Episode 166

Published on:

19th Mar 2024

4 Daily non-negotiables to start & grow your business

In this solo episode, Amber shares what to do in a day to keep moving your business forward. She shares her four daily non-negotiables and what to do when it's time to put your CEO hat on.


Time stamps:

03:11 - 80/20 - Analyze the data of what’s working and focus on that

06:00 - 4 things that I do every day in my business

06:30 -#1 Client care

07:05 -#2 Community support & building

08:42 -#3 Content & creativity 

09:58 -#4 Daily selling & how to do it easily

10:45 -What to do next & how to keep growing

14:50 -Reflection

19:05 -2 types of decisions




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Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into

assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn

how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones

who you dream to service and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the

leader in your life and your business, one who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the

inside out.


I'm so excited to be back for a new episode this week.


I haven't done a solo episode in a while, so full in client delivery

and content creation, which is why this episode is going to be so good

for you.


If you've been asking the question, how do I get it all done?


What do I prioritize in a day when there are so many things to be

doing when it comes to growing a company, a question that I get asked

so often is, what do I actually need to do to move the needle?


Moving the needle being this term of like, what's actually going to

get me the results?


In my business, when you're an entrepreneur, the to do list is never



When you're a visionary, the ideas never stop flowing.


Hashtag multi passionate.


Where do I focus my energy to actually see results and feel like I am

moving forward?


And that's what I want to talk to you about today.


What I do and how I find being able to close the computer at the end

of the day and feel like I am making progress in my vision for my life

and my business.


If this is the first time that you're listening here on amplified

impact, it would mean the absolute world.


If you go to Apple iTunes, rate and review this episode, it helps just

one more multi passionate entrepreneur find this show and you are then

the ripple that helps us to make massive waves in the world.


And if something deeply lands in your heart, screenshot this tag me on

social at Amber Hagberg I love seeing who's listening to the show and

all of you silent listeners come out of the closet.


I want to get to know and grow with you even more and deeper.


Let's dive in.


80 20.


Have you heard about the 80 20 rule?


20% of your efforts bring in 80% of the results.


20% of the things that you do every single day bring in 80% of your



What's actually bringing in the revenue?


What's the 20%?


How often do you look at where your clients are coming in from?


How often do you look at your stats on Instagram, your stats in your

email list to see what's performing.


What is the 20% of what you do every single day, bringing in 80% of

the results.


This is so important for you to know where your clients are coming

from, what content is really landing, what headlines get the best



Go and have a look and see what you find for you and whether you're

running a retreat business, an in person business, or what.


I love a blend of both the in person retreats and online.


It doesn't matter if you're in a season of currently creating a new

offer, currently creating a retreat, or if you're in a season where

you're launching the thing that you just created or you're relaunching

something that you birthed into the world once upon a time and now

you're bringing it back, baby.


There's seasons in our business.


There are seasons in our business times where we are creating new

things, times where we are launching things into the world.


And there are times where we are redefining who the heck we are.


And as soul led entrepreneurs, if at least once or twice a year,

you're not questioning who am I?


What's my purpose?


What's my vision?


What do I value?


Then you're probably not growing.


This is something that we all go through.


What should I put in my Instagram bio?


What do I want the world to remember me as?


What is the impact that I want to have?


What is it that I want to give back from all that I've learned?


And it doesn't matter what season you're in, you are multi passionate,

visionary, someone that wants to change the world.


There's going to be so many ideas always running through you.


There are four things that I do in my business every single day.


Hashtag I'm a mama.


And what I do is I organize my day and my work schedule around my baby

boy who just turned two.


It was crazy.


And when that there's four things that I do, he goes off and I'm like,

okay, I have four to 6 hours to get things done.


And here is how I prioritize numero uno.


The first thing that I do in the morning is I check on my clients.


This means going into voxer, getting back to clients that have asked



This means going into my Facebook group and managing the Facebook

groups that I have, that I'm building community.


This means looking in and at all the places that my clients may be

reaching out to me and getting back to them.


First thing I always do, make sure that my clients are happy, they're

supported and I am there to serve.


First, check in on your clients.


The second thing that I do is I check in with my community.


I go into instagram and I get back to anyone that's commented on my



I go into my direct messages and I see if there's anything that I've



I connect with those that are in my inbox.


I do this on Instagram and I also do this on Facebook as well as



I make sure that my community building is a top priority because I

want to connect, learn and grow with the people in my world just as

much as I want them to connect and grow with me.


Where are you building your community and are you engaging with them

and communicating with them?


Every single day?


On days that I have extra space and time, I'll go and see who's

watching my stories.


