Episode 153

Published on:

2nd Jan 2024

This practice changes the energy behind everything you think and do

Creating your own destiny begins with this quote... “your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your character, your character becomes your destiny.” Lao Tau

Whether it’s January 1st or not, you can always look at this to check in with the reality you are co creating with the universe.

My invitation is to choose a word you use to influence your thoughts and words this year. Bring the energy and frequency of this word to call in what you deeply desire.

Stay til the end for ways to grow together in the new year.

Shoot me a message on @amberhagberg to chat about any questions you have!

Happy new year!



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y new year! It’s officially:


It’s such a powerful time. I want to share with you this quote that really lands with me and what I shared inside of The CEO Ripple collective inside of our private podcast this morning. It’s by Lao:


“your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your character, your character becomes your destiny.” Lao Tau It’s literally doesn’t matter if it’s January 1st or the middle of the year. This quote can weave through in this knowing that your external reality is coming form one core thing and it’s your thoughts. Everything that you think is going to influence everything that you say and everything that you do. What we can do is look at what it is that we’ve been thinking. And how that has been influencing what it is that we do. Sometimes that means having a very uncomfortable conversation with what you’ve been thinking.


r me I’ve been a yogi since:


When we look at what we’re thinking. What we think influence how we feel. What we feel influences what we say, what we do. And it's a great time to really dive into the heart and ask ourselves what do we want to create. What impact do we want to have. How do we want to live and lead by example. Yesterday on the last day of the year, I was going through all of my Reels because I’ve committed to an everyday Reel challenge and I got to see the journey that I’ve been on this year. And there had been a lot of challenging moments and it hasn’t always been going the way that I desire. But the one thing that I had that has been the glue to get me here to thriving and success is my mindset and my habits that have allowed me to stick through the valleys.


There was this really beautiful quote that my ex’s grandfather said when they were celebrating their 56th wedding anniversary. I said how did you guys do it? He said, we held through when we were in the valleys and everytime we got back up to the mountain we were stronger and more in live than ever.


I have watched and witnessed this through my business. I talked about this a lot. When I was going through the soul awakening. I was the caterpillar going throught the death into the butterfly. My business and my inciome dropped so much that I was searching for an online job to get me through. My vision is what helped me through to get back up to the top of the mountain.But the only way I could hold it through those darker times was thinking. How I was continuing to have mantras and continuing to journal and continuing to be so devoted to this desire to have so much impact.


When you look at your business, why do you want to keep showing up in your business? Money isn’t enough. So many people with money are miserable. Your why has to be so much bigger than money. And yet money is a core necessity that we all need. And if you’re anything like me, deep money healing has to happen to desire wealth. To desire so much more in the way in which we think about money. And how that influences the way in which we feel about money. Everytihinh comes from the way we’re thinking here and it all comes from the past and what society has given up and then we get to choose what we create by what we say by what we do by what we create in daily habits. So being the first of the month inside of The CEO Ripple Collective we’re going to be doing a kundalini activation for the next 40 days. To call in abundance, success, prosperity, wealth, and fulfillment.


Through this action of every single day doing the practice not only are we creating a new habit but we’re breaking through limiting beliefs, stuck and stale energy and as we do this thoughts that we didn’t even know we had beliefs that have been so stuck down are going to start to rise up. When we work through the muck, we get to look at - do I really want to continue believing this. Do I want to continue feeding this. And that’s not an easy thing for us to do. But the moment that we look at what we’ve been thinking and how that’s been influencing what i t is that we do. It’s the moment that we take massive and radical ownership for the destiny that we are co-creating with the universe.


It just makes me want to cry so deeply there is something so much bigger out there happening. Yet the external reality that we’re creating comes from everything that is happening inside us. When we zoom way out of the thoughts and the everyday life there is so much more to this experiencing of being a human being. This is why I love connecting to spirit, source, god and letting that really co-create my experience and fulfillment.


I love to create a word for the year because that world is going to influence and become intentional in the actions that I take. To invoke a word is to invoke an energy. To invoke an energy is to put intention into every single thing that you do. Where this one word of the year can begin to weave like a thread into the relationship with you, your family, your friends, your clients, your business, and anyone and anything that you come into contact with.


I share the highlight Reel of:


I went to a yoga class for the first time since Amani was born at a studio, There were so many things that I had to do to become the best version of me. It wad a commitment I had through every decision of just becoming the best. This years word is so plentiful. I’m not going to share it yet. I would love if you know your word and you want to chat with me on Instagram send me a DM and we can have a personal chat about my word.


th my husband. This last year:


t divorced. So i know that in:


As women we can have babies but as humans we can be the directors of our lives and really take ownership for the destiny that we’re co creating with everything that we think and do on a day to day basis. It doens’t matter if you’re listening to this on January 1st or 2nd or in May. your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your character and your character becomes your destiny. You at any moment can change that. We’re all human and sometimes we forget that. Sometimes we get caught up in here.


I think about the four agreements. Always do your best. Sometimes you lose someone, if you’re going through a deep heartbreak, is something is happening, if you have a toddler, your best is going to be so different. So to be easy and soft on yourself. To love yourself no matter where you are at on the journey.


Take a moment and feel into what it is you’ve been thinking and what it is you’ve been feeling and going through especially around the holidays it can be a very touchy sensitive subject for those of us that don’t have a family we desire but we get to create it. That’s the greatest joy I have right now is creating the family I always wish I could have had. By moving to Costa Rica and being able to choose the family I always wish I had. Again going back to the deep desire that I get to choose. Wven though I wasn’t born into the family even though I went through childhood trauma abuse all of the things. I took radical ownership and changed the trauma and the victimization of the story into a story that allows me to move people amd create my movement and to help others create their movement


! The offer that I created in:

Alright I’ll talk to you on the next expisode. I love you so much and I’m so excited to hear the word that weaves through your thoughts and all the things you do this year. Knowing that it’s not always going to be easy and you will be in the balance but to commit to yourself no matter what. I love you!

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About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out