Episode 154

Published on:

9th Jan 2024

How to 3x your revenue in 2024; BTS of exactly what I did in 2023

In this episode, Amber will share the 5 things she did to 3x her revenue in 2023. She dives into her marketing strategy and how to leverage your posts. On top of that, you’ll hear her business strategy and how you too can build resilience in your business

Plus Amber will give you 3 steps you can take today to ensure you hit your revenue goals for 2024.

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In the last week of February, Amber will announce the winner.

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P.S. Get a 7-day free trial to experience the magic risk-free

Time Stamps

10:30 -My marketing strategy, daily posting, and when the best time to post is

12:20 -How to leverage your posts

13:20 -The 3 things that helped me 3x my revenue in 2023

13:57- Your business strategy -we’re talking long-term here

14:20 -Step-by-step breakdown of how you can reach your revenue goals in 2024



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Amplified Impact Facebook Group



x your revenue in:


k in:


d the impact that you have in:


after a massive income dip in:


I know that no matter what I’m going to be a gardener or entrepreneur forever. And the reason I know this is because of the next thing that is so important. I have a really big why. I have a really big purpose and if you’re listening to this I know that you do too. You want to change lives, you want to help more people and that’s what has kept me going to have a really big mission to make a difference in the world. It keeps me going even when i don’t get results. It keeps me going even when the momentum is slow. My desire to change the world is what keeps me showing up every single day and the reason is that I know how my life has changed from implementing the practices and the habits that I cultivate on a day-to-day basis.


So when we’re looking at commitment into devotion something so much bigger than us with the long-term vision. This is the glue that keeps us growing through the energy that we have to practice whether it’s going really good or it’s not going so good. It’s the mindset and the beliefs that we continue to reaffirm. What do you want to feed? That this launch means you’re not meant for this? What do you want to feed? That this client refund means that you‘re now meant for this? What underlying beliefs do you have based upon what’s happening outside of you.


When we look at the energy, we’re looking at the mindset - what are you thinking, what are you making this mean but we’re also looking at the practices that you have and you cultivate. This is something that is so potent and powerful for me. My energy behind last year, my beliefs of what was happening in my business and the practices that I did every single day regardless of how it was working. As well as having support. And I’m not just talking about mentorship and biz besties. I hired some of the best people to support me in my business, so that I have time to be with my family so that I had someone that had you know farther out from my vision eyes that could support me in making sure that I was delivering the quality that I wanted to put out into the world.


With energy and with mindset, and with beliefs, this is really going to support you in showing up regardless of the results, keeping the long-term vision and refining as you go. Which then goes into this strategy, and for me like one thing that I was really contemplating is like I spent so much time chasing many many many different strategies. And I know that they all work because I’ve witnessed other mentors, coaches, friends, implementing strategies that work, so for me, being a mom thinking about like my freedom-based lifestyle like valuing the ability to go out and surf every day, valuing the ability to go and travel with my sister consistently- It was freedom.


So I built out of sales funnel. What most people do know is at the beginning that the sales funnel was not working, it didn’t work. I lost a lot of money. I lost a lot of time and I tested a lot of things but the thing about and what kept me going was the results. The celebrating testimonials, the clients that were getting results, this big vision that I was having and holding to change the world as like I was getting momentum and I was getting a little celebration here in a little celebration there and I just know like one of the funnels that really blew up for me last year was a Sold Out Retreats mini course. This was so near and dear to my heart, because I spent eight years learning how to curate and lead retreats to market them in a unique way, define my method and my process. I just kept pouring more content, more value, more templates having my team come in and check things out so that we could make sure that when this blew up it was gonna be the best course ever.


We failed so many times for so many months, but I had committed, held a long-term vision, and was devoted to doing it until this worked. There wasn’t like a I don’t care OK I’m gonna do it for like one month, no it was like this is going to work like no matter what happens I’m gonna make sure this works. And that’s why it worked seven months of refinement until it started to become profitable. One thing that I love so much about this mini courses that it’s impacting so many lives that like literally while I was away on Christmas break one of my clients messaged me and was like I just had an 11K month and I sold six spots for a retreat that’s not for seven months like I’ve been waiting my whole life for you like I had to travel to Maine. Her and I met while I was on a retreat as a student then was so cool that she was celebrating at the end of the year her first of many five figure months from the practices, my mini course, and then like that is one of the reasons that keeps me going, so I know like this belief in this energy and this commitment and this devotion is really what allowed me to keep going. But it’s because my why I was like I want to help more retreat leaders, create massive impact in the world and the way that we do that it’s getting more people at our retreat.


The way that we do that is by honing in on what our gifts are and aside from building up the sales funnel that was not working for freaking seven months and really holding the vision and really working on my mindset. I was having a lot of support through my coaching and my mentoring, through my team, I was also committed this is really showing you what it really takes it’s through the grit to refine based upon your mission is that I posted a Reel every single day since February. And in the beginning the first few months it was like what do I post? What should I post in there scrolling on Instagram not really knowing like, but I was always posting like I was consistently posting five times a week. Something about the number seven, something about seven months is that I realize that my Reels every single day allowed me to refine and master my Messaging. Because I noticed what people were saying, I noticed the engagement, I noticed the DM’s, and that allowed me to get better at my craft and speak to my soulmate, dream clients because I was doing it consistently. I was looking at the evidence in the data I was refining it I was mastering it in the one tip that I have for you is within any conversation that you have in you hold, be sure that you are talking right after you get off a client call, right after you have an amazing conversation, right after you get coached by your mentor - you come online and you share that process with us. That’s when you are the most magnetic and you’re really speaking to the hearts and the souls of your soulmate client because you’re in the zone, you’re in the energy it’s this vortex.


