Episode 180

Published on:

13th Aug 2024

Beyond transactions: Building a movement and a brand.

Welcome back! Tune into this week's solo episode with Amber. Discover how to build a premium, sought-after brand that not only sells out consistently but also creates lasting movements. Learn how to step onto bigger stages, collaborate effectively, and expand your reach to make an even more significant impact. Tune in for actionable insights, inspiring stories, and strategies to turn your visionary ideas into reality.


Time stamps:

01:17 - Creating a stage, building an audience, and dreaming bigger.

01:29 - The power of collaboration and expanding your reach.

02:46 - What it takes to build a premium, sought-after brand.

04:08 - The importance of walking your talk and creating client success.

04:31 - Beyond transactions: Building a movement and a brand.

05:14 - Creating content, mastering your voice, and refining your messaging.

06:07 - Turning wounds into wisdom and owning your unique gifts.

07:21 - Transitioning from entrepreneur to visionary wave maker.

08:25 - The power of connection and real-life interactions.

09:41 - Amber’s personal journey and the impact of dreaming big.

11:00 - Expanding your impact and creating a lasting legacy.

12:25 - Leaning into the evidence of your success.

13:48 - Expand your reach by getting on other people's stages.

14:44 - The importance of real-life connections and mutual relationships.

16:22 - Celebrating your network and building lifelong relationships.

17:01 - Taking the lead in your business and creating powerful connections.

18:37 - Building a brand that creates ripples and waves.

19:01 - Going for 10x growth by focusing on the 20% that matters.

20:00 - Stepping out of your comfort zone and getting on bigger platforms.

20:38 - Conclusion and next steps to amplify your impact.


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Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take.


Take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and your business.


One who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the inside out.


I'm so excited.


I'm going to be sharing with you a live episode I did inside of another Facebook group community, which is so in alignment for exactly what we're talking about today.


To build a movement.


Not just a transactional business where clients pay you, you receive the money, but like, how do we build something so much bigger than a niche?


Once you create a stage, you build an audience and you know in your heart there's this deep desire to go freaking bigger.


You have a dream and you're like, how big can we take this?


It's building a premium brand and the power of leaning into other people's stages, other people's communities and you bringing guests, experts, friends, clients into your world, onto your podcast, onto your stage.


And what happens when we collaborate and give value to each other's community?




And if you absolutely love this episode, help us make an even bigger wave in the world.


Tag us on Instagram.


Instagram amberhagberg.


Share your biggest takeaway and let your community know about this podcast so we can help just one more female entrepreneur tap into her inner visionary and make big dreams come true.


There is this weird moment of like are we actually live on Facebook?


I am so excited.


So if you've never seen me before, Amber Hagberg here coming at you live from the Costa Rica Rika jungle.


I have been here now for eight and a half years.


And just a little bit about me before we dive into what does it actually take to build a premium brand?


Someone who is sought after, someone that sells out consistently.


Someone where people are just like talking about you, reaching out to you, asking you to come be a guest speaker in their mastermind, to come speak on their stage at their live event, to come be a guest at one of their retreats, like what does that actually take?


And I know as someone who has been a spiritual entrepreneur now for twelve years, deeply devoted to my own, becoming someone who has served 6000 plus clients online, selling out retreats, building businesses unconventionally.


I'm the barefoot and rich Costa Rica jungle mama.


Like how more you can you be?


How more in your embodiment of who you are when you're not creating your business and your dream life from your fingertips?


And how can you bring your life story into your business?


And that's what I've been able to do, to build a million dollar business with ads, with funnels, with viral reels on Instagram.


Because I walk my talk and my clients go out and they sprinkle the magic of what's happened, being in my circle, with their community.


And what I've discovered is building a business that is sought after is not about something that is a transactional business where it's like, I'm giving you this and you're paying for me this.


It's not about building a niche or growing an online platform.


And what I want to share with you today, so make sure you have a notepad and pen, is how to not just be an entrepreneur, but how to be a visionary wave maker.


And today is like, what is the movement visionary wave maker formula to build a premium brand where you're sought after and you wake up to people being like, hey, come speak on my stage.


Hey, come be a guest.


Will you be on my podcast?


Because once you've already created your own stage, like, you know what to do in business.


You create content.


You have your own community.


People are signing up into your platform, into your programs.


Your platforms are growing.


Like, you don't need to get onto stages and speak in front of hundreds of people and travel around the world, because creating your own stage from your fingertips has literally never been easier.


Like, the online world is only growing and expanding, and it's only exploded since COVID But when we want to build a movement, once we've already created the platform, we've refined and mastered our voice.