Go watch their stories.


I'll go and see who's liking my posts.


Go and check out their posts and their content.


Community building numero dose choose one platform.


Once you are really good in that platform, then you can stretch your

branches and go to other platforms.


I started with Facebook and then I moved to Instagram.


And then from Instagram and Facebook, those two combined.


My email list started to grow and more people started reaching out via



So I have three places that I really work on building my community.


Those are the first two things that I do when I open the computer or

my phone, especially on a Monday morning.


Then, numero drace number three, I go and create content.


How do I create content?


Well, perhaps I already have an idea from when I went surfing the day

before, or from a client call or from.


And I just ask myself, what right now does my dream soulmate client

need or want to hear?


And from that idea, then I blend my life, my personal life, what I've

been doing in my business, into a reel.


And in that reel, I make sure to spice it up a little bit with my own

personal story.


I have a really juicy hook that speaks to what it is that they want

that's going to get them reading more.


You can think about when you're creating content.


The hook is what's going to get them to read the juice.


And then the juice is going to keep them there by like, oh, my gosh,

yes, I want this.


I'm going to listen to this.


I can feel this.


Yes, I resonate with this.


And then the call to action is going to lead them to where you want

them to go next.


Which leads me into numero quattro number four, which is selling.


Selling every single day.


I create content and I sell every single day.


If I create a reel, the creation of the day and I don't sell in that

reel, I'll take that content and I'll turn it into a sales email.


Or I'll take that content and I'll turn it into selling on stories.


The content is really reflecting what it is that I'm prioritizing

selling in my business.


Four things to do every single day, non negotiable.


And then after you do those four things, then you focus on creating

the program.


Then you focus on launching out your next offer.


Check in with your clients, engage and connect with your community.


Create content that is planting seeds for what it is you're selling in

your business.


And those four things depending on if I have a client call that day or

a program I'm delivering, that'll take more time in numero uno client

check in.


But if it's just checking voxer and Facebook groups and email, if it's

just engaging and connecting with my community and creating content

and selling, that's not going to take more than 2 hours.


And if I have 4 hours, that means those extra 2 hours are me being the

CEO of my company, visionary.


What is it that I want to bring into the world?


Is it mapping out my launch?


Is it creating my new offer?


What is it extra that I am birthing into the world?


Or what is it that I'm spending time doing that may mean those extra 2



I'm doing self study.


I'm learning from my coach and from my mentor.


I'm going on a walk, I'm making lunch, I'm jumping on the trampoline.


I'm writing in my journal.


I'm looking for a new live event to go to.


These are different things that I do in my day to ensure that

everything I want to do gets done.


The 80 20 rule I weave in here because when you sell and prioritize

creating content and prioritize your community and prioritize your

clients, that's the 20%.


All the other stuff that we're doing that helps.


But if you're not selling every day, if you're not creating content

most days it's hard for you to reach more people.


If you're not being social on social media, it's hard for you to

deepen the relationships with the people in your world.


This is what has been really helpful for me to navigate in my business

and what I would love for you to know is when you feel like you have

these block hours and you're like, what should I do?


Where should I focus my energy?


This is you building a new muscle.


It's like every single day I wanted to wake up and do yoga and

meditate and journal.


And that took time for it just to be a part of my life, like brushing

my teeth and eating.


Now the same thing.


Four years into running an online company, leading retreats, doing the

thing, I have my flow.


If you're in the beginning stages, trust that you're building and

creating your own flow and how you know what works for you is really

checking in once a month and especially every quarter.


How did I operate the last three months?


What did I create?


What did I bring to the world?


Where did my clients come from?


How much time did I spend in self study?


How much time did I spend in developing my new ideas?


What worked?


What didn't work?


And what will I like to try out the next quarter?


Really mapping out your quarters allows you to review and reflect.


And we eliminate this judgment, this comparison, this pressure that we

put on ourselves because we know that we're building a muscle.


And this happens in fitness, this happens in exercise routines.


It's like you're tracking and if you've been doing this for a while

and then it's like you fall off.


What happens when you fall off of your fitness routine or eating well,

you have to find the rhythm.




This has been really helpful for me since becoming a mother because I

really learned what I want to prioritize and what I want to get done.


And I spent a lot of time reflecting yearly, quarterly.


That is my invitation for you to do deep reflection, not only looking

at your stats, the evidence, your revenue, your clients, but also your



How are you holding your energy?


How are you holding your vision?


And where do you start to doubt?


And what can you do on every single daily basis to be the embodiment

of your vision and your mission?


What gets you out of your head and into your heart?