I remember when I used to teach yoga, I would just be connected to a channel and it would come through and now it comes through in my coaching and so for me really being able to look at my marketing and my messaging, tweak my messaging most importantly, talking to my biggest takeaways for my clients, my biggest takeaways from the DM‘s that were happening in myself with that like once I dialed in this funnel of reels, I started to supercharge it with the ads.


Ads are amazing because it allows you to take with already working and amplify it and inside of my mastermind, I teach this process of like how can I get a funnel working organically through testing, marketing, and messaging and then amplify that with paid ads because once you do that you just have a cash machine. And the best part is you consistently have new celebrations coming in all of the time I literally remember when one of my one-on-one clients sold out a retreat in seven days. And it wasn’t that it was only seven days, it’s that she wanted to do this for so long, but we had to work on the mindset and the action in the like trusting the desire, and then when she did, it sold out so easily, and this was from years of consistently showing up, trusting and working through that limiting belief.


And this is something that happens in business I know I know for me like these are the few things that like allowed me to 3xmy business. Having commitment to the long-term vision, being devoted to something so much greater than me, working on my energy, my mindset, my beliefs, and staying connected to support as well as strategy.

Strategy is so important. Something that’s really cool is like when we’re thinking about like strategy, the thing that we really want to hone in on is like -what can you do long term? Organic takes time paid ads takes money I like to leave the both together because I love my time and I love having money.


x your revenue in:

Once you know your vision once you know your word, I want you to really think about like not just why do you want this to help other people, but why do you want this for you like there’s much fluff on the Internet around six figure 7 figures now it’s eight figures la la la la la cut the noise not everyone needs that if you chase a number without a big why behind it it’s not going to be enough to keep you growing.

You have to know what you need to get by and then you need to know what you need to thrive in there and this gets to be your goal number and you can push aside any other numbers that are being thrown out there at you and claim it for yourself and then the final thing I would look at is real. Where are you at right now in your life? What have you just walk yourself through? What are you really embodying right now? What is so alive for you that you would love to see teach on and most likely you’re already thinking about it, desiring to teach on it, or share about it and it’s happening behind the scenes whether inside of coaching client containers now or like for me like when I’m out surfing with my besties naturally somehow in some way the conversation around investing comes up or around business or around money, mindset, and claiming more like these three topics have been coming up in my world for years now even before I became a business coach because it’s just big topics. When I go back home I sister in her husband and I talk about like the cryptocurrency in and putting money into stocks and investing into coaches and mentors to grow real estate like this is just something that happens for me naturally for you I want you to get real on like what are the conversations that you’re having that you noticed that maybe you’ve been having your whole life.


clients that I worked with in:

Storytelling is so powerful because as you’re talking about money, mindset, business souls purpose intuition motherhood whatever your topic comes forward and through for you it’s your story that bridges who you help how do you help and how you’re different and that’s for me like believing in my story of living in the jungle having a baby falling in love after hypothalamic amenorrhea ones they had dreadlocks didn’t wear any makeup, slept on airport floors, lived in hostels. This story that I have and I hold is what brings me to where I am now today and the owner work that I’ve had to go through and it’s how people want to hire you and reach out to work With you so those are the three things that I would be focusing on right now so that you can start to A. create momentum, building your business in your brand, but B. well-known and recognized for the go-to person in the area that you are so passionate about and then you want to build out a sales funnel.


A Sales funnel is brand awareness they know who you are they know what you do then there is come experience a free moment with me, whether that’s a lead magnet and a meditation a master class that then sells them into the next step. The next step can be a program. It can be a one-on-one session. It can be your VIP program it can be your retreat. It’s 123 and here we are now they’re paying clients so I hope that is really helpful. I would love to hear from you where you are at on the journey and building out a sales funnel if you’re at the organic level where you’re testing your marketing your messaging on Instagram or Facebook or if you’re in the stages of really learning how to amplify what you’re already doing with ads.


I just wanna invite you of course as always like if you want to grow deeper and actually have me supporting you in your business the monthly membership like I created I was like this no-brainer come hang out and get massive support for the year every single day Monday through Friday, I’m private coaching you on a theme. The theme of January is real let’s get real real. What are your thoughts real with your desires in your heart and real with what it is that you’re teaching where we’re going to create your freebie together And then I’m gonna have a business master class training, showing you how to create a freebie as well as a behind-the-scenes of what I’m creating in my business how that’s working content and all. Plus a Q & A thread so private coaching from me personalized in a video or like I’ll answer any question that you have, but the best part is the community and the collective There’s so many other amazing entrepreneurs inside that you can collaborate with network with grow and amplify the impact that you’re ready to have in the world this is for those that love leading retreats of love bringing amazing women sisters brothers together to cureate transformational experience you want to amplify the work that you have a growing online you love to weave in this experience of like this is who I am this is the power of my work like, how can I go online and amplify that How can I go travel the world and get paid to do it with retreats this is the space in the place for you to feel at home and having transformation in person and online and learning to understand how both of those two sell one another your retreat so your online program your online program sells your retreat, but the best part is the ability to have deep transformation like when my clients come some of my clients come every single year and we just go another layer deeper.

I learned something new about them every single time we cry we laugh, and we just really break through the layers of the onion, one off for one program one retreat at a time. If you know that’s you you’re ready to sign up you can go to the link in the show notes or just head over to Instagram @amberhagberg and send me the keyword impact and then right away. You’re gonna learn what keyword does and how this allows you to automate your business so that you can make sales while you’re sleeping, you can and enroll clients that can’t wait to work with you while you’re out surfing or wherever you love to be in your free time this is the best! This is the best that’s all I know. Alright, I’ll talk to you in the next episode. Bye!

Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out