We know what our messaging is.


We have the content umbrella.


We wake up thinking of content that is just so good that it attracts people into our world.


They sign.


Once we've been able to turn our wounds into wisdom and really own our unique, God given gifts, to stand up in our own x factor and to be able to do this, like, let me know if this is landing with you.


Like, if, have you already done this?


You've built the stage.


You have the clients, you're making the MCAT that you want.


And maybe if you're like me, say me in the chat, you've done it unapologetically and unconventionally, your unique way.


I used to follow the rules.


I used to chase the strategy.


I used to get stuck up in my head.


And when we're able to own who we are, what we've been through and what we're really good at, we attract our tribe.


That becomes easy.


And you get to work with amazing clients because of the stage and the platform that you've created and the making bigger waves, bigger than you could have imagined, is to go from being an online entrepreneur, or maybe in person.


If you're like me, like the Zoom room is great, Instagram connections are great, transformation happens, tears happen.


Like, my life will never be the same, things happen.


But nothing beats being able to hug and hold your clients.


When you walk into a room and you feel like you've known everyone in that room your whole life, regardless of if you've ever even met them, you have that person that just pops to mind, those people that just popped to mind.


This is where we get to go from the entrepreneur, the transactional business, to the visionary wave maker, the one that holds a vision where it's like it just lands, it's in your dreams, it's when you wake up, it's when you're out on a walk, it's when you're in your meditation, it's when you're in your zone that you're like, you have this idea, this light bulb moment, something no one's ever done before or something bigger than you've ever done before.


It kind of scares you and you're like, what if?


But you're the type of person that's like, you have this dream and you're like, what if I could make it come true?


I'm going to do what I have to do to see what if.


That's what happened for me.


When I sold everything I owned and I moved to Costa Rica, I had no idea online entrepreneurship existed.


The biggest thing I'd ever done is dropped out of college to study yoga and become a yoga teacher.


Like what?


And then I moved to a third world country to lead retreats on the beach.


Knew nothing about online marketing, had no idea how much harder that was going to be without teaching 16 yoga classes a week.


And that's when the door opened to entrepreneurship.


That one vision of teaching yoga on the beach, leading retreats to build a sustainable farm and live off of the land, turned into me becoming a millionaire.


That one vision, but I didn't know how.


The how unfolded in the taking the leap, in the taking the action, how never comes before the jump into the abyss, the jump into the unknown.


Because it's all about who you're becoming.


When the vision lands, the visionary gets the big vision.


Dream is like, oh, my gosh.




Like me?


I can't do that.


Is that even possible?


But that's what happens when it's time to start building a movement, when you become the movement, when you become the evidence and the embodiment of what happens when you go after that one thing, this is your story.


This is your factor.


For me, it was following the yogi inside of me, the dreamer inside of me, the entrepreneur inside of me, and then getting here, landing in the pura vida jungle and just continuing to dream bigger.


And when we have that, like, I want to go bigger.


It's like, how big do I really want to build this business?


How much impact do I really want to have?


Think about it right now.


Like, what you want for yourself in your life.


Is it so much bigger than the first dream or vision you ever had for yourself?


Because I know for me, every time I arrive to the thing I thought I wanted, I get there and I'm like, oh, but now there's an even bigger dream.


Because who you become in the journey of creating that once a dream, it's like, okay, now it's bigger.


So how much impact do you really want to have?


How much freedom and wealth do you really want to create sitting in the seat that you're in today?


Grab your notebooks.


Grab your pens.


The visionary wave maker.


Building a movement way, it starts with a vision.


Vision is what leads you.


It's what the navigation of your heart space, of that deep, burning desire that doesn't shut off.


It's the dream that you had last night that you wake up and you're like, okay, what more can I do?


What more can I create?


How can I co create with the universe?


And when we're able to really own that desire, maybe in the beginning it's quiet, we whisper it a little bit.


We don't want anyone else to know because, like, what if it doesn't happen?


You're not alone in that.


What happens when we have a big vision and a big dream?


Then we want to lean into the power of all that you've already created.


Lean in to the evidence that's already been created.


What have you already done that was once impossible.


That was once just a vision.


That through your action, through your accepting the mission and your becoming of the person that created, that you now have the money, the business, the stage, the clients, the friends you have, that this is the evidence bank.


This is leaning into your evidence bank.


The vision is where we start.


And then we want to lean into the evidence.


At first, there's very little evidence.


And then we begin to create more and more and more evidence.


This is so important to keep creating the evidence.


And once you have the evidence, you know your work is powerful.


You know your story, your vision, your mission needs to be heard.