When we're in the heart and we're doing what we love, what lights our

soul on fire, we don't question what is it that we're doing?


What's going to move the needle?


Am I getting this right?


What else should I do?


But that's why I wanted to bring you this checklist from someone who

runs a multi six figure company, scaling to a million dollar year four

things every single day that I do.


And that takes less than 2 hours.


And then the extra two to 4 hours I have is for me and my vision and

my creation.


That's the extra time.


But there's only four things that you need to do every single day that



And those four things are skills that we create as entrepreneurs.


And the more that you do anything, the easier it becomes.


Practice, practice, practice, they say in yoga practice.


And all is coming.


They say to be a master at anything, it takes 10,000 hours.


Have you spent 10,000 hours working with clients?


Have you spent 10,000 hours building a comMunity?


Have you spent 10,000 hours creating?


Have you spent 10,000 hours selling?


Let that be the four skills that you invest your time, energy and

resources into every single day.


Stay devoted to being the student.


And this is what we do.


In my containers inside of the monthly membership, I show you how, I

give you templates, I show you what I do.


I give you coaching every single day on different themes as far as

getting more visible, reaching more people, growing your audience,

helping more people inside of the containers.


Like, how do I ensure that they stay?


How do I launch my new program into the world?


What if my program doesn't launch?


How do I get those last few sign ups?


We look at the how and I give you all the ways to do it, and I show

you all the ways that I'm doing it.


Inside of my mastermind, you get access to all the how and all the

templates and everything that I'm doing.


But you get to ten x your results, fast track your results, because

together we take action on what you're learning.


We workshop, we brainstorm, we personalize it for you and your

business together.


Handheld support, it's like eliminating, questioning, eliminating

overwhelm, eliminating, not taking action.


Because you have me as your mindset coach, your accountability coach,

your cheerleader.


You're like seeing the block, seeing what's not there.


It's like it's me in your back pocket.


It's me there holding your hand, doing all of the things, not just

showing you how, but actually doing it with you.


That's the benefit.


The membership is like, okay, am, I ain't got time for all.


Like, I just want to learn and I want to implement and I want to have

a community.


I want to meet new people, I want to do this with people.


But I don't need the handheld support yet.


And the mastermind is like, hey, give me it all, and then let's do it



So if you feel called to work together at any capacity, wondering if

the membership or the mastermind is the best fit for you, which one I

can definitely help you to decide.


There's something that I learned last week listening to a podcast, and

I shared this in the membership, I shared this in the mastermind and

my brand new program, Rich.


And there's two types of decisions.


Two types of decisions, and that's it.


And this is from the owner founder of Amazon, who said, there's two

types of decisions.


There's type one decisions, and there's type two decisions.


Type two decisions are ones that you can continuously change.


There's always opportunities to go back.


And there's type one where you can't change your mind.


You can't go backwards.


Once you make a type one decision, there's no going back.


And he gives the example, he gives the example of when Obama decides

to fly in and see if Osama bin Laden is there.


Once he flies in, there's like no turning back.


How do you make a type one decision?


You get your brain to 51% yes or no when there's no going back.


Now, when it's a type two decision, you make those decisions as fastly

as you can, knowing that you can always change them later.


And this helps being applied to business because we think and

overthink about type two decisions all of the time.


But if we could just make those decisions faster and quicker, we would

learn and experience quicker than ever before and in that, get results



Should I start the business?


I want to start the business.


I was going to start the business.


Should I pivot?


I'm going to pivot.


Maybe I want to pivot.


I don't know if I'm going to pivot.


Should I launch the program?




Should it be this name?


Should it be that name?


Should it have this many modules?


Should it have this, just create it, just do it.


And then you can change your mind later.


Then you can learn later.


And this is huge when it comes to creating a new program.


And it's like how many calls a week, how many modules, how long?


You're not going to know the perfect recipe for a new program until

you get tons of clients in it, because your clients are going to teach

you so much about who it's for, what the results are, and what they

need once you run it.


When it comes to making a decision, trust in the quickest answer that

comes through, unless it's a type one decision.


And I hope that helps with you creating really successful days that

you don't overthink.


What should I do and where should I put my energy?


Especially when you prioritize the top four things that I think you

should do every single day to grow your company, to invest in what

brings 80% of the results.


I can't wait to hear what you think about this and what it is that

you're already doing in your day, what it is that you're going to add.


And if you have any follow up questions on this, reach out to me on

Instagram at Amber Hagberg.


And I look forward to hearing how this shifts your daily, weekly,

monthly schedules and the results that you get because of it.


All right, talk to you on the next episode.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out