we don't remember everything so in depth

as we do.


When something challenging happens, when our heart gets broken open,

when we lose someone we love, when we have to completely start over

because something ended.


This is where we grow.


And when we discover how to do it and we take our clients on that

journey with us, there is no need to micro niche down and put yourself

into a box.


Bring all of yourself to your company.




I was just watching, inspired by my mentor, the Tony Robbins

documentary where he says, that level of authenticity is going to blow

your mind.


It's going to break your heart wide open.


And not everyone is willing to do that.


Not everyone is willing to lead an authentic and rich life through

doing the hard things, through following the heart.


Because now that you're different, now that you've changed, now that

you've expanded your level of capacity to hold, to collapse time to

have an impact, it means having boundaries and standards.


It means saying no to things you would have said yes to a couple days



It means growing much faster than ever before and taking your clients

on that journey with you to build a rich life.


And I want to redefine what a rich life means.


Yeah, abundance, plentiful overflow.


But money, it doesn't change who you are.


It amplifies it.


So, first, as self love did for me, rich is loving yourself.


Being so grateful with the best friend you're always going to have,

making friends with that person inside of you, becoming your own best

friend and feeling so rich about the life that you've created, being

rich in the memories that you intentionally cultivate, that literally

bring you to tears, because you've created the life of your dreams,

one that's actually even bigger than what you once dreamed up.


Rich in your quality of life.


And letting that amplify the amount of money in your bank account

where you become rich because of the way you feel, because of the way

you engage with yourself and the way you engage with the world.


And then allowing that money in your bank account to bring you an even

richer quality of life, even more beautiful memories.


And allowing it to give you the freedom that you deeply desire, not

just in your bank account and in the choices that your bank account

gives you, but also in your time, where.






Hi, my name is Amber, and I was a workaholic, and then I had a baby,

and I was like, wait, I value him so much.


And I'm going to have weekends where there's no phones.


Really creating freedom and the time so that we can invest into self

growth and learning.


Invest into working out, invest into being present with our families

and letting that abundance of richness in your life and in your bank

account just bring you more, bring you more than you ever thought you

could have.


And then in that, you're able to give more.


Give more to your clients, give more to your family, give more to



Through loving yourself, you'll be richer than ever before.


And in that, it doesn't matter how much money you have.


Because if it's all taken away today, you know that you already have

it all.


Become the visionary who climbs to the top of the mountain, who's

willing to do whatever it takes to share all that you are and build an

online movement that allows you to grow alongside of the community

that you are consciously bringing together.


And in that, I want to invite you to a free three day live experience

with me, the visionary CEO, where healers, coaches, creatives, make

insane amounts of money by living their dreamiest life ever.


In this masterclass.


I want to teach you about the four business archetypes that will allow

you to embody what it takes to be a CEO.


But more importantly, I want to share with you the two things outside

of any business strategy that will allow you to three, four x your

company quicker and faster than ever before.


And this is not a three step process.


There is no secret pathway.


It's you looking at you and putting the pieces together.


Where is the visionary inside of you?


Where is the CEO inside of you?


And how can you bridge the gap to be well known and recognized for the

impact that you've had on your own life, making massive ripples in

your heart?


That when you bring your tribe with you, you create waves that's

global, that's bigger than anything you can comprehend right now.


And I know this because I'm living it.


And I want to take you with me if you're ready to be a wave maker, to

build a business that literally, it thrives from the beat of your

heart and the passion that you pour into what you do.


Send me a message on Instagram, visionary and I'll send you over the

link if it's easier for you, just click the link in the show notes and

I look forward to seeing you there.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out