You know, the more stages that you get on, the more people that you meet, the more people that know about what you do, the bigger impact that you can have, the bigger ripples you will create that becomes waves because you got evidence then.


Then it's time to expand your reach and get onto other people's stages to grow your network even bigger.


Leaning into your net worth is your network.


I'll never forget that quote, because it's not what you know, it's who you know.


And that's why it's going into the power of real life connections.


Yes, Internet connections is where it can begin.


And I am so grateful for the Internet because I live in the jungle, but there's nothing that beats in person, in real life connections.


So it's having a vision, leaning into the power and the evidence of what you've already done, then knowing it's time to expand your reach and get yourself out there and get yourself seen.


Who's feeling number three?


Like, I know that I could have a bigger impact if just more people knew about me, but I'm already doing the things.


I've got my organic down, maybe you've got your ads going, you're doing the things.


And now it's like, okay, I need to get more seen.


Lean into the power of connection.


I remember when I first started my business, I would pitch myself to so many people.


This was before I even had a stage.


And one of the things that I was taught in my first business coaching course is the power of collaboration and how to reach out to other businesses, podcasters and instagramers, and invite myself into being on their stage.


What I was missing in the beginning is how hundreds of podcast outreaches I sent, hundreds of DM's I sent that went, no one responded.


I spent hundreds of hours doing this, trying to get myself onto other people's platforms.


I knew back then the value of being seen on other people's platforms.


But what I didn't know about building a movement was the power of connection first, the power of giving value first.


Since now I have started to actually pay to be on other people's stages, pay to go to in person events, pay to be in big rooms, pay to go on retreat.


Since I started celebrating what my clients are doing, what my mentors are doing celebrating people in my life and giving them value, giving them the stage.


I now get asked to speak on stages.


I meet someone at a retreat without even trying.


Eventually they become a client.


I go and experience a live event, I meet someone there and we end up doing a collaboration together.


I get into a new room and there is where my podcast swaps happen.


There is where my connections happen.


It's when I actually meet someone in real life and I give them value and I celebrate them.


And it's a mutual relationship where it's like connection, real life.


And so when we want to step into the spotlight of the work that we do and build the sought after brand, you got to go first, you have to put yourself into these rooms, you have to put yourself out there.


There's networking events in different spaces and if there's not, you get to create them.


Putting together women's circles, putting together entrepreneur get togethers, going to in real life live events, going to retreats, being the students, getting in the mastermind.


It's like your connections that you celebrate from the rooftops.


And this is where it's deeper than like, I'm going to sell you this and you're going to give me this because it's so much more than that.


It's like, what is the actual energy exchange when we want to build a movement and a lifelong relationship, rather than like, I had thousands of people buy that course, but I never spoke to them again.


Like, how can we create lifelong relationships like a marriage?


And it's how can we continue to grow deeper with the people that we meet in person and online?


And that's where it's like you get to build a brand that creates a ripple when you walk into a room, when you speak on a stage, when you hold a class, and then the people that are in those rooms that meet you become awake, that takes your voice out there for you and it can't be stopped.


Like the water that's so powerful, your vision, your mission, your brand cannot be stopped.


And so that's the power of a movement.


Most entrepreneurs that want to go bigger, they start thinking about like, okay, if I want to double my revenue, what do I need to do more of?


Where Doctor Benjamin Hardy says, if you want to go bigger, go for ten x bigger.


And if you go for ten x bigger, you need to get rid of 80% of what you're doing right now and focus on 20%.


To ditch 80% of what you're focusing on now and focus on 20% and you'll go ten times farther because it will literally logically shift what you think about and what you focus on.


And this is the power of visionary thinking.


Bigger thinking.


Big, big thinking.


Getting yourself in the rooms where you're a smaller fish, where you're uncomfortable, where it's out of your comfort zone, if you've gotten comfortable going live, if you've gotten comfortable hosting your podcast, if you've gotten comfortable on your platform, have you stretched your capacity to get uncomfortable and be on other people's platforms through in person and real life connections to build a bigger movement?


Think about Tony, Robin and the stage he's created and how many people get in his room and what people would do to be on his stage.


Transactional businesses.


Think about, like, I want to go bigger, so I need to create more content.


I need to get on more platforms.


I need to create more offers.


I need to sell more emails, I need to do more social media, I need to do more.


But that's for your platform.


And yet you can supercharge it with ads.


And that's something that I teach, like, let's supercharge what's already working in your organic content and blow it up.




And if you look at Tony Robbins or Russell Brunson, when they launch events, whether it's online or in person, they have their people running ads for them.


Lewis Howes was just running an ad for Tony and Dean, bringing that community into their community.


And this is the power of getting on other stages and having other people market your work for you.


But first, you have to have your own unique voice, your own platform, your own message, being in the spotlight of your movements, and then getting yourself into the spotlight of other movements through giving value and receiving value from this as well.


And so movement makers, they think about, who can I connect with?


Who can I connect with?


What room can I get myself in?


What room can I get myself in?


And where is it that I can go?


Think about that.


Like, is it book the event?


Is it book the retreat?


Is it invite someone in who you look up to, like, get in their offer, and then invite them on as a guest speaker in your mastermind or your podcast.


Think about the value you can bring, the room you can get yourself in, the network you can expand into and watch how that shifts the 80% of what you need to do and skyrocket your business into the next level through stretching your capacity.


Do you go to live events?


Do you go to retreats?


Do you bring on guest speakers and bring other people into the light of what you're doing in your community with your own unique voice, your own unique message.


And if not, how can you start to build a movement where it's like you stand for something?


I stand for wave makers, impact driven, those with a vision to hold the vision, those that are the ones willing to build the evidence before the evidence exists.


So that you're full of an evidence bank.


Your evidence bank is so full.


And then you're like, okay, now it's time to grow and expand my capacity and to get on other people's stages and then real life connection, putting yourself into bigger rooms and giving value to those who you value.


Value the client, value the mentors, value the real life connection.


And if you are someone who's like, where do I even go?


Come join me.


Costa Rica.


I've been leading retreats here for eight and a half years.


This year I'm doing something that I've never done before and I'm walking you through at the here for more live events.


How to build a movement bigger than the movement you already have.


How to get more people onto your stages so that you can have a bigger impact on your community through bringing more value, a different unique voice, a different story, more evidence outside of yours.


This is the space where your inner wealth becomes your external wealth.


Where you don't just become spiritually wealthy, you become emotionally wealthy, you become financially wealthy.


Where you know your network is going to expand your net worth.


You're going to walk into the here for more live event and feel like you've known everyone your whole entire life.


Leaving with besties to collaborate with, leaving with new clients, new ideas, big visions, because that's what this room is going to be full of.


And if you want to get onto stage and speak, I have the masterpiece retreat that is following right after that.


The masterpiece retreat is you take the stage, you host the event for just a moment in front of other leaders to refine and master your skills to understand the art behind creating a retreat.


And what does it really take to bring your work from the computer, from Instagram, from social media, and bring it online, offline, bring it in person so that you can come to a never seen like this before business conference in the jungle in Costa Rica, where people would be barefoot, their bikinis, there's going to be moms with their babies.


It's very different because you are the walking, breathing embodiment of your movement, where it's uniquely yours.


Your voice is different than the rest.


You get to come in and you get to fit in because we're all uniquely weird and wild and crazy.


It's unconventional and you get to step into that unapologetic ownership leadership of like, get myself in the room, book the ticket, book the hotel, be uncomfortable for a moment, know no one in the room and leave knowing every single person.


And what could that do for your business globally?


When we go to a new country, we go to a new place, we put ourselves in an unforeseen uncomfortable situation.


We let it become comfortable.


In the nervous system.


I am an introvert, socially awkward.


I sweat like, I have times of just like literally sitting in my car freaking out because I'm going to have to go meet all these new people.


And I always leave with a new friend, a new collaboration.


And this is how my business has gone from being a yoga teacher to being a business coach to building a movement for visionary wave makers who want to create massive, insane amount of money doing what they love in a way that's different, that's more than just a transaction.


But there's heart and there's depth and it's like goodbye limiting beliefs, goodbye old small stories.


I'm going to get into the room and I'm going to claim what I want.


I'm going to take the action I need to take.


I'm going to move through whatever comes up inside of me and I'm going to gather the tools to regulate my nervous system, to expand my level of consciousness and to always live and lead from my heart so that the people I attract into my community are an energetic match.


Where it's like in retreats.


I always say, this is your let's get lost on an island tribe.




No one else is around.


I'm stuck with you people.


And that's okay because I love these people.


You can check this out, it's amberhagberg.com here for more.


And if you have any questions, you can always reach out to me as well.


Amber Hagberg on Instagram until next time, I hope you have a beautiful day and I look forward to seeing and celebrating you bring your business online to in person.


Deeper transformation, deeper connection.



Show artwork for Amplified Impact

About the Podcast

Amplified Impact
For Female Entrepreneurs
Amplified Impact with Amber Hagberg is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
I am here to inspire you to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, one who stands out and thrives. This is the place where women like you create wealth from the inside out